MGSN 4.14-98
МГСН 4.14-98
Food Service Facilities
Предприятия общественного питания г. Москва
Status: Partially canceled. Canceled in part of Appendix No. 14
The norms establish construction and consumer requirements for the buildings (premises) of organizations that provide catering services, then - catering enterprises. They include the requirements for placement, land, functional groups, the composition and area of the premises, space-planning solutions, the internal environment and engineering equipment of buildings of mass-type catering enterprises.
Нормы устанавливают строительные и потребительские требования к зданиям (помещениям) организаций, оказывающих услуги общественного питания, далее - предприятия питания. Они включают требования к размещению, земельному участку, функциональным группам, составу и площадям помещений, объемно-планировочным решениям, внутренней среде и инженерному оборудованию зданий массовых типов предприятий питания.
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Approved: The government of Moscow,
SKU: RUSS144642
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Construction (Max) »
Regulations »
Documents System of normative documents in construction »
3. Normative documents on urban planning, buildings and constructions »
k.31 Residential, public and industrial buildings and structures »
Construction (Max) »
Regulations »
Regulatory documents of Russian Federation subjects »
Regulatory documents of Moscow »
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91.040 Construction »
91.040.10 Public buildings »
The Document is Replaced With:
TSN 23-302-99: Local construction normatives. Daylight, artificial and combined lighting
The Document References:
GOST 12.1.004-91: Fire safety. General requirements
GOST 12.4.026-76: Signal colors and safety signs
GOST 13109-97: Electric energy. Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Power quality limits in public electrical systems
GOST 14202-69: Pipe-lines of industrial plants. Identification coloring, safety signs and marking screens
GOST 30826-2001: Laminated glass for building. Specifications
GOST R 50762-95: Public catering. Classification for enterprises
GOST R 50764-95: Public catering establishments service. General requirements
MGSN 3.01-96: Residential Buildings
NPB 104-03: Designing of fire alarm systems in buildings and structures
NPB 104-95: Design of Public Fire Warning Systems in Buildings and Structures
NPB 110-03: The list of buildings, constructions, rooms and equipment subject to protection by automatic extinguishing units and automatic fire alarm
NPB 110-96: The list of buildings, constructions, rooms and equipment subject to protection by automatic extinguishing and fire detection installation
NPB 110-99: The list of buildings, constructions, rooms and equipment subject to protection by automatic extinguishing units and automatic fire alarm
NPB 88-2001*: Fire extinguishing and alarm systems. Norms and design rules
PPB 01-03: On Approval Of Fire Safety Standards In The Russian Federation
PPB 01-93*: Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation
RD 78.148-94: Guideline Paper Protective Glazing Classification, Test Methods, and Application
RD 78.36.003-2002/MVD Rossii: Engineering and technical strength. Security equipment. Requirements and design standards for the protection of objects from criminal attacks
SNiP 10-01-94: System of normative documents in construction. Basic provisions.
TSN 21-301-96: Passenger Vehicle Parking Facilities
TSN 23-302-99: Local construction normatives. Daylight, artificial and combined lighting
TSN 23-304-99: Energy Conservation in Buildings. Requirements for Thermal Insulation and Heat, Water, and Electricity Supply
TSN 23-315-2000: Allowable Levels of Noise and Vibration and Soundproofing Requirements for Residential and Public Buildings
TSN 30-304-2000: City of Moscow Planning and Development Code
TSN 31-301-94: Hospices
TSN 31-302-95: Residential Facilities for Children With Disabilities and Mobility Impairments
TSN 31-303-95: Residential Facilities for Individuals with Disabilities and Mobility Impairments and Senior Citizens
TSN 31-304-95: Many-function building and complexes
TSN 31-306-96: General education institutions
TSN 31-307-96: Preschool institutions
TSN 31-313-98: Medical Care Facilities
VSN 59-88: Electrical Equipment for Residential and Public Buildings. Design Standards
The Document is Referenced By:
Manual for MGSN 4.08-97: Mass types of fitness centers. Issue 1 General Provisions. Buildings close to housing. Fitness clubs of microdistricts. Children and youth sports schools
Manual for MGSN 4.08-97: Mass types of fitness centers. Issue 2. Fitness centers of municipal areas. Complexes of sports and recreational facilities
Manual for MGSN 4.08-97: Mass types of fitness centers. Issue 3. Specialized sports clubs
Manual for MGSN 4.18-99: Household services. Issue 2. Space-planning and engineering solutions
Manual for MGSN 4.18-99: Household services. Issue 1. Basic requirements and general provisions
MDS 35-12.2006: Procedyre of Realization the Requirements of building and renovation for the eldery people To Social Infrastructure Objects
MGSN 3.01-01: Residential buildings
MGSN 5.02-99: Design of Urban Bridge Structures
MRR The method for determining the cost of developing a design assignment for a technological section for construction projects carried out with the involvement of Moscow budget funds
MRR 3.2.65-09: Methods of determining the cost of development and recommendations on the composition, set and design tasks for the design of the technological section
Recommendations: Aspiration smoke-sensitive alarms VESDA. Part 1. Scope
RM 2776: Guidelines for the Design, Installation, and Acceptance of Deratization Systems
TSN 23-302-99: Local construction normatives. Daylight, artificial and combined lighting
TSN 30-304-2000: City of Moscow Planning and Development Code
TSN 31-315-99: Relail trade enterprises
TSN 31-316-99: Local construction normatives. Hotels
TSN 31-317-99: Cultural and entertainment facilities
TSN 31-319-99: Consumer services enterprises
TSN 32-302-2003: Pedestrian Crossings off of Roads. Small Retail Sales and Service Facilities in Pedestrian Crossings. City of Moscow
Turkmenistan Guidelines for the development and application of standards: Guidelines for the development and application of standards for unavoidable losses and waste of materials in construction
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