Collected volume of base prices for construction design works in the city of Moscow
Сборник базовых цен на проектные работы для строительства в городе Москве
Status: Not effective - Superseded
The compendium contains methodological approaches and features for determining the basic cost of designing various housing, civil, municipal and industrial facilities, including the development of projects for individual and experimental construction, repeated and repeated use, engineering communications projects, building projects, and projects for the reconstruction of buildings and structures.
Сборник содержит методические подходы и особенности определения базовой стоимости проектирования различных объектов жилищно-гражданского, коммунального и производственного назначения, включая разработку проектов для индивидуального и экспериментального строительства, повторного и многократного применения, проектов инженерных коммуникаций, проектов застройки, а также проектов реконструкции зданий и сооружений.
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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)
Approved: The government of Moscow,
SKU: RUSS143467
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Highways (Max) »
Design, construction, repair and maintenance of roads »
6. Determining cost of design and construction of roads »
Construction (Max) »
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Regulatory documents of Russian Federation subjects »
Regulatory documents of Moscow »
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91.010 Construction industry »
91.010.40 Cost of construction and maintenance of buildings and structures »
91.010.40-10 Economics of construction. Pricing. Cost analysis. Estimates »
ISO classifier »
91.010 Construction industry »
91.010.40 Cost of construction and maintenance of buildings and structures »
91.010.40-20 Cost of pre-project and project materials »
The Document is Replaced With:
MRR Collection of base prices for design work for construction, carried out with the involvement of the budget of the city of Moscow
MRR 3.2.67-09: Method for determining the cost of scientific, regulatory, design and other types of work (services) carried out with the involvement of the budget of the city of Moscow (based on standardized labor costs)
The Document References:
MRR Recommended Practice for Concluding Contracts for Design and Survey Work in the City of Moscow
MRR 3.1.03-93: Recommended Practice for Using Consolidated Price Indexes for Construction, Survey, and Design Work for Compiling Title Lists of Design and Survey Work on Facilities Located in the City of Moscow and the Greenbelt and Funded by…
MRR Recommendations for determining the cost of developing projects for planning areas in the city of Moscow
MRR Collection of basic prices for work on the inspection and monitoring of the technical condition of building structures and engineering equipment of buildings and structures
MRR Collected volume of base prices for construction design works in the city of Moscow on the basis of physical indicators
MRR The method of determining the cost of supervision over the construction of buildings, structures and enterprises in Moscow
MRR Recommendations for determining the amount of remuneration (fee) of the author (creative team) for the creation of works of fine art, artistic design and design, scripts works
MRR Procedure for Determining the Cost of Marketing, Consulting Services, Management, and Other Services (Second Edition)
MRR The collection of basic prices to determine the cost of design work on the restoration and reconstruction of buildings and structures
MRR Temporary recommendations for determining the cost of work on the preparation of materials and documents for the formation of the Act of the permitted use of a site of the territory of a city-planning object (land plot) for construction, reconstruction
MRR Procedure for Determining the Cost of Design of Fountains in the City of Moscow (Second Edition)
MRR Recommendations for determining the cost of developing a project for architectural coloristics of facades of buildings and structures in the city of Moscow
MRR Guidelines for determining the cost of designing fire protection and alarm systems
MRR Guidelines for determining the cost of developing design and estimate documentation for urban video surveillance systems used in residential complexes, public and industrial buildings
MRR 3.2.26-99: Procedure for Determining the Cost of Development of Engineering Documentation for Automated Process Control Systems for Facilities in Moscow and the Greenbelt
MRR Method for calculating the cost of designing a project for architectural lighting to form a light environment and create light ensembles in the city of Moscow
MRR 3.2.32-99: Procedure for Determining the Cost of Development of Data Sheets for Residential Buildings (Section "Facility Management")
MRR Method for determining the cost of work on the survey of development sites occupied by green spaces, the compilation of dendroplans and translations
MRR Recommendations for determining the cost of developing a city-planning justification for locating an object in the city of Moscow
MRR 3.2.40-04: Recommendations for determining the cost of producing demonstration materials (mock-ups, tablets, booklets, etc.)
MRR Recommendations for determining the cost of developing an architectural and town-planning solution for construction (reconstruction) facilities in the territory of the city of Moscow
MRR Method of calculating the cost of developing the section of natural lighting and insolation of residential and public premises, designed (reconstructed) and existing buildings adjacent buildings
MRR Method for determining the cost of work on the environmental support of project and investment activities in the city of Moscow
MRR Collected volume of base prices for design works on traffic organisation
MRR Recommendations for calculating the cost of development of technological regulations for the process of construction and demolition waste management
SNiP 31-03-2001: Production buildings
TSN 30-304-2000: City of Moscow Planning and Development Code
The Document is Referenced By:
MRR 2.2.13-06: Handbook on the compilation and execution of tasks for the development of project documentation for civil and industrial facilities, construction projects, engineering networks and road construction facilities
MRR The method of determining the cost of developing center drawings - acts of urban planning regulation lines in the city of Moscow, carried out with the involvement of funds from the budget of the city of Moscow
MRR Recommendations for determining the cost of developing projects for planning areas in the city of Moscow
MRR Recommendations for determining the cost of developing projects for the planning of the road network
MRR Guidelines for determination of cost of works on inspection of technical condition of structural units of buildings and facilities
MRR Collection of basic prices for work on the inspection and monitoring of the technical condition of building structures and engineering equipment of buildings and structures
MRR The collection of basic prices for work on the inspection and monitoring of the technical condition of building structures and engineering equipment of buildings and structures, carried out with the assistance of the Moscow budget funds
MRR Collection of base prices for design work for construction, carried out with the involvement of the budget of the city of Moscow
MRR The method of determining the cost of supervision over the construction of buildings, structures and enterprises in Moscow
MRR Method for determining the cost of developing projects for planning the territories of a natural complex in the city of Moscow
MRR 3.2.11-06: Method for determining the cost of developing territorial schemes for the conservation and development of specially protected natural territories (TS PAs) in the city of Moscow
MRR The collection of basic prices to determine the cost of design work on the restoration and reconstruction of buildings and structures
MRR Collection of basic prices for the development of initial permits for the restoration and reconstruction of buildings and structures
MRR The collection of basic prices for the implementation of research work on the restoration and reconstruction of buildings and structures carried out with the involvement of the budget of the city of Moscow
MRR Collection of basic prices for design work on the complex landscaping (parks, gardens, squares, boulevards, etc.)
MRR The collection of basic prices for design work on integrated landscaping (parks, gardens, squares, boulevards, etc.) carried out with the involvement of funds from the budget of the city of Moscow
MRR Collection of base prices for design work on the placement and installation of monuments, monuments and landscaping of the adjacent territory, carried out with the involvement of the budget of the city of Moscow
MRR Recommendations for determining the cost of work on the development of medium-term sectoral schemes for locating construction objects in the territory of the city of Moscow
MRR The method of determining the cost of designing fountains, financed with the involvement of the budget of the city of Moscow
MRR Method for determining the cost of developing architectural coloristics of construction projects in the city of Moscow
MRR The method of determining the cost of developing architectural coloristics of construction projects carried out with the involvement of funds from the budget of the city of Moscow
MRR Recommendations for determining the cost of developing a project for architectural coloristics of facades of buildings and structures in the city of Moscow
MRR Guidelines for determining the cost of designing fire protection and alarm systems
MRR Method for determining the cost of designing fire protection and alarm systems, carried out with the involvement of the budget of the city of Moscow
MRR Guidelines for determining the cost of developing design and estimate documentation for urban video surveillance systems used in residential complexes, public and industrial buildings
MRR Method of determining the cost of developing design and estimate documentation for video surveillance systems, carried out with the involvement of the budget of the city of Moscow
MRR 3.2.24-07: Method of determining the cost of projects for the organization of sanitary protection zones of industrial enterprises and groups of enterprises
MRR The method of determining the cost of developing technical documentation for automated control systems (ACS), carried out with the involvement of the budget of Moscow
MRR Method for calculating the cost of designing a project for architectural lighting to form a light environment and create light ensembles in the city of Moscow
MRR Methods for determining the cost of developing projects for planning industrial areas carried out with the involvement of the budget funds of the city of Moscow
MRR Method for determining the cost of work on the survey of development sites occupied by green spaces, the compilation of dendroplans and translations
MRR Methods for determining the cost of work on the survey of development sites occupied by green spaces, the compilation of dendroplanes and translation sheets carried out with the involvement of funds from the Moscow budget
MRR 3.2.36-07: Recommendations for determining the cost of developing a passport "Coloristic solution, materials and technology of work"
MRR Method for determining the cost of work on visual landscape analysis
MRR Collection of basic prices for pre-design and design works for capital repair facilities in the city of Moscow
MRR Collection of basic prices for pre-design and design works for capital repair facilities in the city of Moscow, carried out with the involvement of the budget funds of the city of Moscow
MRR Recommendations for determining the cost of developing a city-planning justification for locating an object in the city of Moscow
MRR Recommendations for determining the cost of developing an architectural and town-planning solution for construction (reconstruction) facilities in the territory of the city of Moscow
MRR Method for determining the cost of work on the environmental support of project and investment activities in the city of Moscow
MRR The method of determining the cost of work on the environmental support of project and investment activities carried out with the involvement of Moscow budget funds
MRR Collected volume of base prices for design works on traffic organisation
MRR Recommendations for calculating the cost of development of technological regulations for the process of construction and demolition waste management
MRR 3.2.46-07: The collection of basic prices to determine the cost of work on the conduct of complex historical and cultural research
MRR 3.2.48-07: Collection of basic prices for work carried out by the Moscow Urban Cadastre Service
MRR 3.2.50-07: Collection of basic prices for design work on gas equipment and gas supply facilities
MRR Methods for determining the cost of designing landscaping and landscaping roofs of buildings and other artificial foundations carried out with the involvement of Moscow budget funds
MRR 3.2.51-07: Method of determining the cost of works on the design of landscaping and improvement of roofs of buildings and other artificial grounds
MRR Methods for determining the cost of design work on power supply facilities (high-voltage power substations and cable lines), carried out with the involvement of Moscow budget funds
MRR 3.2.52-08: Recommendations for determining the cost of design work on power supply facilities (high-voltage power substations and cable lines) in the city of Moscow
MRR 3.2.53-07: Collection of basic prices for design work on the reclamation of urban disturbed areas
MRR The collection of basic prices for work on a comprehensive survey and monitoring of the technical condition of building structures of metro buildings that fall into the zone of influence of construction objects carried out with the involvement of the fund
MRR The method of determining the cost of preparing an expert opinion for compliance with fire safety requirements for urban planning rationalization of location of objects, carried out with the involvement of Moscow budget
MRR 3.2.56-08: Method for determining the cost of preparing an expert opinion for compliance with fire safety requirements for town-planning rationales for the location of objects
MRR 3.2.57-09: The collection of basic prices for design work for the construction of mechanized garages such as "bookcase", carried out with the involvement of the budget of the city of Moscow
MRR 3.2.60-08: Recommendations for determining the cost of work on the technical assessment of the quality of the working documentation of projects regarding the construction of facades of buildings and structures in the city of Moscow
MRR 3.2.65-09: Methods of determining the cost of development and recommendations on the composition, set and design tasks for the design of the technological section
MRR 3.2.67-09: Method for determining the cost of scientific, regulatory, design and other types of work (services) carried out with the involvement of the budget of the city of Moscow (based on standardized labor costs)
MRR 3.2.69-09: Collection of basic prices for design work for the construction of the metro in the city of Moscow
MRR 3.2.70-10: The method of determining the cost of designing a separate sewer pumping stations, carried out with the involvement of the budget of the city of Moscow
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