SNiP 2.04.05-86
СНиП 2.04.05-86
Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning
Отопление, вентиляция и кондиционирование
Status: Not effective - Superseded
Building codes should be observed in the design of heating, ventilation, air conditioning in buildings and structures. The standards do not apply to the design of: a) heating, ventilation and air conditioning of shelters, facilities designed for work with radioactive substances, sources of ionizing radiation, underground mining facilities and premises in which explosives are produced, stored or used; b) special heating, cooling and dedusting plants and devices for technological and electrical equipment, pneumatic transport systems and vacuum cleaners; c) stove heating on gaseous and liquid fuels.
Строительные нормы следует соблюдать при проектировании отопления, вентиляции, кондиционирования воздуха в помещениях зданий и сооружений. Нормы не распространяются на проектирование: а) отопления, вентиляции и кондиционирования убежищ, сооружений, предназначенных для работ с радиоактивными веществами, источниками ионизирующих излучений, объектов подземных горных работ и помещений, в которых производятся, хранятся или применяются взрывчатые вещества; б) специальных нагревающих, охлаждающих и обеспыливающих установок и устройств для технологического и электротехнического оборудования, систем пневмотранспорта и пылесосных установок; в) печного отопления на газообразном и жидком топливе.
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Approved: Gosstroy of the USSR (State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Construction),
SKU: RUSS145466
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Construction (Max) »
Regulations »
Documents System of normative documents in construction »
4. Normative documents for engineering equipment of buildings and structures and external networks »
k.41 Heat supply, heating, ventilation and air conditioning »
PromExpert »
II Industrial sanitation and occupational health »
3 Workspace air »
3.2 Improvement of air environment and normalization of microclimate parameters »
ISO classifier »
91.040 Construction »
91.040.20 Commercial and industrial buildings »
ISO classifier »
91.140 Installations in buildings »
91.140.10 Central heating systems »
ISO classifier »
91.140 Installations in buildings »
91.140.30 Ventilation and air conditioning systems »
As a Replacement Of:
SNiP II-33-75: Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
The Document is Referenced By:
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GOST R 51057-97: Fire engineering. Portable fire extinguishers. General technical requirements. Test methods
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GOST R 52059-2003: Services. Services on the repairing and construction of the habitation and other buildings. General specifications
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ITP 31-87: Instructions for the technological design of enterprises for the production of perfumery products
ITP 52-89: Instructions for the design of enterprises for the primary processing of flax
Manual: Manual for impulse and low consumption fire extinguishing systems
Manual for MGSN 4.12-97: Medical institutions. Section IV release 6. Specialized and auxiliary departments. Department of physiotherapy and physiotherapy. Cabinets of remote lithotripsy. Medical labor (production) workshops. Hospital pharmacies. Centralized sterilization departments. Disinfection departments. Laundries. Food blocks
Manual for MGSN 4.12-97: Medical institutions. Section V release 7. Outpatient facilities
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Manual for MGSN 4.12-97: Medical institutions. Issue 2. Hospitals: Ward departments of hospitals. Obstetric hospitals. Day hospitals
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Manual for MGSN 4.12-97: Medical institutions. Section II. Hospitals. Issue 3. Operation blocks. Department of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation. Department of hemodialysis and detoxification. Departments of industrial transfusiology. Hyperbaric Oxygen Departments
Manual for MGSN 4.12-97: Medical institutions. Section III. Issue 4. Diagnostic departments: Clinical diagnostic laboratories. Pathological departments. Forensic Bureau (s)
Manual for SNiP 2.04.05-86: Manual for the design of automated climate control systems for industrial buildings
Manual for SNiP 2.04.05-91: Benefit 3.91. Fan units
Manual for SNiP 2.04.05-91: Manual 4.91. Smoke protection in case of fire
Manual for SNiP 2.04.05-91: Allowance 14.91. New schemes and solutions for smoke protection of staircase elevators of multi-storey buildings
Manual for SNiP 2.04.05-91: Allowance 15.91. Smoke protection in case of fire and ventilation of underground car parks
Manual for SNiP 2.04.05-91: Benefit 5.91. Placement of ventilation equipment.
Manual for SNiP 2.04.05-91: Benefit 7.91. Duct layouts in a building
Manual for SNiP 2.04.05-91: Allowance 6.91. Fire resistant ducts.
Manual for SNiP 2.04.05-91: Benefit 2.91. Calculation of the receipt of heat of solar radiation in the premises
Manual for SNiP 2.04.05-91: Allowance 13.91. Fire protection requirements for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems
Manual for SNiP 2.04.05-91: Benefit 8.91. The number of personnel operating heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems
Manual for SNiP 2.04.05-91: Allowance 12.91. Recommendations for calculating outdoor air infiltration in one-story industrial buildings
Manual for SNiP 2.04.05-91: Benefit 9.91. Annual energy consumption by heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems
Manual for SNiP 2.04.05-91: Manual 10.91 Designing Corrosion Protection
Manual for SNiP 2.04.05-91: Manual 1.91 Calculation and Distribution of Supply Air
Manual for SNiP 2.07.01-89: A guide for the design of urban (local) telephone networks and wired broadcast networks of urban and rural settlements. Dispatching engineering equipment systems
Manual for SNiP 2.07.01-89: Water and Sewerage Manual for Urban and Rural Settlements
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Manual for SNiP 2.07.01-89: Heat and gas supply of settlements
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Manual for SNiP 2.08.02-89: Health Facility Design Guide
Manual for SNiP 2.08.02-89: Club Design
Manual for SNiP 2.08.02-89: Pool Design
Manual for SNiP 2.08.02-89: Design of educational complexes and centers
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Manual for SNiP 21-01-97: Fire Prevention
Manual for SNiP 3.01.01-85: A guide for the organization of high-speed construction of roads and airfields using sets of machines of the DS-100 type
Manual for SNiP 3.01.01-85: A guide to the development of projects for the organization of the construction of large industrial complexes using the nodal method
Manual for SNiP 3.01.01-85: A guide for the development of construction organization projects and civil works construction projects
Manual for SNiP 3.01.01-85: Manual on the development of construction projects and agricultural production projects
Manual for SNiP 3.01.01-85: Development of projects for the organization of construction and work projects for the reconstruction of existing enterprises, buildings and structures. Reference manual to SNiP
Manual for SNiP 3.01.01-85: Development of projects for the organization of construction and work projects for industrial construction
Manual for SNiP 3.05.01-85: Manual for the production and acceptance of work when installing ventilation and air conditioning systems
Manual for SNiP II-11-77*: The allowance for calculating the heat losses of the premises of buried civil defense structures (to SNiP II-11-77 * and Recommendations for the design of ZPU)
MDS 13-20.2004: Comprehensive methods for the inspection and energy audit of reconstructed buildings. Design Guide
MDS 31-13.2007: Design guidelines for the safety and comfort of industrial buildings
MRR 3.2.19-04: Guidelines for determining the cost of designing fire protection and alarm systems
MU 42-51-1-93: Preparation and regulation of the purity of ventilation air for industrial premises
MU 4428-87: Guidelines for improving the state preventive sanitary inspection of the design of workshops and welding stations, the development of technological processes and equipment for welding production
NPB 155-96: Fire engineering. Portable fire extinguishers. General reguirements and Test Methods
NPB 316-2003: Portable and movable devices of fire extinguishing with high-velocity submission of fire quenching matter. Requirements of fire safety. Test methods
NPB 67-98: Automatic dry chemical fire fighting systems. Module. General technical requirements and test methods
NTP 23-94: Norms of plant design for the production of soap
NTP 24-94: Norms of technological design of hydrogen production by the method of water electrolysis
NTP 53-91: Norms of technological design of production of mayonnaise
NTPD-90: Norms of technological design of diesel power plants
ONTP 04-94: Sectoral norms of technological design of enterprises in the automotive industry. Shops of cold sheet metal stamping
ONTP 09-88: All-Union standards for the technological design of enterprises of mechanical engineering, instrument engineering and metalworking. Assembly and welding shops
ONTP 444-86: National Engineering Design Standards for Facilities for the Production of Mineral Wool Products and Building Components
OST 26.260.18-2004: Process modules for oil and gas industry. General technical specifications
OST 26-01-147-89: Drying devices with rotating drums. General technical requirements.Printing telegraph and terminals for document electric communication. Methods of printed character parameter measurement.
OST 38.01445-88: Lubrication and cooling liquid MR-7. Technical conditions
POT R M-018-2001: Intersectoral labor protection rules when applying metal coatings
POT R M-026-2003: Intersectoral rules on labor protection during the operation of gas facilities of organizations
POT R O-97300-07-95: Rules for labor protection in the production of alcohol and alcoholic beverages
PPB-153-90: Fire Safety Regulations for Refugee Camps
PPBO-07-91: Fire Safety Regulations for Health Care Facilities
PPBO-105-87: Fire Safety Regulations for Institutions, Organizations, and Companies Administered by the USSR Academy of Sciences
PPBO-157-90: Fire Safety Regulations in the Timber Industry
RD 210.006-90: Rules for the technological design of nuclear power plants (with VVER reactors)
RD 24.023.52-90: Products of chemical engineering. Gumming. Typical technological process.
RD 34.20.185-94: Instructions for designing of urban power networks.
RD 34.49.104-91: Recommendations for the design of automatic water extinguishing systems for oil power transformers
RD 95 933-91: Elements of metal ducts for ventilation systems. Types and Sizes
RD EO 0007-93: Standard instruction manual for operation of industrial buildings and structures of nuclear power plants. Part 1. Organization of operation, repairs and maintenance. Volume 1, 2
Recommendations: Aspiration smoke-sensitive alarms VESDA. Part 1. Scope
RM 25 951-90: APCS. Tasks for the general designer to design in adjacent parts of the automation project. Part 3. Premises for automated process control systems and automation systems. Cable facilities. Openings and embedded devices
RM 4-242-92: Automation systems. Recommendations for the design of heating and thermal insulation of pipe wiring
RSN 68-87: Design of industrial and civil buildings of the West Siberian oil and gas complex
SanPiN Technological processes rawstock materials and equipment hand tools. Hygienic requirements for hand tools and organization of work
SanPiN Sanitary Regulations for Food Product Stores
SanPiN 5059-89: Sanitary rules for aircraft maintenance bases of civil aviation operating enterprises
SanPiN 5182-90: Sanitary rules for sewing production
SanPiN 5781-91: Sanitary rules for food businesses
SanPiN 5791-91: Sanitary rules and regulations on the design and operation of greenhouses and greenhouses
SNiP 3.05.01-85: Indoor plumbing systems
SO 34.03.355-2005: Methodological instructions for ensuring fire and explosion safety during operating power gas turbine electric power units.
SP 31-109-2003: Buildings of arbitration courts
SP 41-104-2000: Design of independent heat supply sources
SP 42-101-2003: The general provision and construction gas distribution sistem from steel and polyethyelene pipes
SP 4695-88: Sanitary rules for refregirators
SP 4950-89: Sanitary regulations for the production of carbon-based materials (coal, graphitized, fibrous, composite)
SP 5312-91: Sanitary rules for the enterprises of copper-nickel industry
SP 5788-91: Sanitary rules for wineries
STN Ts 01-95: 1520-mm Gauge Railways
TSN 23-307-00: Energy efficiency in residential and public buildings. Standards for thermal protection of buildings. Ivanovo region
TSN 23-310-2000: Energy efficiency in residential and public buildings. Standards for thermal protection of buildings. Belgorod region
TSN 23-312-2000: Thermal protection of residential and public buildings. Thermal Protection Standards. Vladimir region
TSN 23-335-2002: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for energy consumption and heat protection. Ulyanovsk region
TSN 23-348-2003: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for energy consumption and heat protection. Pskov region
TSN 23-355-2004: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for energy consumption and heat protection. Kirov region
TSN 30-309-2003: Planning and development of urban areas of the Republic of Bashkortostan under reconstruction
TU 6-09-5296-86: Magnetic Fluorescent Powder Lumagpor 5
VNTP 01-98: Land-reclamation systems and facilities. Irrigation systems using sewage and animal waste
VNTP 03/170/567-87: Fire Safety Standards In Designing Oil and Gas Production Facilities of West- Siberian Sector
VNTP 03-91: Departmental standards of technological design of sugar beet factories. Volume 2, Part 1. Appendices
VNTP 04-86: Departmental norms of technological design of billet catering enterprises for the production of semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products
VNTP 04-94k: Standards for technological design of enterprises for processing potatoes for starch
VNTP 05-89/MPS Rossii: Definition of the categories of premises and buildings for industrial and storage purposes of enterprises and railway transport facilities in terms of explosion and fire hazard
VNTP 10-91: Engineering Design Standards for Breweries
VNTP 13-2-93: Norms of technological design of mining enterprises of metallurgy with underground mining method
VNTP 18-93: Standards for technological design of margarine production
VNTP 21-92: Standards for technological design of enterprises of the confectionery industry
VNTP 35-93: Engineering Design Standards for Alcoholic Beverage Plants/Distilleries
VNTP 36-92: Standards of technological design of enterprises of the food concentrate industry
VNTP 3-90: Engineering Design Standards for Branched Petroleum Product Pipelines
VNTP 52-91: Departmental norms of technological design of warehouses of vegetable oils and fats of oil and fat enterprises
VNTP-88: Departmental norms of technological design of washing and steaming stations
VSN 01-89: Enterprises for servicing motor vehicles
VSN 34.72.111-92: Engineering Surveys for the Design of Thermal Power Plants
VSN 48-93: Installation Manual for Cast-In-Place Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Tunnel Lining for Transportation Tunnels
VSN 51-86/Gosgrazhdanstroy: Vocational, secondary special and higher educational institutions. Design Standards
VSN 57-88(r): Ordinance on Technical Inspection of Residential Buildings
VSN 61-89: Exploration, design and construction of the railways in regions of the permafrost
VSN 64-064-88: Instructions for the construction design of the medical and microbiological industry
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