Design of agricultural enterprises

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ITP 52-89
Instructions for the design of enterprises for the primary processing of flax
Letter 21-T-7581/og-5547
On the issue of repealing the Rules of organization and maintenance of the technological process in flour mills, approved by order of the State Commission of the USSR Council of Ministers on Food and Procurement of February 1, 1991.
Methodological recommendations
Methodological recommendations for the technological design of irrigation systems using livestock runoff
NiTU 138-56
Standards and technical conditions for the design of buildings for the maintenance of birds
Norms 33-2.2.02-86
Irrigation systems using wastewater. Design standards
Norms of technological design of irrigation systems using livestock runoff
Norms of technological design of irrigation systems using waste water
NTP 10-95
Engineering Design Standards for Greenhouses and Hothouses for Growing Vegetables and Seedlings
Price: $1,341.00
NTP 16-93
Engineering Design Standards for Afterharvest Processing and Storage of Commodity Feed Grains and Seeds of Grain Crops and Grasses
Price: $757.00
NTP 16M-93
Engineering Design Standards for Family Grain Farms and Small-Capacity Grain Processing Facilities
NTP 17-99*
Norms of technological design of systems for removal and preparation for the use of manure and litter
NTP 18-91
Standards of technological design of seasonal agricultural production
Price: $199.00
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