On the application and updating of regulatory legal acts establishing the procedure for conducting and approving engineering surveys in the city of Moscow
Regulations on the Inspectorate of State Architectural and Construction Supervision of Moscow
Regulations on the procedure for fencing facades of buildings and structures and fencing construction sites during construction, reconstruction, restoration and overhaul in Moscow.
About the procedure for drawing up a work book
Manual for impulse and low consumption fire extinguishing systems
Recommendations on the design of communication systems, informatization and dispatching of residential construction facilities
Methodical manual on the use of MGSN 1.01-99 when designing morphotypes of historical buildings on the territory
Energy saving in buildings. Issue 1. Design of thermal protection of residential and public buildings
Manual for MGSN 2.02-97 design of anti-radon protection of residential and public buildings
Design of sound insulation of walling of residential and public buildings
Designing protection against traffic noise and vibrations of residential and public buildings
Designing protection against noise and vibration of engineering equipment in residential and public buildings