Principal ventilation mine blowers
Mine local ventilating fans
Supple mining main vents and shaped components for them. General technical requirements and test methods
The lighting of underground mines. Main requirements and measuring techniques
Mining equpment. Mine auxiliary fans. General specifications
Mining equipment. Suspension gears for mine cages. General specifications
Underground mines. Explosion prevention and protection systems. Part 1. 2-Bar explosion-proof ventilation structures
Underground mines. Explosion prevention and protection systems. Part 4. Automatic extinguishing systems for road headers
Underground mines. Explosion prevention and protection systems. Equipment and protective systems for firedamp drainage
Particulate air filters for general ventilation. Determination of the filtration performance
Quality indicator system. Ventilating installations for airing of open-pit stagnant wakes. Product indicators.
Quality indicator system. Installations for circulating fans and aerators. Product indicators.