
GOST R 51671-2015

ГОСТ Р 51671-2015

Technical aids for communication and information of public use for disabled persons. Classification. Requirements of accessibility and safety

Средства связи и информации технические общего пользования, доступные для инвалидов. Классификация. Требования доступности и безопасности

Status: Effective - Supersedes. IUS 8-2016

This standard applies to technical means of communication, information and public alarm systems that are accessible to people with disabilities (hereinafter referred to as persons with disabilities), and establishes a classification of these tools, as wel

Настоящий стандарт распространяется на технические средства связи, информации и сигнализации общего пользования, доступные для людей с ограничениями жизнедеятельности (далее - инвалиды), и устанавливает классификацию указанных средств, а также требования,

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, 10/28/2015

SKU: RUSS139893

Price: $198.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Standards » Other state standards used in construction » 11 Health »

PromExpert » SECTION III. LABOR PROTECTION AND SAFETY » V Social Security » 2 Safety requirements » 2.4 Information Security »

PromExpert » SECTION III. LABOR PROTECTION AND SAFETY » V Social Security » 1 Requirements of sanitary and epidemiological regulation » 1.5 Rationing infield of cultural services »

ISO classifier » 11 HEALTH » 11.180 Aids for persons with physical disabilities and injuries »

National standards » 11 HEALTH » 11.180 Aids for persons with physical disabilities and injuries »

ISO classifier » 11 HEALTH » 11.180 Aids for persons with physical disabilities and injuries » 11.180.01 Aids for persons with physical disabilities and injuries in general »

National standards » 11 HEALTH » 11.180 Aids for persons with physical disabilities and injuries » 11.180.01 Aids for persons with physical disabilities and injuries in general »

The Document is Replaced With:

GOST R 51671-2020: Means of communication and information are technical general use, accessible for disabled people. Classification. Accessibility and security requirements

As a Replacement Of:

GOST R 51671-2000: Technical aids for communication and information of public use for disabled persons. Classification. Requirements of accessibility and safety

The Document References:

GOST 10264-82: Light signaling fittings

GOST 19472-88: National automatic telephone communication system. Terms and definitions

GOST 21786-76: Man-machine system. Sound signalling devices for non-voice communication. General ergonomic requirements

GOST 24214-80: Loudspeaker communications. Terms and definitions

GOST 25869-90: Distinctive signs and information maintenance of travelling stock of passenger overland transport, stops and stations. General technical requirements

GOST 26.020-80: Types for means of measuring and automation. Inscription and main dimensions

GOST 27833-88: Means of information display. Terms and definitions

GOST 28170-89: Acoustic wave devices. Terms and definitions

GOST 28911-2015: Lifts. Control devices, signals and additional fittings

GOST R 12.4.026-2001: Occupational safety standards system. Safety colors, safety signs and signal marking. Purpose and rules of application. General technical requirements and characteristics. Test methods

GOST R 50646-2012: Services for people. Terms and definitions

GOST R 51024-2012: Medical electronics hearing aids. Technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 51090-2017: Designated public transportation vehicles. General technical requirements of accessibility and safety for disabled persons

GOST R 51646-2000: Rehabilitation telephonies means of communication for disable persons with violations of hearing or eyesight. Classification. Basic parameters

GOST R 52290-2004: Traffic control devices. Traffic signs. General technical requirements

GOST R 53388-2009: Lifts. Control devices, signals and additional fittings

GOST R ISO 23600-2013: Assistive products for persons with vision impairments and persons with vision and hearing impairments. Acoustic and tactile signals for pedestrian traffic lights

GOST R ISO 9999-2014: Assistive products for persons with disability. Classification and terminology

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST R 52131-2019: Information display facilities iconic for the disabled. Technical requirements

GOST R 52875-2018: Tactile terrestrial signs for the visually impaired. Technical requirements

GOST R 55441-2013: Inland water transport. Operation of cargo transfer complexes and passenger terminals of river ports. General safety requirements

GOST R 57286-2016: Social tourist services. Tourist services for elderly people. General requirements

GOST R 58098-2018: Services in railway transport. Requirements for passengers service in high-speed trains

GOST R 58099-2018: Services in railway transport. Requirements for passengers service in local trains

GOST R 58171-2018: Services in railway transport. Requirements for passenger service at railway stations

GOST R 58172-2018: Services in railway transport. Requirements for passenger service at flag stations

GOST R 58288-2018: Assistive tools and technologies for people with disabilities. Terms and Definitions

RMD 32-18-2016 St. Petersburg: Recommendations for the use of paving in the construction of pavements for residential and public and business buildings

SP 139.13330.2012: Buildings and premises with working places for disebled rules of architectural design

SP 140.13330.2012: Urban environment. Design rules for people with limited mobility

SP 252.1325800.2016: Preschool educational institution buildings. Design rules

SP 253.1325800.2016: High-rise buildings utilities

SP 460.1325800.2019: Buildings of educational organizations of additional education for children. Design rules

SP 59.13330.2020: Accessibility of buildings and structures for people with limited mobility SNiP 35-01-2001

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