Occupational safety standards system. Electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies. Permissible levels at work-places and requirements for control
Occupational safety standards system. Lasers. Methods of dosimetrical control of laser radiation
Occupational safety standards system. Laser safety. General
Occupational safety standards system. Radiation control during radioactive waste burial. Nomenclature of controlled parameters
Occupational safety standards system. Means of the collective protection against ionizing radiation. General technical requirements
Occupational safety standard system. Means of collective protection against infra-red radiation. General technical requirements
Occupational safety standards system. Additional protective footwear for works with radioactive and chemically toxic substances. General technical requirements and test methods
Occupational safety standards system. Additional personal protective clothing for works with radioactive and chemically toxic substances. General technical requirements and test methods
Occupational safety standards system. Additional respiratory personal protective equipment for works with radioactive and chemically toxic substances. General requirements and test methods
Occupational safety standards system. Protective clothing against liquid chemicals. Performance requirements for chemical protective clothing offering limited protective performance against liquid chemicals. (Types 6 and PB [6])
Occupational safety standards system. Personal equipment of hand protection. Box-gloves. General technical requirements
Occupational safely standards system. Personal means of hand protection. Protective gloves against ionizing radiation and radioactive contamination. General technical requirements and test methods