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Regulatory documents of St. Petersburg

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Disposition 860
Regulations on the interaction between departments of the Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture and government agencies, institutions and organizations in the preparation, approval, registration and issuance of urban planning plans of land plots
RMD 11-08-2009 SPb
Guidelines for preparation of capital construction projects in St. Petersburg City
Price: $598.00
RMD 11-08-2009 St. Petersburg
Guide to the design preparation of capital construction in St. Petersburg
RMD 11-22-2013 Sankt-Peterburg
Guide to project preparation of capital construction in St. Petersburg
RMD 12-21-2013 Sankt-Peterburg
Typical temporary means of fencing, arranging and decorating construction sites
RMD 15-26-2017 Sankt-Peterburg
Layout diagrams of the planning organization of land plots of objects of social infrastructure in the territory of St. Petersburg
RMD 20-19-2013 Sankt-Peterburg
Snow loads for St. Petersburg
RMD 23-16-2012 Sankt-Peterburg
Recommendations for energy efficiency in residential and public buildings
RMD 23-16-2019 St. Petersburg
Recommendations for energy efficiency of residential and public buildings
RMD 23-27-2017 Sankt-Peterburg
Recommendations for normalizing the temperature and humidity conditions of unheated attic spaces
RMD 30-23-2014 Sankt-Peterburg
Guidance on the design of engineering preparation of the territory, engineering networks and improvement of residential and public business neighborhoods
RMD 31-03-2008 Sankt-Peterburg
Recommendations for the design of buildings of hotel enterprises, motels and campgrounds in St. Petersburg
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