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08. Energy Management

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RD 153-34.0-08.102-98
Basic Principles for Controlling Production and Business Activity and Procedural Guidelines for Organization of Controller Systems
Price: $407.00
RD 153-34.0-08.105-99
Regulation on the assessment of the readiness of energy companies to work in the autumn-winter period
RD 153-34.0-08.560-00
Method for Calculating Specifications for Use of Thermal Efficiency Reserves of Equipment of Electric Power and Electrification Corporations and Thermal Power Station Corporations
Price: $199.00
RD 153-34.1-08.104-99
Guidelines for the use of an expert system for monitoring and evaluating the operating conditions of turbine units (TA) of TPPs
Price: $407.00
RD 153-34.1-08.556-99
Procedural Guidelines for Execution of Report for a Thermal Power Station on Use of Equipment
Price: $119.00
RD 34.08.501-89
The main provisions for the creation of automated control systems for electric grid enterprises (ACS PES)
Price: $167.00
RD 34.08.502-96
Basic Scientific and Technical Requirements for Development and Expansion of Automated Control Systems for District Electrical Networks
Price: $534.00
RD 34.08.551
Guidelines for Compiling Quarterly and Annual Reports on the Operation of Hydroelectric Generating Stations Using Form No. 6-tp (gidro)
Price: $263.00
RD 34.08.552-95
Procedural Guidelines for Writing Reports of Electric Power Generating Stations and Energy Utility and Electrification Corporations on Thermal Efficiency of Equipment
Price: $1,841.00
RD 34.08.553-91
Guidelines for Filling Out Report Form No. 15-energo (Annual Postal) "Report on Level of Introduction and Operation of Thermal Process Automation Systems at Thermal Power Stations for Year 19...
Price: $263.00
RD 34.08.554
Execution Guidelines for Certificates on Investigation of Violations in Operation of Electric Power Generating Stations, Electrical and Piped Heat Supply Networks, Energy Systems, and Energy Utilities Administered by Minenergo USSR. Summary Classificatio
Price: $2,027.00
RD 34.08.555
Execution Guidelines for Statistical Report on Operation of a Thermal Power Station (Form No. 56-tp (Annual)
Price: $327.00
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