On the determination by the federal operator for waste management of I and II hazard classes of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Radioactive Waste Management Enterprise RosRAO
Transport packing sets for radioactive materials
Treatment and burial of radioactive wastes. Terms and definitions
Radionuclide contamination and deactivation. Terms and definitions
Safety in emergencies. Nuclear waste dumping in agriculture. General requirements
Packing transport sets with used fuel assemblies of nuclear reactors. Types and basic parameters
Packing transport sets with used fuel assemblies from nuclear reactors. Requirements for calculation methods of nuclear safety
Packing transport sets for used fuel assemblies from nuclear reactors. General technical requirements
Safety in emergencies. Nuclear waste dumping in agriculture. General requirements
Radioactive waste. Method for measurement of long-time alpha-resistant measurements of solidified radioactive waste
Radioecological passport of special enterprise on handling with radioactive waste. Basic principles