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01.080.10 Designations of publicly available information

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GOST 28197-90
National conformity mark. Form, sizes and technical requirements
GOST ISO 3864-1-2013
Graphic symbols. Safety colours and safety signs. Part 1. Design principles for safety signs and safety markings
Price: $398.00
GOST R IEC 60617-DB-12M-2015
Graphical symbols for diagrams (in the format of data base)
Price: $32,651.00
OST 1-76464-76
Tablets. Design and dimensions
R 50.1.042-2002
Index of Designations of Subassemblies for General-Purpose Machine Building of Class 30 of the Classification of Uniform Standards for Engineering Documents
Price: $1,105.00
RD 50-395-83
Guidelines. System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Representation of special mathematical symbols for the exchange of information on magnetic tapes
SP 16.13330.2017
Steel structures
Price: $745.00
SP 294.1325800.2017
The construction of steel. Design rules
Price: $745.00
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