Procedural Guidelines for Calculation and Design of Pneumatic Tubes for Ash Transportation
Test methods for ash collecting plants of thermal power plants and boilers
Guidelines for the calculation and recommendations for reducing the abrasive wear of pneumatic conveying pipelines of dust preparation systems and ash and slag removal
Guidelines for Calculation and Design of Ash Collector with Venturi Tube Type MV for Modernization of Gas Cleaning Equipment of Thermal Power Stations
Recommended Practice for Selection of Schemes and Equipment for Zero-Discharge Ash and Slag Removal Systems for Thermal Power Stations
Procedural Guidelines for Use of Means for Cleaning External Heating Surface of Steam Boilers
Procedural Guidelines for Calculation and Operation of Apparatus for Water Blasting of Heating Surface of Steam Boilers
Guidelines for Design and Operation Shot Cleaning Units for Energy System Boilers
Technical Requirements for the Fabrication, Installation, and Corrosion Protection of Ash Collector with Venturi Tube Type MV
Guidelines for Installation of Electric Filters Type UG
Procedural Guidelines for Installation of Bituminous Coal Inserts in Ash and Slag Removal Piping
Test Method for Ash-slag-Scaling Installations of Thermal Power Plants and Boilers