
GOST 26809.1-2014

ГОСТ 26809.1-2014

Milk and milk products. Acceptance regulations, methods of sampling and for testing. Part 1. Milk, dairy, milk compounds and milk-contained products

Молоко и молочная продукция. Правила приемки, методы отбора и подготовка проб к анализу. Часть 1. Молоко, молочные, молочные составные и молокосодержащие продукты

Status: Effective - Supersedes. IUS 10-2015

This standard applies to milk, dairy, dairy compound and milk-containing products (hereinafter - products) and establishes the rules for acceptance, methods for sampling products and preparing them for analysis

Настоящий стандарт распространяется на молоко, молочные, молочные составные и молокосодержащие продукты (далее - продукты) и устанавливает правила приемки, методы отбора проб продукции и подготовку их к анализу

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, 12/12/2014

SKU: RUSS138527

Price: $217.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) » 027/2012 TR CU. On safety of certain types of specialized food products, including dietary therapeutic and dietary preventive nutrition » Regulations and standards (for ТР ТС 027/2012) »

Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) » 033/2013 TR CU. On safety of milk and dairy products » Regulations and standards (to 033/2013 TR CU) »

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » V Testing and control » 4 Testing and control of products » 4.4 Testing and control of food products » 4.4.5 Products of dairy and butter and cheese industry »

ISO classifier » 67 PRODUCTION OF FOOD » 67.100 Milk and dairy products » 67.100.10 Milk and processed milk products »

National standards » 67 PRODUCTION OF FOOD » 67.100 Milk and dairy products » 67.100.10 Milk and processed milk products »

The Document References:

GOST 1.0-2015: Interstate system for standardization. Basic principles

GOST 1.2-2015: Interstate System for Standardization. Interstate standards. Rules for development, taking over, renovation and cancellation

GOST 26809-86: Milk and milk products. Acceptance regulations, methods of sampling and preparation for testing

The Document is Referenced By:

Decision 236: On the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, through the application of which on a voluntary basis compliance with the requirements of technical regulations of the Customs Union "On food safety" (TR CU 021/2011), and the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, containing rules and methods of research (tests) and measurements, including rules from

GOST 23452-2015: Milk and milk products. Methods for determination of the hlororganic pesticides residues

GOST 23453-2014: Milk. Methods for determination of somatic cells

GOST 23454-2016: Milk. Methods for determination of the inhibitors

GOST 25101-2015: Milk. Method for determination of the freezing point

GOST 26809.2-2014: Milk and milk products. The rules of test acceptance, methods of sampling and its preparation for the analysis. Part 2. Cow milk butter, spreads, cheese and cheese products, processed cheese and processed cheese products

GOST 27709-2015: Canned condensed milk. Viscosity estimation method

GOST 28283-2015: Cow's milk. Method of the organoleptic determination of odour and taste

GOST 30347-2016: Milk and milk product. Methods for determination of staphylococcus aureus

GOST 31449-2013: Raw cow's milk. Specifications

GOST 31450-2013: Drinking milk. Specifications

GOST 31451-2013: Drinking cream. Specifications

GOST 31452-2012: Soured cream. Specifications

GOST 31454-2012: Kefir. Specifications

GOST 31455-2012: Ryazhenka. Specifications

GOST 31456-2013: Sour clotted milk. Specifications

GOST 31506-2012: Milk and milk products. Determination of non-milk fats

GOST 31534-2012: Cottage cheese. Specifications

GOST 31668-2012: Acidophilus milk. Specifications

GOST 31674-2012: Feeds, compound feeds, material for compound feeds. Methods for the determination of common toxicity

GOST 31688-2012: Canned milk. Milk and sweetened condensed cream. Specifications

GOST 31694-2012: Food products, food raw materials. Method of determination of the antibiotic residues of tetracycline group by High performance Liquid Chromatography. Mass spectrometry

GOST 31702-2013: Airan. Specifications

GOST 31703-2012: Milk-containing sweetened condensed canned foods. General specifications

GOST 31976-2012: Yogurts and yogurt's products. Potentiometric method for determination of titratable acidity

GOST 31977-2012: Dried milk products. Method for determination of bulk density

GOST 31978-2012: Caseins and caseinates. Method for determination of pH

GOST 31980-2012: Milk. Spectrometric method for determination of total phosphorus content

GOST 32014-2012: Food products, food raw materials. Method of determination of the nitrofuran mytobolites by high performance liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS)

GOST 32219-2013: Milk and milk products. Immunoenzyme methods for determination of antibiotics

GOST 32254-2013: Milk. Instrumental express-method for determination of antibiotics

GOST 32255-2013: Milk and milk products. Instrumental express-method for determination of physic-chemical identification parameters by infrared analyzer

GOST 32834-2022: Food products. Method for Determination of Residual Anthelminthics by High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometric Detection

GOST 32892-2014: Milk and dairy products. Method of pH determination

GOST 32901-2014: Milk and milk products. Methods of microbiological analysis

GOST 32915-2014: Milk and milk products. Determination of fatty acid content by gas chromatography method

GOST 32916-2014: Milk and milk products. Determination of vitamin D mass fraction by high performance liquid chromatography method

GOST 32922-2014: Pasteurized cow's milk - raw material. Specifications

GOST 32923-2014: Fermented milk products enriched with probiotic microorganisms. Specifications

GOST 32924-2014: Cream for a feed of children. Specifications

GOST 32925-2014: Kefir for children's nutrition. Specifications

GOST 32926-2014: Acidophilus milk for a feed of children. Specifications

GOST 32927-2014: Tvorog for a feed of children. Specifications

GOST 32928-2014: Sour clotted milk for a feed of children. Specifications

GOST 32929-2014: Sour milk ice cream. Specifications

GOST 32940-2014: Goat's milk raw. Specifications

GOST 33478-2015: Enriched drinking milk. General specifications

GOST 33480-2015: Cream Cheese. General specifications

GOST 33490-2015: Milk and milk products. Detection of vegetable fat by gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection

GOST 33491-2015: Product fermented-milk, enriched bifidobacteriae bifidum. Specifications

GOST 33500-2015: Milk and milk products. Determination of phosphates content

GOST 33526-2015: Milk and dairy products. Method for determination of the antibiotic by high performance liquid chromatography

GOST 33527-2015: Milk and dairy component products for baby food. Determination of mono- and disugars mass concentration by method of capillary electrophoresis

GOST 33528-2015: Milk and milk products. Identification of protein composition by use of electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel

GOST 33566-2015: Milk and dairy products. Determination of yeast and mould

GOST 33567-2015: Lactose. Specifications

GOST 33568-2015: Milk and dairy products. Methods for determination of salt-tolerant bacteria

GOST 33569-2015: Milk products. Conductometric method for determination of sodium chloride

GOST 33600-2015: Milk and dairy products. Method for determination of the lactoferrin by high performance liquid chromatography

GOST 33601-2015: Мilk and milk products. Express method for determination of the aflatoxin M1 content

GOST 33628-2015: Cream-raw material. Methods of adulteration determination

GOST 33629-2015: Canned milk. Dry milk. Specifications

GOST 33634-2015: Food products, food raw materials. Immunoenzymatic method for determination of fluoroquinolones residual content

GOST 33920-2016: Food caseinate. Specification

GOST 33921-2016: Canned milk. Condensed sweetened cooked milk. Specifications

GOST 33922-2016: Canned milk. Dry cream. Specifications

GOST 33923-2016: Canned compound sweetened condensed milk. Specifications

GOST 33924-2016: Milk and milk product. Methods for determining Bifidobacterium

GOST 33925-2016: Baby food. Determination of the mass fraction of fat by the Weibull-Ribbentrop method

GOST 33926-2016: Dairy component and milk-containing products. Ice cream and ice cream mixtures. Determination of the mass fraction of fat by the Weibull-Ribbentrop method

GOST 33927-2016: Glazed curds. General specifications

GOST 33951-2016: Milk and milk product. Methods for determination of the lactic acid bacteria

GOST 33956-2016: Milk albumin and pasta albumin. Specification

GOST 33957-2016: Definitions of reducing sugars and sucrose. The rules of tests acceptance, sampling and control methods

GOST 33958-2016: Canned milk. Whey powders. Specifications

GOST 34048-2017: Sour milk product "Snowball". Technical specifications

GOST 34136-2017: Food products, food raw materials. Method for determination of the residual content of macrolides, lincosamides and pleuromutilins by high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry

GOST 34137-2017: Food products, food raw materials. Method for determination of the residual content cephalosporins by high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry

GOST 34138-2017: Food products, food raw materials. Method of determining residual content of macrocyclic lactones by high performance liquid chromatography with fluorimetric detection

GOST 34139-2017: Food products, food raw materials. Method for the determination of the residual content of sedatives and blockers using high performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometric detection

GOST 34141-2017: Food products, feed, food raw materials. Arsenic, Cadmium, Mercury and Lead Detection by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry

GOST 34164-2017: Food products, food raw materials. An immunoenzymatic method for the determination of the residual content of the metabolite furatsilina

GOST 34254-2017: Canned milk Condensed sterilized milk. Technical conditions

GOST 34255-2017: Canned milk. Dri milk for infant products manufacture. Specifications

GOST 34285-2017: Food products, food raw materials. Method for the detection of chemotherapeutic drugs by the hemiluminescence immunoenzymatic assay with the use of biochip technology

GOST 34304-2017: Milk and dairy products. Method for the determination of lactose and galactose

GOST 34312-2017: Condensed milk-raw material. Specifications

GOST 34354-2017: Buttermilk and drinks on its base. Specifications

GOST 34355-2017: Cream-raw material. Specifications

GOST 34454-2018: Dairy products. Determination of protein content by the Kjeldahl method

GOST 34455-2018: Dairy products. Determination of fat content by the Weibull-Berntrop method

GOST 34456-2018: Мilk and dairy products. Determination of sterols by high-performance liquid chromatography

GOST 34472-2018: Milk. Turbidofluorimetric rapid method for estimating total bacterial load

GOST 34533-2019: Food products, food raw materials. Method for determining the residual content of sulfonamides, nitroimidazoles, penicillins, amphenicol using high performance liquid chromatography with a mass spectrometric detector

GOST 34535-2019: Food products, feed, food raw materials. Method for determining the content of coccidiostatics using high performance liquid chromatography with a mass spectrometric detector

GOST 34536-2019: Milk and dairy products. Determination of the mass fraction of whey proteins by the Kjeldahl method

GOST 34592-2019: Food products, food raw materials. Methods for determination of insectoacaricides

GOST 34617-2019: Specialized food products. Cottage cheese with components for feeding young children. Technical specifications

GOST 34620-2019: Specialized food products. Mixtures based on soy protein isolate for feeding children in their first year of life. General specifications

GOST 34621-2019: Specialized food products. Drinks protein, protein-carbohydrate and carbohydrate-protein dry for athletes. General specifications

GOST 34677-2020: Food products, food raw materials. Immunoassay method for determining the residual content of lincosamides

GOST 34815-2021: Food Products. Accelerated oxidation test using an oxidation test reactor

GOST 34837-2022: Adapted milk mixtures for baby food. Determination of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and manganese by atomic absorption spectrometry

GOST 34957-2023: Food products. Immunoenzymatic method for determination of tylosin residual content

GOST 34967-2023: Food products. Separate determination of added phosphate content by ion chromatography method

GOST 35004-2023: Specialized food products. Food products of enteral nutrition basic. General technical conditions

GOST 3623-2015: Мilk and milk products. Methods for determination of pasteurization

GOST R 51453-99: Milk fat. Method for determination of peroxide value in anhydrous fat

GOST R 51462-99: Dried milk products. Method for determination of bulk density

GOST R 51463-99: Rennet caseins and caseinates. Method for determination of ASH content

GOST R 51464-99: Caseins and caseinates. Method for determination of water content

GOST R 51466-99: Caseins. Method for determination of 'fixed ash' mass fraction

GOST R 51468-99: Caseins. Method for determination of free acidity

GOST R 51470-99: Caseins and caseinates. Method for determination of protein content

GOST R 51472-99: Instant whole milk powder. Method for determination of white flecks number

GOST R 52054-2003: Cow's milk raw. Specifications

GOST R 53456-2022: Whey protein concentrates dry. Technical specifications

GOST R 53512-2009: Cheese products. General specifications

GOST R 53952-2010: Drinking enriched milk. General specifications

GOST R 54669-2011: Milk and milk products. Methods for determination of acidity

GOST R 55246-2012: Milk and milk products. Determination of non-protein nitrogen content by Kjeldahl method

GOST R 55578-2013: Specialized food products. Method of osmolality determination

GOST R 56416-2015: Specialized milk-based products. Determination of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids by gas chromatography

GOST R 56580-2015: Drinking milk for pregnant and lactating women. Specification

GOST R 56833-2015: Demineralized dairy whey. Specifications

GOST R 56931-2016: Foodstuffs and food raw materials. Voltammetric method of mercury determination

GOST R 57087-2016: Dry bacterial starter for making silage of food. Specification

GOST R 57878-2017: Agricultural pedigree cattle. Methods of determination of productivity parameters of horned cattle of milk and combined directions

GOST R 57989-2017: Specialized food products. Methods for the detection of foodborne pathogens based on polymerase chain reaction

GOST R 58340-2019: Milk and dairy products. Method of sampling from a sales shelf and delivering samples to a laboratory

GOST R 70238-2022: Milk and milk products. Method for identification of the composition of the fat phase and determination of the mass fraction of milk fat

GOST R 70356-2022: Specialized food products. Milk based porridges ready to eat for nutrition of infants. General specifications

GOST R 70606-2022: Food specialized products. Food products for baby food. Organization and implementation of microbiological control of baby food products in the dairy industry enterprises

MUK 4.1.3440-17: Determination of residual amounts of 2,4-D acid in milk, eggs and offal of mammals by chromatographic methods

STB 1467-2017: Ice cream. General technical conditions

STB 1552-2017: Yogurt General technical conditions

STB 1746-2017: Drinking Milk. General technical conditions

STB 1858-2009: Dry milk. General specifications

STB 1859-2016: Kefir for feeding young children. General specifications

STB 1860-2016: Drinking milk for infant feeding. General specifications

STB 1887-2016: Drinking cream. General specifications

STB 1888-2016: Sour cream. General specifications

STB 2206-2017: Sour-milk products. General specifications

STB 2219-2017: Dry whey. General technical conditions

STB 2263-2016: Skimmed milk. Technical conditions

STB 2277-2016: Сream-raw materials. Specifications

STB 2283-2016: Curds and curd snacks. General specifications

STB 2494-2017: Curd paste for feeding children of preschool and school age. General specifications

STB 315-2017: Cottage cheese. General technical conditions

STB 970-2017: Kefir. General technical conditions

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