Hygienic requirements for placement, arrangement, equipment and operation of hospitals, maternity homes and other health facilities
Гигиенические требования к размещению, устройству, оборудованию и эксплуатации больниц, родильных домов и других лечебных стационаров
Status: Not effective - Superseded
Sanitary rules are binding for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs whose activities are related to the design, construction, reconstruction and operation of medical institutions. Sanitary rules establish the requirements for the placement, arrangement, equipment, maintenance, sanitary and hygienic and anti-epidemic regime, organization of nutrition of patients in hospitals.
Санитарные правила являются обязательными для исполнения юридическими лицами и индивидуальными предпринимателями, деятельность которых связана с проектированием, строительством, реконструкцией и эксплуатацией лечебных учреждений. Санитарные правила устанавливают требования к размещению, устройству, оборудованию, содержанию, санитарно-гигиеническому и противоэпидемическому режиму, организации питания больных в лечебных учреждениях.
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Approved: Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation,
SKU: RUSS145599
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Construction (Max) »
Regulations »
Regulatory documents of supervisory authorities »
Normative documents of State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision and Ministry of Health of Russian Federation »
PromExpert »
V Social Security »
1 Requirements of sanitary and epidemiological regulation »
1.2 Rationing infield of health and social security »
PromExpert »
II Ensuring environmental safety »
3 Hazardous Waste Management »
3.3 Requirements for waste management in implementation of activities »
3.3.2 Requirements for waste producers in carrying out waste management activities » Requirements for waste management of medical institutions »
PromExpert »
II Industrial sanitation and occupational health »
2 Requirements of occupational health to placement, design, construction, reconstruction and operation of production facilities »
ISO classifier »
11.020 Medical sciences and health care conditions in general »
ISO classifier »
11.060 Dentistry »
11.060.01 Dentistry in general »
ISO classifier »
11.140 Hospital equipment »
ISO classifier »
13.030 Waste »
13.030.30 Special waste »
ISO classifier »
13.040 Air quality »
13.040.99 Air quality, other aspects »
ISO classifier »
13.060 Water quality »
13.060.99 Water quality, other aspects »
ISO classifier »
91.040 Construction »
91.040.10 Public buildings »
The Document is Replaced With:
SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations engaged in medical activities
As a Replacement Of:
SanPiN 295ba-83: Sanitary rules for arrangement, equipment, operation of day care-polyclinic institutions of stomatological profile, occupational safety and personal hygiene of the personnel
SanPiN 5179-90: Sanitary rules for the device, equipment and operation of hospitals, maternity hospitals and other medical hospitals
The Document References:
Decree 31: SP Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for Public Catering Organizations, Manufacturing and Circulation of Food Products and Food Raw Materials in them
Federal Law 52-FZ: Public Sanitary and Epidemiological Well-Being
GN Maximum Allowable Concentrations (PDK) of Hazardous Substances in Workplace Air. Hygienic Standards
GOST 12.1.005-88: General sanitary requirements for working zone air
GOST 12.1.007-76: Noxious substances. Classification and general safety requirements
GOST 12.1.045-84: Occupational safety standards system. Electrostatic fields. Tolerance levels and methods of control at working places
GOST 12.2.032-78: Operators location in a silting position. General ergonomic requirements
GOST R 51251-99: Air filters. Classification. Marking
MU 287-113: Guidelines for disinfection, presterilizing cleaning and sterilization of medical devices
MU Surveillance of Legionella infection
MU 3.5.1937-04: Cleaning, disinfecting and sterilizing endoscopes and tools for them
NRB 99: Radiation Safety Standards
R 2.2.755-99: Hygienic Criteria for Evaluation and Classification of Labor Conditions by Indexes of Harmfulness and Danger of Industrial Environment and Working Process Difficulty and Intensity
Rules Radiation safety standards (NRB-99)
SanPiN Soil inhabited localities purification domestic and industrial wastes. Sanitary protection of soil
SanPiN Hygienic Requirements for the conditions of Work of Women
SanPiN 2.2.1/ Hygienic requirements for sun effect and solar protection of domestic and public buildings and areas. Sanitary regulations and standards
SanPiN Hygienic requirements to videodisplay terminals, personal electronic computers and work organization. Sanitary rules and norms
SanPiN Hygienic requirements to occupational microclimate
SanPiN Power frequency magnetic field (50 Hz) in occupational environment
SanPiN 2.2.4/ Physical Factors of the Industrial Environment. Physical Factors of the Ambient Medium Radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (rf emr) Radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (rf emr) under occupational and living conditions
SanPiN Hygienic requirements to the design and operation of X-ray rooms, devices and to the performance of radiographic studies.
SanPiN Sanitation and Disease Control Regulations for Organization and Performance of Insect Control Measures Against Synanthropic Arthropods
SanPiN 5179-90: Sanitary rules for the device, equipment and operation of hospitals, maternity hospitals and other medical hospitals
SN 2.2.4/ Noise exposure in work environment, residential premises, premises of public buildings and in dwellings zones
SN 2.2.4/ Industrial vibration. Vibration in premises of residential and public buildings
SP 1.1.1058-01: Organization and procedures industrial monitoring of sanitary rules observance and sanitary epidemiological (preventive) measures
SP 1.3.2322-08: Safety of work with microorganisms of III-IV groups of pathogenicity (hazard) and agent of parasitogenic diseases
SP 3.1.1275-03: Prevention of infectious diseases with endoscopic manipulations
SP On implementation of sanitary and epidemiological regulations
The Document is Referenced By:
Manual for MGSN 4.12-97: Medical institutions. Section III. Issue 4. Diagnostic departments: Clinical diagnostic laboratories. Pathological departments. Forensic Bureau (s)
Manual for MGSN 4.12-97: Medical institutions. Issue 2. Hospitals: Ward departments of hospitals. Obstetric hospitals. Day hospitals
Manual for MGSN 4.12-97: Medical institutions. Issue 1. General Provisions. Inpatient facilities: Key points. Reception Offices
Manual for MGSN 4.12-97: Medical institutions. Section II. Hospitals. Issue 3. Operation blocks. Department of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation. Department of hemodialysis and detoxification. Departments of industrial transfusiology. Hyperbaric Oxygen Departments
Manual for MGSN 4.12-97: Medical institutions. Section IV release 6. Specialized and auxiliary departments. Department of physiotherapy and physiotherapy. Cabinets of remote lithotripsy. Medical labor (production) workshops. Hospital pharmacies. Centralized sterilization departments. Disinfection departments. Laundries. Food blocks
Manual for MGSN 4.12-97: Medical institutions. Section V release 7. Outpatient facilities
Manual for MGSN 4.12-97: Medical institutions. Section III. Issue 5. Diagnostic departments. Departments (offices) of functional diagnostics. Endoscopic departments (cabinets). Departments (departments) of radiation diagnostics (radiological, computed and magnetic resonance imaging, radionuclide diagnostics)
MR 02.007-06: The use of ultra-high frequency electromagnetic radiation to disinfect infected medical waste
MR 173-PD/707: Design of perinatal centers and other obstetric facilities
MR Hygienic and epidemiological requirements to working environment of medical workers performing works with risk of infectious diseases
MU Hygienic requirements for radiation safety during radiation therapy by sealed radioactive sources
MU Surveillance of poliomyelitis and acute flaccid paralysis during postcertification period
MU 3.1.2313-08: Requirements for decontamination, destruction and disposal of single-use injection syringes.
MU The procedure for the destruction of unsuitable for use vaccines and toxoids
MU 3.3.2400-08: Monitoring the work of treatment-and-prophylactic organizations on the issues of immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases
MU 3.5.2644-10: Disinfectology. Organization and carrying out disinfection measures for ringworms. Methodical instructions
MUK 4.2.3010-12: The order of organization and conduct of laboratory diagnosis of brucellosis for laboratories at the territorial, regional and federal levels
Recommendations: Aspiration smoke-sensitive alarms VESDA. Part 1. Scope
SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the placement, arrangement, equipment, maintenance, sanitary and hygienic and anti-epidemic regime of health care organizations and social services intended for the elderly and disabled people, sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic
SanPiN 2.1.2/3041-96: Sanitаri rules and nоrms for infrastructure facilities and maintenance of centres for temporary location of foreign citizens, peoplewithout citizenship and refugees
SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations engaged in medical activities
SanPiN Hygienic requirements for ensuring radiation safety during radiation therapy using open radionuclide sources
SNiP 31-06-2009: Public buildings and constructions
SP 118.13330.2011: Public buildings and works
SP Prophylactics of virus hepatite B
SP Prevention of coxiellosis (Q fever)
SP 3.3.2342-08: Provision of immunization safety
TSN 23-340-2003: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for energy consumption and heat protection. St. Petersburg
TSN 23-355-2004: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for energy consumption and heat protection. Kirov region
TSN 30-305-2002: Urban planning. Reconstruction and development of non-central areas of St. Petersburg
TSN 31-330-2005: Treatment and prevention institutions in St. Petersburg
VMR Temporary recommended practice for the placement, arrangement and equipment of centers of high medical technologies
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