Occupational safety standards system. Construction. Electrical safety. General requirements
System of product development and launching it into manufacture. Building components, products and building materials
Concrete wall stones. Technical conditions
Rules, graters and graters. Technical conditions
Commissioning of electrical, instrumentation and control systems in the process industry. Specific phases and milestones
Nature preservation. Construction of pipe lines. General provisions.
Industry-based system of product quality management in the energy machine building. Certification of industrial products. Procedure for certification by three quality categories in Ministry of power machine engineering.
Certification of industrial production. Procedure of certification according to three quality classes in Ministry of Construction in the regions of the Far East and Transbaikal.
Occupational safety standards system in the building materials industry
Occupational safety standards system in the building materials industry. The structure and composition of the safety service
Occupational safety standards system in the building materials industry. Obligations and rights of the safety service
Occupational safety standards system in the building materials industry. Responsibilities for labor protection of managers and specialists