
GOST 33080-2014

ГОСТ 33080-2014

Timber structures. Strength classes of structural sawn timber and methods of its determination

Конструкции деревянные. Классы прочности конструкционных пиломатериалов и методы их определения

Status: Effective - Introduced for the first time. IUS 6-2015

This standard applies to structural sawn timber (hereinafter referred to as sawn timber) from coniferous wood, as well as sawn timber glued along the length on a toothed adhesive joint according to GOST 19414 and

Настоящий стандарт распространяется на конструкционные пиломатериалы (далее - пиломатериалы) из древесины хвойных пород, а также пиломатериалы, склеенные по длине на зубчатом клеевом соединении по ГОСТ 19414 и/или по ширине на гладкую фугу по ГОСТ 9330, рассортированные по прочности с заданной доверительной вероятностью

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, 11/26/2014

SKU: RUSS138915

Price: $283.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Standards » Other state standards used in construction » 91 Building materials and construction »

ISO classifier » 91 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION » 91.080 Structures of buildings » 91.080.20 Wooden structures »

National standards » 91 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION » 91.080 Structures of buildings » 91.080.20 Wooden structures »

The Document References:

GOST 16483.1-84: Wood. Method for determination of density

GOST 16483.25-73: Wood. Determination method of modulus of elasticity in compression across fibres

GOST 16483.27-73: Wood. Determination method of modulus of elasticity in tension along fibres

GOST 16483.30-73: Wood. Method for determination of modulus of shear

GOST 16483.7-71: Wood. Methods for determination of moisture content

GOST 16588-91: Sawn products and wooden details. Methods for determining moisture content

GOST 19414-90: Solid glued wood. General requirements for glued finger joints

GOST 2140-81: Visible defects, of wood. Classification, terms and definitions, methods of measurement

GOST 21554.1-81: Sawn timber and blanks. Methods for determination of modulus of elasticity in static bending

GOST 21554.2-81: Sawn timber and blanks. Method for determination of ultimate strength in static bending

GOST 21554.3-82: Sawn timber and blanks. Method for control of strength at bending, tension and compression

GOST 21554.4-78: Sawn timber and semi-manufactures. Method for determining the ultimate strength in compression parallel to grain

GOST 21554.5-78: Sawn timber and semi-manufactures. Method for determining the ultimate strength in tension parallel to grain

GOST 21554.6-78: Sawn timber and semi-manufactures. Method for determining the ultimate strength in shearing parallel to grain

GOST 24454-80: Sawn timbers of coniferous species

GOST 33120-2014: Glued timber structures. Methods for determining strength of glue joints

GOST 6564-84: Lumbers and blanks

GOST 8486-86: Coniferous sawn timber. Specifications

GOST 9330-76: Principal joints of details of wood and wooden materials. Types and dimensions

GOST R ISO 3951-1-2007: Statistical methods. Sampling procedures for inspection by variables. Part 1. Specification for single sampling plans indexed by acceptance quality limit for lot-by-lot inspection for a single quality characteristic and a single AQL

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST 19414-2023: Glued wooden structures. General requirements for toothed glue joints

GOST 20850-2014: Wooden glued load bearing structures. General specifications

GOST 21.504-2016: System of building design documents. Rules for the implementation of working documentation for wooden structures

GOST 33081-2014: Wooden glued bearing structures. Strength classes of structures elements and methods for its determination

GOST 33082-2014: Timber structures. Methods of determining the bearing capacity of the joints

GOST 33121-2014: Glued timber structures. Methods for determining the resistance of glue joints to the temperature and humidity effects

GOST R 56706-2022: Cross-laminated wood boards. General technical conditions

GOST R 56711-2015: Pin type connection for wooden structures. Specifications

GOST R 57031-2016: Building timber structures. Rules of strength grading of sawn timber

GOST R 57158-2016: Timber structures. Test methods for dowel connections made with nails, screws, dowels and bolts

GOST R 57341-2016: Fasteners for timber structures. Strength properties

GOST R 57786-2017: Wooden glued laminated bearing structures. Visual sorting of laminates to strength classes

GOST R 58459-2019: Wooden structures. Determination of normative and calculated values ​​of the mechanical properties of wood and materials based on it

GOST R 58559-2019: Wooden structures. Metal gear keys. Test methods

GOST R 58562-2019: Wooden structures. Metal ring keys. Test methods

GOST R 58863-2020: Production tables. Metal workbenches. General specifications

SP 299.1325800.2017: Ventilation systems of highway tunnels. Design rules

SP 382.1325800.2017: Glued laminated wooden structures on glued rods. Calculation methods

SP 426.1325800.2018: Structures front translucent buildings and structures. Design rules

SP 64.13330.2011: Wooden structures.

SP 64.13330.2017: Timber structures

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