RD 153-39.4-091-01
РД 153-39.4-091-01
Instructions for protection of urban underground pipelines from corrosion.
Инструкция по защите городских подземных трубопроводов от коррозии.
Status: Effective
The governing document (RC) applies to corrosion protection in the design, construction, reconstruction, operation and repair of steel pipelines (except gas pipelines with a gas pressure of more than 1.2 MPa and heat pipes), laid within the territory of cities and towns, industrial enterprises, and also inter-settlement pipelines. RD establishes norms and requirements for: - design, application, order and organization of anti-corrosion measures related to: - protective insulating coatings on underground pipelines and tanks; - electrochemical protection of underground pipelines and tanks; - the determination of the corrosivity of soils; - quality control of insulation coatings; - measurements on underground steel pipelines; - ensuring industrial, environmental safety and labor protection. RD obliges organizations involved in the design, construction and operation of urban underground pipelines and reservoirs to organize the development of new or adjustments to the existing technical conditions, regulations, instructions and other documentation regarding the protection of structures against corrosion.
Руководящий документ (РД) распространяется на защиту от коррозии при проектировании, строительстве, реконструкции, эксплуатации и ремонте стальных трубопроводов (кроме газопроводов с давлением газа более 1,2 МПа и теплопроводов), прокладываемых в пределах территории городов и населенных пунктов, промышленных предприятий, а также межпоселковых трубопроводов. РД устанавливает нормы и требования к: - проектированию, применению, порядку и организации проведения противокоррозионных мероприятий, относящихся к: - защитным изоляционным покрытиям на подземных трубопроводах и резервуарах; - электрохимической защите подземных трубопроводов и резервуаров; - определению коррозионной агрессивности грунтов; - контролю качества изоляционных покрытий; - измерениям на подземных стальных трубопроводах; - обеспечению промышленной, экологической безопасности и охране труда. РД обязывает организации, осуществляющие проектирование, строительство и эксплуатацию городских подземных трубопроводов и резервуаров, организовать разработку новых или корректировку действующих технических условий, регламентов, инструкций и другой документации в части защиты сооружений от коррозии.
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Approved: Ministry of Energy of Russia,
SKU: RUSS126094
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Construction (Max) »
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Policy letters, regulations, recommendations, etc. »
PromExpert »
II Ensuring environmental safety »
4 Ensuring environmental safety during subsoil use »
4.2 Use and protection of subsoil »
4.2.3 Environmental safety requirements for exploration, extraction of groundwater and minerals »
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91.140 Installations in buildings »
91.140.10 Central heating systems »
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91.140 Installations in buildings »
91.140.40 Gas supply systems »
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93.025 Outdoor plumbing systems »
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93.030 External sewer systems »
The Document References:
GOST 11501-78: Petroleum bitumen. Method for determination of depth of penetrometer needle penetration
GOST 11505-75: Petroleum bitumen. Method for determination of ductility
GOST 11506-73: Petroleum bitumen. The method of the determination of softening point by ring and ball
GOST 12.4.011-89: Occupational safety standards system. Means of protection. General requirements and classification
GOST 15836-79: Bitumen-rubber insulating mastic. Specifications
GOST 16336-77: Polyethylene compositions for cable industry. Specifications
GOST 16337-77: High-pressure polyethylene. Specifications
GOST 19710-83: Ethylene glycol. Specifications
GOST 19907-83: Dielectric fabrics made of glass. Twister complex threads. Specifications
GOST 2678-94: Rolled roofing and waterproof materials. Methods of testing
GOST 4165-78: Reageuts. Copper II sulphate pentahydrate. Specifications
GOST 5180-84: Soils. Laboratory methods for determination
GOST 6456-82: Abrasive paper
GOST 6709-72: Distilled water. Specifications
GOST 9.602-89: Constructions, underground. General requirements for corrosion protection
GOST 9812-74: Petroleum insulating bitumen
GOST R 51164-98: Steel pipe mains. General requirements for corrosion protection
PB 12-245-98: Safety Requirements for Gas Supply Facilities
Rules on the Selection of Pressure Vessels and Equipment: Instruction on the selection of pressure vessels and devices operating under pressure of 100 kgf/cm2 and overpressure protection, Ministry of Petroleum Energy
SNiP 11-01-95: Instructions on the procedure of elaboration, coordination, approval, and composition of design documentation for construction of enterprises, buildings, and structures
TU 1390-010-86695843-2011: Steel pipes and pipeline components welded with an internal anti-corrosion coating based on a paint material with high dry residue
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST R 54982-2022: Gas distribution systems. Facilities for liquefied hydrocarbon gases. General requirements for operation
GOST R 55474-2013: Gas distribution systems. Requirements for gas distribution networks. Part 2. Steel gas pipelines
GOST R 55474-2019: Gas distribution systems. Gas distribution networks of natural gas. Part 2. Steel gas pipelines
GOST R 58180-2018: Gas distribution systems. Requirements for gas distribution networks. Part 5. The gas pipelines with the load-bearing framework coated with a sleeve with polymerizing coating
GOST R 58778-2019: Gas distribution systems. Gas distribution networks and gas consumption. Category 1a high pressure gas pipelines
Order 498: List of questions proposed in the qualification examination for certification of experts in the field of industrial safety
POT R M-026-2003: Intersectoral rules on labor protection during the operation of gas facilities of organizations
RD 153-34.0-20.518-2003: Standard instructions on protection of heat supply system pipelines against external corrosion
RD 153-34.0-20.673-2005: Guidelines for the technical diagnosis of pipelines of heat networks using the acoustic method
RMD 40-20-2013 Sankt-Peterburg: Designing and installation pipelines for water supply and sewage systems in Saint-Petersburg
SP 225.1326000.2014: Station buildings, structures and devices
SP 40-109-2006: Code of practice for design and installation of water and sewer systems with pipes made of high-strength ductile iron and nodular graphite
SP 42-102-2004: Design and construction of gas pipelines from metal pipes. To replace SP 42-102-96
SP 424.1325800.2019: Pipelines trunk and field for oil and gas. Corrosion protection works by means of electrochemical protection and work execution control
SP 66.13330.2011: Designing, building of pressure head networks of water supply and water removal with application of high-strength pipes from pigiron with spherical graphite
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