Means of small mechanization of agricultural works. Safety requirements
On recognizing as invalid on the territory of the Russian Federation the departmental acts of the USSR, instructions and instructions issued by the central government bodies of the USSR
Labor protection rules for the operation of wastewater treatment facilities of organizations processing agricultural raw materials
Standards for the design of administrative, household buildings and premises for livestock, animal and poultry farms and other agricultural facilities
Lighting standards for agricultural enterprises, buildings and structures
Testing of agricultural machinery. Low-voltage complex control devices. Program and methods of testing.
Testing of agricultural machinery. Steam boilers. Program and methods of testing.
Testing of agricultural machinery. Water heaters and steam generators of electrode type. Program and methods of testing.
Testing of agricultural machinery. Heat generators. Program and methods of testing.
Testing of agricultural machinery. Electric calorific installations. Test methods.
Industry-Specific Unit Base Cost Indexes for Repair of Irrigation and Drainage Systems and Structures - Compendium of Unit Base Cost Indexes for Repair of Irrigation and Drainage Systems and Structures
Procedure for Development, Style, Format, Review, Approval, and Registration of Engineering Design Standards, Industry-Specific Building Codes, and Guidelines