On Amendments to Article 16 of the Federal Law "On Radiation Safety of the Population" and the Federal Law "On the Safe Handling of Pesticides and Agrochemicals
Sanitary protection zones and zones of observation of radiation objects. Operating conditions and boundaries
Content of technogenic radionuclides in metals
Permissible levels of cesium-137 and strontium-90 in forestry products
Radiation processing of food products. General specifications
Guidelines for dosimetry in the processing of food products by gamma radiation
Guidelines for dosimetry in the processing of food by electron beams and x-ray (bremsstrahlung) radiation
Safety in emergencies. Emergency and rescue works at liquidation of consequences accidents on radiation hazardous objects. General requirements
Optimization of radiation protection of patients in radiology through the use of reference diagnostic levels
Model Ordinance on Radiation Safety Service of Institutions
On the application of regulatory and methodological documents
MR Changes in MR "Radiation monitoring of drinking water by methods of radiochemical analysis"