Stationary steam boilers. Pipe elements of heating surfaces. Connecting pipes within the boiler. Manifolds (chambers). Inter-republican technical specifications
Two-lever locks. Technical conditions.
Industry-based uniformity measurement system. Procedure of measurements. Arrangement and conducting of certification.
Wire data transmission line for the multiplex channels of information exchange. Method of calculation of the generalized transfer ratio.
Stampings and forgings made of carbon and alloy structural steel.
Pressed sections of aluminium alloys. Specifications.
Welded rings from hot rolled strips made of alloy of ХH60ВT (ВЖ98, ЭИ868) type, profiled with rolling. Technical requirements.
Aluminium casting alloy billets. Technical specifications.
Large size Aluminium and Aluminium alloy extruded pipes.
Structural pressed sections of titanium alloys.
Forgings and stamps of aluminium alloys. Ultrasonic flaw-detection method.
Big-sized stamped forgings and parts, made of them. Design items, treatment allowances and dimensions limit deviations.