
VSN 176-78

ВСН 176-78

Guidelines for the Design and Installation of Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts

Инструкция по проектированию и постройке металлических гофрированных водопропускных труб

Status: Not effective - Superseded

The instruction applies to the design and construction of metal corrugated single and multipoint culvert pipes with a diameter of up to 3 m on railways and roads, including roads of industrial and agricultural enterprises, as well as on roads and on streets of cities and towns.

Инструкция распространяется на проектирование и постройку металлических гофрированных одно- и многоочковых водопропускных труб диаметром до 3 м на железных и автомобильных дорогах, включая дороги промышленных и сельскохозяйственных предприятий, а также на дорогах и на улицах городов и поселков.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Ministry of Transport of the USSR, 8/15/1978

SKU: RUSS145264

Price: $1,278.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Highways (Max) » Design, construction, repair and maintenance of artificial structures on roads » 16. Culverts on roads »

Construction (Max) » Regulations » Sectoral and departmental regulatory and methodological documents » Design and construction of artificial structures on roads and railways »

ISO classifier » 93 CIVIL CONSTRUCTION » 93.020 Earthworks. Excavation. Foundation construction. Underground work » 93.020.60 Protection of territories from ground and surface waters »

The Document is Replaced With:

ODM 218.2.001-2009: Recommendations for the design and construction of culverts of metal corrugated structures on public roads, taking into account regional conditions (road-climatic zones)

The Document References:

GOST 1012-72: Aviation petrol

GOST 10178-62: Portland cement slag, pozzolanic Portland cement and their varieties

GOST 1050-88: Carbon structural quality steel gauged bars with special surface finish. General specifications

GOST 10587-84: Uncured epoxy resins. Specifications

GOST 11371-78: Washers. Specifications

GOST 11501-78: Petroleum bitumen. Method for determination of depth of penetrometer needle penetration

GOST 11505-75: Petroleum bitumen. Method for determination of ductility

GOST 11506-73: Petroleum bitumen. The method of the determination of softening point by ring and ball

GOST 11507-78: Petroleum bitumen. Method for determination of brittle point

GOST 12.3.002-75: Occupational safety standards system. Manufacturing processes. General safety requirements

GOST 12.3.005-75: Painting works

GOST 12801-98: Materials on the basis of organic binders for road and airfield construction. Test methods

GOST 12871-93: Chrysotile asbestos - chrysotile. General specifications

GOST 15836-79: Bitumen-rubber insulating mastic. Specifications

GOST 16149-70: Protection of underground structures against stray current corrosion by polarized protectors. Technical requirements

GOST 16557-78: Mineral powder for asphaltic-mixtures. Technical requirements

GOST 183-74: Rotating electrical machines

GOST 18659-81: Bitumen road emulsions. Technical requirements

GOST 20799-75: Industrial oils. Specifications

GOST 2084-77: Mobile gasoline Specifications

GOST 22245-90: Viscous petroleum road bitumens. Specification.

GOST 25366-82: Enamel ЭП-5116. Specifications

GOST 3640-94: Zinc. Specifications

GOST 380-2005: Common quality carbon steel. Grades

GOST 4543-71: Structural alloyed steel

GOST 5494-71: Pegmentary aluminium powder

GOST 5915-70: Hexagon nuts, product grade B. Construction and dimensions

GOST 610-72: Oils for axle journals. Specifications

GOST 6617-76: Petroleum construction bitumen

GOST 7798-70: Hexagon bolts, product grade B. construction and dimensions

GOST 8135-74: Iron minimum. Specifications

GOST 8505-80: Nefras-C 50/170. Specifications

GOST 8724-2002: Basic norms of interchangeability. Metric screw threads. General plan

GOST 8736-93: Sand for construction works. Specifications

GOST 9.015-74: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Underground constructions. General technical requirements

GOST 9150-2002: Basic norms of interchangeability. Metric screw threads. Profile

GOST 9410-78: Petroleum xylol. Specifications

GOST 9812-74: Petroleum insulating bitumen

GOST 9880-76: Coal and shale toluenes. Specifications

SN 200-62: Specifications for the design of railway, road and urban bridges and pipes

SN 245-71: Sanitary standards for the design of industrial enterprises

SN 47-67: Instructions on the procedure for the preparation and approval of projects for the organization of construction and projects of work

VSN 115-75: Technical Guidelines for the Preparation and Application of Road Emulsions

VSN 186-75: Technical Guidelines to Railway Bed Construction Methods

The Document is Referenced By:

Manual for SNiP 2.05.03-84: Guide to SNiP 2.05.03-84 "Bridges and pipes" for the survey and design of railway and road bridge crossings through waterways (PMP-91)

ODM 218.2.001-2009: Recommendations for the design and construction of culverts of metal corrugated structures on public roads, taking into account regional conditions (road-climatic zones)

OST 35-22-83: Pipe culverts made of corrugated metal intended for railroad and auto road. Specifications.

Recommendations: Aspiration smoke-sensitive alarms VESDA. Part 1. Scope

SP 313.1325800.2017: Roads in eternal permafrost regions. Rules of design and construction

VSN 137-89: Design, construction and maintenance of winter motor roads in Siberia and North-East of the USSR

VSN 171-84: Instructions on welding technology and quality control of welded joints of field pipelines

VSN 203-89: Norms and specifications for the design and construction of railroads on the Yamal Peninsula

VSN 204-88: Special Standards and Technical Specifications for Road Design and Construction on Yamal Peninsula

VSN 61-89: Exploration, design and construction of the railways in regions of the permafrost

VSN 84-89: Motor road survey, design, and construction in permafrost areas

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