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29.240.10 Substations. Protective arresters

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GOST 14695-80
Compact unit substations
Price: $526.00
GOST 16837-79
Flameproof mine power transformers. General specifications
Price: $201.00
GOST 17459-78
Non-resonant spark gaps. Main parameters
Price: $84.00
GOST 2.727-68
Unified system for design documentation. Graphic identifications in schemes. Yaps, arresters and vases
Price: $118.00
GOST 20248-82
Unit transformer substations from 25 to 2500 kV·A for voltage to 10 kV. Test methods
Price: $316.00
GOST IEC 61643-11-2013
Low-voltage surge protective devices. Part 11. Surge protective devices connected to low-voltage power systems. Requirements and test methods
Price: $1,274.00
GOST IEC 61643-12-2022
Low-voltage surge protectors. Part 12. Surge voltage protective devices for low-voltage power distribution systems. Principles of selection and use
Price: $2,528.00
GOST IEC 61643-21-2014
Low voltage surge protective devices. Part 21. Surge protective devices connected to telecommunications and signalling networks. Performance requirements and testing methods
Price: $976.00
GOST IEC 61643-22-2022
Low-voltage surge protectors. Part 22. Surge voltage protective devices connected to telecommunications and signalling networks. Principles of selection and use
Price: $991.00
GOST R 51992-2011
Low-voltage surge protective devices. Part 1. Surge protective devices connected to low-voltage power distribution systems. Technical requirements and test methods
Price: $961.00
GOST R 52725-2007
Surge arresters for a.c. electrical installations for voltage from 3 kV to 750kV. General specifications
Price: $622.00
GOST R 53735.5-2009
Surge arresters without gaps and non-linear resistor type gapped surge arresters for a.c. electrical installations for voltages from 3 to 750 kV. Part 5. Selection and application recommendations
Price: $961.00
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