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91.010 Construction industry


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GOST 12.1.013-78
Occupational safety standards system. Construction. Electrical safety. General requirements
Price: $168.00
GOST 15.901-91
System of product development and launching it into manufacture. Building components, products and building materials
Price: $267.00
GOST 6133-2019
Concrete wall stones. Technical conditions
Price: $590.00
GOST R 58519-2019
Rules, graters and graters. Technical conditions
Price: $283.00
GOST R IEC 62337-2016
Commissioning of electrical, instrumentation and control systems in the process industry. Specific phases and milestones
Price: $542.00
OST 102-104-85
Nature preservation. Construction of pipe lines. General provisions.
OST 108.001.10-81
Industry-based system of product quality management in the energy machine building. Certification of industrial products. Procedure for certification by three quality categories in Ministry of power machine engineering.
OST 110-01-82
Certification of industrial production. Procedure of certification according to three quality classes in Ministry of Construction in the regions of the Far East and Transbaikal.
OST 21-112.0.001-85
Occupational safety standards system in the building materials industry
OST 21-112.0.002-82
Occupational safety standards system in the building materials industry. The structure and composition of the safety service
OST 21-112.0.003-82
Occupational safety standards system in the building materials industry. Obligations and rights of the safety service
OST 21-112.0.004-83
Occupational safety standards system in the building materials industry. Responsibilities for labor protection of managers and specialists
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