Housekeeping and potable water. Field methods of analysis
Nature protection. Hydrosphere. Utilization of water and water protection. Basic terms and definitions
Nature protection. Hydrosphere. Classification of water bodies
Nature protection. Hydrosphere. Classification of water usage
Nature protection. Hydrosphere. Regulations for protection of waters from contamination due to drilling and operation of oil or gas sea wells
Environment protection. Hydrosphere. The rules for selecting and assessing the quality of sources of centralized domestic and drinking water supply
Protection of Nature. Hydrosphere. General requirements for the protection of surface and groundwater against pesticide pollution
Nature protection. Hydrosphere. General requirements to surface and underground water control against pollution by oil and oil products
Nature protection. Hydrosphere. General requirements for surface and underground water control against pollution by oil and oil products while supplying by pipe-line
General Requirements to Protection of Surface and Underground Waters Against Pollution by Mineral Fertilizers
Nature protection. Hydrosphere. General rules for water pollution protection over well drilling and oil and gas extracting on land
Hydrosphere. General requirements for surface water protection against pollution