
SanPiN 1.2.2584-10

СанПиН 1.2.2584-10

Hygienic requirements for safety of processes of testing, storage, transportation, implementation, use, disposal, and utilization of pesticides and agrochemicals

Гигиенические требования к безопасности процессов испытаний, хранения, транспортировки, реализации, использования, утилизации и утилизации пестицидов и агрохимикатов

Status: Effective

Hygienic requirements for safety of processes of testing, storage, transportation, implementation, use, disposal, and utilization of pesticides and agrochemicals

Санитарные правила устанавливают санитарно-эпидемиологические требования, связанные с испытаниями, хранением, перевозкой, реализацией, применением, обезвреживанием и утилизацией пестицидов и агрохимикатов, являются обязательными для исполнения всеми гражданами и юридическими лицами, применяющими пестициды и агрохимикаты, а также проектирующими, строящими и эксплуатирующими производственные здания, средства транспортировки и технологическое оборудование, предназначенные для работы с пестицидами и агрохимикатами, направленные на предупреждение неблагоприятного воздействия факторов производственной среды на здоровье работников, а также неблагоприятного влияния на среду обитания и здоровье проживающего населения

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation, 3/2/2010

SKU: RUSS145589

Price: $741.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

PromExpert » SECTION V. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. NATURE USE » II Ensuring environmental safety » 3 Hazardous Waste Management » 3.3 Requirements for waste management in implementation of activities » 3.3.2 Requirements for waste producers in carrying out waste management activities » Requirements for operation of facilities »

PromExpert » SECTION V. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. NATURE USE » II Ensuring environmental safety » 3 Hazardous Waste Management » 3.3 Requirements for waste management in implementation of activities » 3.3.2 Requirements for waste producers in carrying out waste management activities » Requirements for design, construction, reconstruction, conservation and liquidation of facilities »

PromExpert » SECTION V. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. NATURE USE » I Environmental-legal and economic-legal mechanisms for environmental protection » 1 Management infield of environmental protection and environmental management » 1.1 Fundamentals of Environmental Management »

PromExpert » SECTION III. LABOR PROTECTION AND SAFETY » II Industrial sanitation and occupational health » 1 General requirements for occupational health and hygiene »

ISO classifier » 13 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, HUMAN PROTECTION AGAINST ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT. SECURITY » 13.100 Safety of professional activity. Industrial hygiene »

ISO classifier » 65 AGRICULTURE » 65.100 Pesticides and other agrochemicals » 65.100.01 Pesticides and other agrochemicals in general »

As a Replacement Of:

SanPiN 1.2.1077-01: Hygienic requirements for the storage, use and transportation of pesticides and agrochemicals

The Document References:

Federal Law 52-FZ: Public Sanitary and Epidemiological Well-Being

GOST 12.1.007-76: Noxious substances. Classification and general safety requirements

GOST 19433-88: Dangerous goods. Classification and marking

SanPiN 1.2.1077-01: Hygienic requirements for the storage, use and transportation of pesticides and agrochemicals

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST 33380-2015: Organic fertilizers. Effluent. Specifications

GOST R 54651-2011: Organic fertilizers on basis of sewage sludge. Specifications

GOST R 57202-2016: Bitoxybacillin. Insecticide. Specifications

GOST R 57245-2016: Preparation gomelin. Insecticide. Specifications

GOST R 57246-2016: Preparation dendrobacillin. Insecticide. Specifications

GOST R 57247-2016: Preparation lepidocide. Insecticide. Specifications

GOST R 57643-2017: Microbiological products. Bacterial fertilizer nitragin. Specifications

GOST R 57648-2017: Microbiological products. Bacterial larvicidal drug against fly larvae. Specifications

GOST R 58151.1-2018: Disinfectants. General technical requirements

GOST R 58151.2-2018: Disinfectants. Toxicity and safety values nomenclature

GOST R 58480-2019: Rodenticidal products. General technical requirements

GOST R 58658-2019: Agricultural products, raw materials and food with improved environmental performance. Mineral fertilizer. General specifications

GOST R 58820-2020: Phosphogypsum for agriculture. Specifications

ITS 46-2017: Reducing emissions of pollutants, discharges of pollutants during storage and warehousing of goods (goods)

ITS 46-2019: Reducing emissions of pollutants, discharges of pollutants during storage and warehousing of goods (goods)

MR 1.2.0022-11: Sampling procedure for nanomaterials control

MR 1.2.0038-11: Evaluation of the risk of exposure of the human body to nanomaterials and nanoparticles

MR 1.2.0041-11: The decision-making system for the control of nano-safety based on an assessment of the risks of production, use and recycling of nanomaterials based on monitoring of these processes at nano-industry enterprises

MR 1.2.0042-11: Control of nanomaterials used in agriculture

MR 1.2.0141-18: Substantiation of terms for safe access of people to pesticide-treated areas for agricultural work

MR Organization and implementation of measures for entomological monitoring and regulation of the number of mosquitoes Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus

MU 1.2.2960-11: Scientific rationale for maximum allowable levels of pesticide residues in food products

MU 1.2.3017-12: Evaluation of the risk of exposure to pesticides on workers

MU 1.2.3216-14: Evaluation of the risk of exposure of the population to pesticide residues in food

MU 1.2.3364-16: Evaluation of mutagenic activity of pesticides

MU 3.5.3011-12: Nonspecific prophylaxis of tick-borne viral encephalitis and ixodic tick-borne borreliosis

Order 744: On approval of the List of legal acts and their individual parts (provisions) containing mandatory requirements, compliance with which is assessed when the Rosselkhoznadzor conducts measures for state control (supervision) and the Procedure for its maintenance

Order 76n: On the approval of the Rules for labor protection in agriculture (as amended on July 4, 2018) (invalidated from 01/01/2021 on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 27, 2020 N 746n)

POT RZhD-4100612-TsP-TsDRP-022-2013: Rules for labor protection, environmental, industrial and fire safety during maintenance and repair of infrastructure facilities of the railway complex of JSC Russian Railways

RD-APK Engineering Design Standards for Greenhouses and Hothouses for Growing Vegetables and Seedlings

Resolution 1631: On the abolition of regulatory legal acts of federal executive bodies containing mandatory requirements, compliance with which is assessed when carrying out control measures in the implementation of federal state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance

Resolution 2467: On approval of the list of regulatory legal acts and groups of regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts, individual provisions of regulatory legal acts and groups of regulatory legal acts of federal executive bodies, legal acts, individual provisions of legal acts, groups of legal acts of executive and administrative bodies of state the authorities of the RSFSR and the USSR, decisions of the State Commission on Radio Frequencies containing mandatory requirements, in respect of which the provisions of parts 1, 2 and 3 of Article 15 of the Federal Law "On Mandatory Requirements in the Russian Federation"

SP 92.13330.2012: Warehouses of dry mineral hestilizers and chamical means of protection plants

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