Filtering boxes for protective masks and respirators. Method of determining resistance to constant air flow
Rubber and rubber compounds. Method for determination of stiffness and elastic recovery by means of Defo-plastometer
Rubber. Method of test resistance to ageing by measurement of creep
Rubber and rubber compounds. Test methods for the determination of viscosity and tendency to scorching
Rubber. Method for the determination of dynamic modulus and internal friction modulus under variable sing flexure with rotation
Rubber. Methods for determination of fatigue life under variable sign flexure with rotation
Rubber. Determination method of quasi-equilibrium modulus
Cellular rubber. Method for determination of elastic and tensile stress-strain properties
Cellular rubber. Method for determination of compression set
Occupational safety standards system. Asbestos fabrics for hand protection. Method of abrasion test of surface
Occupational safety standards system. Industrial filtering gas masks and respirators. Nephelometric method for determination of all-service canisters penetration coefficient of oil mist
Occupational safety standards system. Industrial filtering gas masks and respirators. Nephelometric methods for determination of penetration coefficient of oil mist under the face part