GOST R 42.4.01-2014
ГОСТ Р 42.4.01-2014
Civil defence. Civil defence constructions. Test methods
Гражданская оборона. Защитные сооружения гражданской обороны. Методы испытаний
Status: Effective - Introduced for the first time. IUS 5-2015
This standard defines the basic requirements for the testing of individual structural elements, engineering systems and protective structures of civil defense in general. This standard is intended for use by authorities specifically authorized to solve ta
Настоящий стандарт определяет основные требования по проведению испытаний отдельных конструктивных элементов, инженерно-технических систем и защитных сооружений гражданской обороны в целом. Настоящий стандарт предназначен для применения органами, специаль
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Approved: Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology,
SKU: RUSS139871
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13 Environmental protection, protection of people from environmental exposure. Security »
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13.200 Fight against accidents and disasters »
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13.200 Fight against accidents and disasters »
The Document References:
GOST 10060.0-95: Methods for the determination of frost-resistance. General requirements
GOST 10180-90: Concretes. Methods for strength determination using reference specimens
GOST 10181-2000: Concrete Mixtures Test method
GOST 10884-94: Thermomechanically hardened steel bars for reinforced concrete constructions. Specifications
GOST 10921-90: Radial and axial fans. Aerodynamic testing methods
GOST 11823-91: Check valves for stipulated pressure of pn < 25 MPa (250 kgf/sm2)
GOST 12.2.028-84: General-purpose ventilators. Methods of noise characteristics determination
GOST 12004-81: Reinforcing-bar steel. Tensile test methods
GOST 12730.1-78: Concretes. Methods of determination of density
GOST 12730.3-78: Concretes. Method of determination of water absorption
GOST 12730.5-84: Concretes. Methods for determination of water tightness
GOST 13015-2003: Concrete and reinforced concrete products for construction. General technical requirements. Rules for acceptance, marking, transportation and storage
GOST 13252-91: Swing check valves for Pnom £25 MPa (250 kgf/cm2). General specifications
GOST 13547-79: Butterfly valves for pnom up to 2.5 MPa (25 kgf/cm2)
GOST 1497-84: Metals. Methods of tension test
GOST 15.309-98: System of product development and launching into manufacture. Test and acceptance of produced goods. Principal positions
GOST 17624-87: Concrete. Ultrasonic method of strength determination
GOST 17677-82: Light fixtures
GOST 19824-74: Filter air purification means for collective protection objects. Method of measuring the constant air flow resistance
GOST 21345-2005: Ball, lifting-plug and cylindrical cocks for nominal pressure at most PN 250. General specifications
GOST 22536.0-87: Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. General requirements for methods of analysis
GOST 22690-88: Concretes. Determination of strength by mechanical methods of nondestructive testing
GOST 23866-87: Single-seated, double-seated and cellular
GOST 24054-80: Engineering and instrument production items. Leak detection methods. General requirements
GOST 24940-96: Buildings and structures. Methods of measuring luminance
GOST 25136-82: Pipe-line connections. Leak tightness test methods
GOST 25923-89: Butterfly control valves. Basic parameters
GOST 26548-85: Air heaters. Methods of tests
GOST 26658-85: Electric generating sets and mobile power stations with internal combustion engines. Test methods
GOST 27006-86: Concretes. Rules for mix proportioning
GOST 27924-88: Fire-hazard testing. Test methods. Bad-connection test with heaters
GOST 28343-89: Flanged steel ball valves
GOST 28570-90: Concretes. Methods of strength evaluation on cores drilled from structures
GOST 28574-90: Corrosion protection in construction. Concrete and reinforced concrete constructions. Methods of the protection covers adhesion testing
GOST 2933-83: Low-voltage electrical apparatus. Methods of tests
GOST 30244-94: Building materials. Methods for combustibility test
GOST 30247.0-94: Elements of building constructions. Fire-resistance test methods. General requirements
GOST 30247.1-94: Elements of building constructions. Fire-resistance test methods. Load bearing and separating constructions
GOST 30247.2-97: Elements of building constructions fire resistance test method doors and gates
GOST 30247.3-2002: Building structures. Fire-resistance tests methods. Elevator shaft doors
GOST 30331.2-95: Electrical installations of buildings. Part 3. General characteristics
GOST 30630.0.0-99: Environment stabilty test methods for machines, instruments and other industrial products. General requirements
GOST 31294-2005: Direct-acting safety valves. General specifications
GOST 356-80: Valves and details for piping. Pressures conditional, test and operational. Lines.
GOST 5761-2005: Valves for nominal pressure at most PN 250. General specifications
GOST 5762-2002: Pipeline industrial valves. Gate valves PN<=250. General specifications
GOST 6755-88: Type HP-I calcareous chemical absorbent
GOST 7473-94: Ready-mixed concrete. Specifications
GOST 8269.0-97: Mauntainous rock road-metal and gravel, industrial waste products for construction works. Methods of physical and mechanical tests
GOST 8269-87: Crushed aggregate of natural rock, crushed-gravel aggregate and gravel for construction work. Testing methods
GOST 8735-88: Sand for construction work. Testing methods
GOST 8829-94: Reinforced concrete and prefabricated concrete building products. Loading test methods. Assesment of strength, rigidity and crack resistance
GOST 9544-2005: Pipeline gate valves. Classes and rates of gates sealibility
GOST R 50571.16-99: Electrical installations of buildings. Part 6. Verification. Chapter 61. Initial verification
GOST R 50571.2-94: Electrical installations of buildings. Part 3. General characteristics
GOST R 50807-95: Residual current operated protective devices. General requirements and test methods
GOST R 51232-98: Drinking water. General requirements for organization and quality control methods
GOST R 51251-99: Air filters. Classification. Marking
GOST R 51372-99: Accelerated life and storable life tests methods in special aggressive and other special medias for technical products, material and systems of materials. General
GOST R 51802-2001: Aggressive and other special media stability test methods for machines, instruments and other industrial products
GOST R 51838-2001: Safety of machinery. Electrical equipment for industrial machines. Test methods
GOST R 53325-2009: Fire techniques. Means of fire automatics. The general technical requirements. Test methods
GOST R 53402-2009: Pipeline valves. Methods of control and testing
Manual: Manual for impulse and low consumption fire extinguishing systems
NPB 233-96: Method of full scale fire test. General requirements
NPB 239-97: Ventilation Ducts. The test method for the fire resistance
NPB 241-97: Fire dampers of ventilation systems. The test method for the fire resistance
NPB 246-97*: Wiring accessories. Fire safety requirements. Test methods
SNiP 3.01.09-84: Acceptance and Commissioning of Completed Construction Projects of Shelters and Their Maintenance in Peacetime
SP 10.13130.2009: Systems of fire protection. Fire line inside. Fire safety requirements
SP 131.13330.2012: Building climatology
SP 13-102-2003: Rules of inspection of bearing structures of buildings and facilities
SP 15.13330.2012: Masonry and reinforced masonry structures
SP 16.13330.2011: Steel structures
SP 20.13330.2011: Loads and impacts
SP 22.13330.2011: Buildings and structures foundations
SP 24.13330.2011: Pile foundations
SP 25.13330.2012: Soil bases and foundations on permafrost soils
SP 29.13330.2011: Floors
SP 30.13330.2012: Domestic water supply and sewerage of buildings.
SP 31-110-2003: Design and installation of electrical facilities of residential and public buildings. To replace VSN 59-88
SP 59.13330.2012: Accessibility of buildings and structures for persons with disabilities and persons with reduced mobility
SP 60.13330.2012: Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC). Updated living edition of SNiP 41-01-2003
SP 63.13330.2012: Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. General provisions.
SP 64.13330.2011: Wooden structures.
SP 7.13130.2013: Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Fire Safety Requirements
SP 88.13330.2011: Civil Defense
SP 88.13330.2014: The protective shelters of civil defense
The Document is Referenced By:
Methodical recommendations 2-4-71-37-11: recommendations for the preparation of documentation for deregistration (type change) of civil defense protective structures
MRR 4.11-20: Civil Defense
SP 88.13330.2014: The protective shelters of civil defense
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