RD 102-31-85
RD 102-31-85
Methods for assessing the reliability of pipeline machines
RD 102-32-85
RD 102-32-85
Guidelines for the rationing of technological precision and metrological support for the production of welding and assembly work in the construction of trunk pipelines
RD 102-36-85
RD 102-36-85
Differentiated standards for renewal (modernization) of special machines, mechanisms, equipment and small-scale mechanization for pipeline construction
RD 118.02.2-85
RD 118.02.2-85
Measurement Technique for Biochemical Oxygen Consumption after Nude-DAY (BODP)
Temporary standards for technological design of equipment for tunneling using mobile tunneling equipment. Compressor units
RD 12.13.026-85
RD 12.13.026-85
Technologically, layout schemes for loading bucket equipment and temporary exchange devices at horizons in the second construction period
RD 12.13.027-85
RD 12.13.027-85
Temporary unified technological schemes for equipping the tunneling of freestanding ventilation and air supply vertical shafts with mobile tunneling equipment
RD 12.13.028-85
RD 12.13.028-85
The methodology for choosing the optimal heat supply schemes in the construction of mines
RD 12.13.029-85
RD 12.13.029-85
The methodology for choosing the optimal schemes and means of drainage in the second period of the construction of mines
RD 12.13.031-85
RD 12.13.031-85
Methodology for the selection and use of permanent buildings and structures in the construction of mines
RD 12.13.032-85
RD 12.13.032-85
Regulation on equipping tunneling with mobile tunneling equipment
RD 12.13.033-85
RD 12.13.033-85
Guidelines for the organization of construction management of complex and large coal enterprises (complexes)
RD 12.13.034-85
RD 12.13.034-85
Temporary standards for the duration of equipping trunks with mobile tunneling equipment and struck in construction
RD 12.13.035-85
RD 12.13.035-85
Economic efficiency indicators for the use in mine construction of certain types of mobile and block aggregated equipment, inventory buildings and structures
RD 12.13.038-85
RD 12.13.038-85
Instructions for the use of burned rocks in grouting solutions for aquifers and the mine workspace
RD 12.13.040-85
RD 12.13.040-85
Technological schemes for the development of roundabout yards
RD 12.13.048-85
RD 12.13.048-85
Standards of economic efficiency of new equipment and office equipment for mining
RD 12.23.101-85
RD 12.23.101-85
The procedure for organizing and conducting work on the development of technical specifications for non-coal products
RD 12.23.102-85
RD 12.23.102-85
Mountain cars. Method for establishing values of noise and vibration characteristics
RD 200-RSFSR-12-0045-85
RD 200-RSFSR-12-0045-85
Regulations on the organization of work on testing fuel systems of vehicles running on compressed natural gas
Price: $199.00
RD 22-127-85
RD 22-127-85
Methodology for calculating the reliability of machines during design. Calculation of machine parts for durability. Stage of development of working documentation
RD 22-145-85
RD 22-145-85
Jib mobile cranes. Stability calculation standards.
RD 26-01-155-85
RD 26-01-155-85
Vessels and high-pressure apparatus
RD 26-11-01-85
RD 26-11-01-85
Instructions for control of welded joints inaccessible for radiographic and ultrasonic testing.
Price: $105.00
RD 26-11-5-85
RD 26-11-5-85
Two-ply steel vessels and devices. Norms and methods of strength calculation.
RD 26-17-049-85
RD 26-17-049-85
Organization of storage, preparation and control of welding materials
RD 26-17-053-85
RD 26-17-053-85
Model project for the improvement of technological preparation of production at the enterprises of the industry on the basis of ESTPP
RD 26-17-062-85
RD 26-17-062-85
Covers of steel enamelled devices. Typical manufacturing process
RD 26-17-063-85
RD 26-17-063-85
Passport metrological service. Filling procedure
RD 26-17-064-85
RD 26-17-064-85
Organization of work on metrological assurance of the quality of chemical and petroleum engineering products
RD 26-17-065-85
RD 26-17-065-85
Organization and Procedure for Metrological Examination of Technical Documentation at Enterprises and Minchimmash Organizations
RD 26-17-44-85
RD 26-17-44-85
Unified system of technological preparation of production in the chemical and petroleum engineering. Typical structures of the CCI services of enterprises, technological and design organizations of the industry
RD 26-20-02-85
RD 26-20-02-85
Guidelines for the mapping of the technical level and product quality maps
RD 26-21-01-85
RD 26-21-01-85
Guidelines for the rationing of the consumption of raw materials and materials for soldering, tinning, bimetallization and antifriction coatings of chemical and petroleum engineering products
RD 26-21-02-85
RD 26-21-02-85
Nondestructive control. Ductile Iron Castings
RD 31.00.87-85
RD 31.00.87-85
Specifications. Rules of construction, presentation and design. The procedure for approval, approval and registration
RD 31.00.88-85
RD 31.00.88-85
Recommendations for organizations and enterprises of the MMF on reducing the volume, simplifying the design and coordination of design documentation
RD 31.00.91-85
RD 31.00.91-85
MMF Spare Propeller Standards
RD 31.01.22-85
RD 31.01.22-85
Procedural Guidelines on the Scope and Procedure for Development, Review, Approval, and Revision of Plans for Development and Location of Maritime Transport
RD 31.04.22-85
RD 31.04.22-85
Test program for automatic measurement, registration and management of oil-containing ballast and flush water from oil tankers
Price: $167.00
RD 31.06.05-85
RD 31.06.05-85
Method for the Determination of Atmospheric Emissions of Particulate Matter During Transshipment of Bulk Cargoes
Price: $391.00
RD 31.07.33-85
RD 31.07.33-85
Instructions for industry registration of document forms
The map of the technological regime of the sea transportation of large diameter pipes, including those with factory external insulation
Map of the technological regime for the transportation of soft containers
Instructions for the placement and securing of cargo in consolidation equipment (containers)
Instructions for the placement and securing of cargo in consolidation equipment (roll trailers - RT, open containers - OK, platform containers - KP)
Rules for the sea transportation of canned food
Map of the technological regime of the sea transportation of leaded gasoline in bulk

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