13.020.99 Environmental protection, other aspects

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Decree 1430
Technological indicators of the best available technologies in the field of wastewater treatment using centralized wastewater disposal systems of settlements or urban districts
Decree 1430
On Amendments to Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Creation of the Public Law Company "Roskadastr"
Decree 1562
On Amendments to the Regulations on the State Environmental Expertise
Decree 360
Regulation on flooding areas, flooding
Directive 1852-r
On approval of the list of urban settlements and urban districts with high and very high pollution of atmospheric air, additionally belonging to the territories of the experiment on quotas for emissions of pollutants (except radioactive substances) into the atmospheric air on the basis of aggregate calculations of atmospheric air pollution
Directive 930-r
On the permissible volume of consumption in the Russian Federation of substances included in List F of substances that deplete the ozone layer in 2022
Draft Code of Practice
Draft revision SP 101.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.06.07-87 Retaining walls, shipping locks, fish pass and fish protection structures
GN 1.2.3539-18
Hygienic standards for pesticide content in environmental objects (the list)
Price: $2,475.00
GOST R 113.00.15-2023
Best Available Techniques. Methodological recommendations for presenting information on economic aspects of implementation of the best available technologies in the information and technical reference book on the best available technologies
GOST R 113.00.19-2023
Best Available Technologies. Methodological recommendations on the procedure for the application of information and technical guides on the best available technologies when assessing the environmental impact of planned (proposed) economic or other activities.
GOST R 55622-2013
Complex security systems. Hydraulic gun carriage trunks with Remote control. General technical requirements
Price: $446.00
GOST R 56642-2021
Tourist services. Ecological tourism. General requirements
Price: $267.00
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