3.3 Special assessment of working conditions

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Bylaw 953/r
On Approval of the Rules for Occupational Safety and Health during Maintenance and Repair of Infrastructure Facilities of the Track Complex of JSCo "Russian Railways
Decree 486
On a lump sum payment to citizens receiving a pension
Decree 487
On a one-time cash payment to certain categories of citizens receiving a pension
Federal Law 400-FZ
About insurance pensions
Federal Law 426-FZ
On a special assessment of working conditions
GOST 12.0.003-2015
Occupational safety standard system. Dangerous and harmful production effects. Classification
Price: $316.00
GOST 12.0.003-74
Dangerous and harmful production effects. Classification
Price: $41.00
Occupational safety standards system. Occupational safety and health management systems. Assessment of conformance. Requirements
Price: $526.00
Occupational safety standards system. Labor protection management systems. Evaluation of performance and effectiveness
Price: $606.00
Occupational safety standards system. Health management systems. Risk assessment methods to ensure the safety of work
Price: $414.00
GOST 12.1.003-83
Noise. General safety requirements
Price: $88.00
GOST 12.1.037-82
Occupational safety standards system. Examination of working capacity of flight and dispatching personnel. Methods for assessing the auditory function
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