SNiP I-G.8-66
SNiP I-G.8-66
Gas Supply. Indoor Installations. Materials, Equipment, Fittings, Parts, and Devices
SNiP I-G.9-66
SNiP I-G.9-66
Gas Supply. Public Systems and Facilities. Materials, Fittings, and Parts
SNiP II-B.6-66
SNiP II-B.6-66
Foundation Beds and Foundations of Buildings and Structures Constructed on Permafrost Soils. Design Standards
SNiP II-G.11-66
SNiP II-G.11-66
Gas Supply. Indoor Installations. Design Standards
SNiP II-G.13-66
SNiP II-G.13-66
Gas Supply. Public Systems and Facilities. Design Standards
SNiP III-A.10-66
SNiP III-A.10-66
Acceptance and Commissioning of Completed Facilities, Buildings, and Structures. Basic Provisions
SNiP III-A.3-66
SNiP III-A.3-66
Duration of construction of enterprises, queues, launch complexes, workshops, industries, installations, buildings and structures
SNiP III-G.10.11-66
SNiP III-G.10.11-66
Equipment and metal structures for coke oven batteries. Rules of production and acceptance of installation works
SNiP III-G.10.12-66
SNiP III-G.10.12-66
Gas cleaning equipment. Rules of production and acceptance of installation works
SNiP III-G.10.6-66
SNiP III-G.10.6-66
Equipment for blast furnaces. Rules of production and acceptance of installation works
SNiP III-G.10-66
SNiP III-G.10-66
Technological equipment. General rules for the production and acceptance of installation work
SNiP III-G.2-66
SNiP III-G.2-66
Gas Supply. Indoor Installations. Work Execution and Acceptance Requirements
SNiP III-G.7-66
SNiP III-G.7-66
Gas Supply. Public Systems and Facilities. Workflow Management and Execution Requirements. Acceptance of Work
SNiP I-V.25-66
SNiP I-V.25-66
Roofing, waterproofing and vapor barrier materials on organic binders

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