On the placement of a car wash within the boundaries of the water protection zone of a water body
Design Guide for Surface Water Abstraction Facilities
Design Guide for Groundwater Abstraction
A guide for the design of water supply and sanitation in difficult engineering and geological conditions. T-3083
Manual for the protection of the inner surface of steel pipes from corrosion (to SNiP 2.04.02-84)
Drawing up the technical and economic part of the off-site water supply and sewage systems projects. Reference manual to SNiP
A guide to designing automation and dispatching water systems
Cooling Tower Design Guide
Manual for the design of facilities for water treatment and treatment
Design of facilities for sludge dewatering of natural water treatment plants
Allowance for the volume and content of technical documentation for off-site water supply and sewage systems
A guide to determining the wall thickness of steel pipes, the selection of grades, groups and categories of steels for external water supply and sewage networks