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Regulatory documents of housing and communal services

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Decree 93
On invalidation of clause 79 of the Rules for the provision of communal services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings
Federal Law 210-FZ
On the basics of tariff regulation of utilities
KE-MR 01-2005
Guidelines for the development of optimal operating conditions for the operation of water heating systems for municipal heat supply for an unheated period
Price: $391.00
Letter 02-05-10/52636
On the application in 2022 of the direction of costs 90071 "Housing and communal (utilities) services, contributions to the capital repair of common property in an apartment building
Letter 10116-IF/09
On determining the initial (maximum) contract price
Letter 10955-OL/04
On determining the volume of communal resources supplied to an apartment building
Letter 10966-OG/04
On sending originals of decisions and protocols of general meetings of owners of premises in apartment buildings to a managing organization, a board of a partnership of owners of housing, a housing or housing construction cooperative, other specialized consumer cooperatives, and with the direct method of managing an apartment building - to the state housing supervision authority
Letter 10966-OG/04
On sending originals of decisions and protocols of general meetings of owners of premises in apartment buildings to a managing organization, a board of a partnership of owners of housing, a housing or housing construction cooperative, other specialized consumer cooperatives, and with the direct method of managing an apartment building - to the state housing supervision authority
Letter 12246-ME/06
On procurement on non-working days in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 25, 2020 No. 206
Letter 12360-OG/04
On the suspension of the collection of a penalty (fine, penalty) in case of untimely and (or) not paid in full payment for housing and utilities and contributions for major repairs
Letter 12974-OL/04
On the use of a barcode on the payment document for public services
Letter 13005-RS/04
On the application of plans to reduce discharges in order to comply with the standards for permissible discharges of pollutants, other substances and microorganisms into surface water bodies, underground water bodies and catchment areas for the period up to 2023.
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