Model Method for Field Tests for the Determination of Service Life of Grinding Units of Ventilated Coal Crushing Mills (Drum Mills, Hammer Mills, and Pulverizing Fans)
Recommended Practice for Acceptance of Repaired Critical Assemblies of Fuel Pulverizing Systems for Boiler Plants
Recommended Practice for Selection of Injectors for Supplying Water Spray in Fuel Pulverizing Systems in Order to Quickly Reduce the Temperature of the Dust-Gas-Air Mixture in Emergencies
Design guidelines for dust preparation units
Guidelines for Installation of Coal and Peat Scraper Feeders
Type operation manual for operation individual coal pulverization systems with ball-tube mills and coal bunker
Model Guidelines for Operation of Individual Direct-Injection Fuel Pulverizing Systems with Pulverizing Fans
Model Guidelines for Operation of Individual Direct-Injection Fuel Pulverizing Systems with Bowl Mills Type MVS
Model Guidelines for Operation of Individual Closed Fuel Pulverizing Systems with Hammer Mills
Instructions for repair of dust preparation equipment of power plants
Standard Procedure. Hardening Blades of Pulverizing Fans Type VM by Automatic Surfacing Method
Guidelines for testing screens at thermal power plants