Perfumery and cosmetic products. Microbiology. Yeast and Mold Counting
Products of the microbiological industry. Key terms and definitions
System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Directory assistance system of microbiological industry. General requirements.
System of product development and launching into manufacture. Carrying out procedure of patent researches in the microbiological industry.
Labour safety standard system. Workplace air. Microorganism acceptable concentration that are used to control pests of agriculture. Control methods.
Labour safety standard system. Organization of worker and officer of microbiological industry with individual protection means, their maintenance, operation.
Labour safety standard system. Biological factor. Terms and definitions.
Labour safety standard system. Training organization of safe labour method in microbiological industry. General provisions.
Labour safety standard system. Technological equipment for microbiological industry. Safety requirements.
Nature preservation. Atmosphere. Emission classification by content. Atmosphere pollution control in microbiology companies.
Occupational safety standards system. Production process in microbiological industry. General safety requirements.
Medical and microbiological industry products. Regulations for manufacturing processes. Development, content and approval procedure requirements.