Solid electrical insulating materials. Methods of test for the determination of the flammability when exposed to an igniting source
Methods of test for the determination of the ignitability of solid electrical insulating materials when exposed to electrically heated wire sources
Methods for determination of endurance of polymer electrical insulation materials and systems by means of acceleration tests in chemically active media. General requirements. Materials and insulation systems for low-voltage electrical products tests
Electrostatics. Protection of electronic devices from electrostatic phenomena. Integrated microcircuits and semiconductor devices
Billets and plates for photo masks of integrated circuits and semiconductor devices. General technical requirements.
Inorganic dielectrics. Method for determination of specific volume electrical resistance.
Inorganic dielectrics. Method for determination of dielectric strength.
Electron-tube glass. Chemical endurance classification.
Inorganic dielectrics. Method for determination of relative dielectric conductivity and dielectric dissipation factor in the range of 2.5 to 3.5 GHz.
Bottom layers of inorganic dielectrics. Relative dielectric permeability and dielectric loss angel tangent at frequency from 8 to 10 GHZ determination method.
Inorganic dielectrics. Method for determination of relative dielectric conductivity and dielectric dissipation factor in frequency range of 8 to 10 GHz.
Electron-tube glass . Littleton softening point.