Occupational safety standards system. Construction. Works on thermal instulation of equipment and pipe lines. Safety requirements
Buildings and structures. Method of thermovision control of enclosing structures of thermal insulation quality
Building structures with thermal insulation. A method of determining sanitary and chamical characteristics
Steel shaped pipes and products with foamed polyurethane thermal insulation in polyethylene jacket. Technical specifications
Steel pipes and shaped products with foamed polyurethane thermal insulation in protective sheath. Specifications.
Steel pipes and fittings with thermal insulation from polyurethane foam with a protective sheath. Specifications
Thermal insulating products for building equipment and industrial installations. Determination of design thermal conductivity
Building materials and products of high and medium thermal resistance. Methods of determination of thermal resistance by means of guarded hot plate and heat flow meter
Glass and glass products. Determination of energy balance value. Calculation method
Building materials and products of high and medium thermal resistance. Methods of determination of thermal resistance by means of guarded hot plate and heat flow meter
Buildings and structures. Method of thermovision control of enclosing structures thermal insulation quality