Reliability of the constructions and the foundations. Principal rules of the calculations
System of design documents for construction. Main requirements for design and working documents
Buildings and constructions. Rules of inspection and monitoring of the technical condition. General requirements
On the composition of documents to be sent for state expertise in terms of verification of the reliability of determining the estimated cost
On the presence of a typo in SP 70.13330.2012
On the presence of a typo in SP 16.13330.2017
About the presence of a typo in GOST 27751-2014
About misprints in SP 38.13330.2018
About application of p.5.71 SP 35.13330.2011 "Bridges and pipes".
On approval of SP 31.13330.2021 "SNiP 2.04.02-84* Water Supply. External networks and structures".
On approval of Amendments N 4 to SP 22.13330.2016 "SNiP 2.02.01-83 * Foundations of buildings and structures