Ergonomics. Human-centered organization. A guide for executives
On sending a training manual for persons obliged and/or entitled to provide first aid
Monitoring the quality and safety of food products in the Russian Federation
Recommendations for organizing face-to-face visits to citizens living (staying) in stationary organizations in the context of the persisting risks of the spread of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)
On approval of the List of equipment for equipping and re-equipping medical organizations in the implementation of regional programs for the modernization of primary health care
On approval of the composition and content of organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems with the use of cryptographic information protection means, necessary to meet the requirements for personal data protection established by the Government of the Russian Federation for each of the security levels
On approval of the methods of verification of compliance of the provided biometric personal data of a natural person with the corresponding vectors of the unified biometric system and determination of the degree of mutual compliance of biometric personal data and vectors of the unified biometric system sufficient for identification and (or) authentication
On approval of the Regulation on the organization of operational and technical maintenance of public warning systems
Security in emergency situations. Safe City. Typical predictive analytical model using the Bayesian method. General requirements
Security in emergency situations. Safe city. Earthquake forecasting. General requirements.
Security in emergency situations. Safe City. Statistical collection of data in the field of life safety and public order. General requirements
Security in emergency situations. Safe City. Predicting the consequences of power outages. General requirements