Amendment to SP 43.13330.2012 SNiP 2.09.03-85 Structures of industrial enterprises
On the publication and application of ODM 218.4.024-2016 "Methodology for assessing the timing of road construction works under the influence of destabilizing factors".
System of design documents for construction. Conditional graphic symbols and images of elements of master plans and transport structures
Construction, equipment and rolling stock clearance diagrams for USSR Metro
Highway tunnels. Construction and equipment clearance diagrams
Clearances of navigable bridge spans in the inland waterways. Norms and technical requirements
Metal road safety barriers. Specifications
Metal road safety barriers. Specifications
Road roads and airfields. Methods for measuring base irregularities and coatings
Automobile roads. Method for determining the coefficient of adhesion between vehicle wheel and road pavement
Elastomeric bearings for bridge building. Specifications
Prestressed reinforced concrete beams for switches. General specifications