
RD 34.01.203

РД 34.01.203

Model Index of Operations Documentation for Chemical Shop of a Thermal Power Station

Перечень нормативных документов по водоподготовке, очистным сооружениям, конденсатоочистке, по эксплуатации энергетических масел и электролизных установок

Status: Effective

The list of regulatory documents is intended for personnel of chemical workshops of thermal power plants and boiler houses, hydroelectric power plants, electrical and heat networks of the Russian Federation, as well as for personnel of research institutes, design bureaus, design, construction, installation and repair organizations. The list includes state and industry regulatory and administrative documents.

Перечень нормативных документов предназначен для персонала химических цехов тепловых электростанций и котельных, гидроэлектростанций, электрических и тепловых сетей Российской Федерации, а также для персонала научно-исследовательских институтов, конструкторских бюро, проектных, строительно-монтажных, ремонтных и наладочных организаций. Перечень включает государственные и отраслевые нормативные и распорядительные документы.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: SPO ORGRES, 10/23/2001

SKU: RUSS147072

Price: $247.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Power industry » 01. Founding Documents »

Construction (Max) » Regulations » Sectoral and departmental regulatory and methodological documents » Design and construction of energy facilities »

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » II Standardization » 2 Activities and organization of work on standardization »

ISO classifier » 27 ENERGY AND HEATING TECHNOLOGY » 27.100 Power stations in general »

The Document References:

GOST 10121-76: Selectively purified transformer oil

GOST 12.1.004-91: Fire safety. General requirements

GOST 12.1.007-76: Noxious substances. Classification and general safety requirements

GOST 12.1.010-76: Explosion safety. General requirements

GOST 12068-66: Mineral oils. Method for determination of demulsification time

GOST 1431-85: Petroleum products and additives. Method for the determination of sulfur by fusing in a crucible

GOST 1461-75: Petroleum and petroleum products. Method of ash test

GOST 1510-84: Petroleum and petroleum products. Marking, packing, transportation and storage

GOST 1547-84: Oils and greases. Methods for determination of water presence

GOST 17216-71: Industrial purity

GOST 18995.1-73: Liquid chemical products. Methods for determination of density

GOST 19199-73: Lubricating oils. Method for determination of anticorrosive properties

GOST 20284-74: Petroleum products. Method for determination of colour on colorimeter ЦНТ

GOST 20287-91: Petroleum products Method of test for flow point and pour point

GOST 21046-86: Waste petroleum products

GOST 2517-85: Crude oil and petroleum products. Methods of sampling

GOST 2917-76: Oils and additives. Method of test for corrosion influence on metals

GOST 33-82: Petroleum products. Method for determination of kinematic viscosity and calculation of dynamic viscosity

GOST 4333-87: Petroleum products. Methods for determination of flash and ignition points in open crucible

GOST 5985-79: Petroleum products. Method for determination of acidity and acid number

GOST 6307-75: Petroleum products. Method of test for water-soluble acids and alkalies

GOST 6356-75: Petroleum products. Method of test for flash point boy closed cup

GOST 6370-83: Petroleum, petroleum products and additives Methods for determination of mechanical admixtures

GOST 6433.5-84: Liqyid dielectrics. Sampling

GOST 6581-75: Liquid electrical insulating materials. Electric test methods

GOST 7822-75: Petroleum oils. Method of dissolved water determination

GOST 981-75: Mineral oils. Method for determination of oxidation stability

GOST 982-80: Transformer oils

GOST 9972-74: Petroleum turbine oils with additives

MU 34-70-106-85: Procedural Guidelines for Preservation of Standby Equipment of Stationary Electric Power Generating Stations

MU 34-70-114-85: Procedural Guidelines for Use of Conductometric Analysis for Electric Power Generating Station Water Chemistry Management

PB 03-108-96: Process pipeline design and safe operation rules

PB 09-170-97: General rules on explosion safety for explosive- and fire-hazardous chemical, petrochemical plants and oil refineries

PB 10-115-96: Regulations of design and safe operation of pressure vessels

POT R M-016-2001: Inter-Industry Occupational Safety and Health Regulations (Safety Regulations) for Operation of Electrical Installations

RD 153-34.0-03.301-00: Fire safety rules for energy enterprises.

RD 153-34.0-03.702-99: Guidelines for Providing First Aid in the Event of Accidents in Production

RD 153-34.1-37.311-98: Method for Tests of Equipment of Water Treatment Plants

RD 34.03.201-97: Safety Code for the Operation of the Thermo mechanical Equipment of Electric Power Stations and Heat Networks.

RD 34.03.350-98: Rooms and buildings of RAO "UES of Russia" energy facilities enlisted by explosion and fire category

RD 34.10.407: Specified Quantity Allowances for Reagents for Pre-Startup and Operating Chemical Cleaning of Thermal Energy Equipment of Electric Power Generating Stations

RD 34.10.408: Procedural Guidelines for Calculation of Specified Quantity Allowances for Chemical Reagents for Neutralization of Wastewater from Thermal Power Stations

RD 34.10.409-87: Specified Quantity Allowances for Chemical Reagents for Thermal Power Station Wastewater Monitoring

RD 34.10.412-87: Consumption rates of reagents and laboratory glassware for chemical control at thermal power plants

RD 34.17.439-96: Methodological instructions. Technical diagnostics and life extension of the vessels, working under pressure.

RD 34.20.501-95: Technical operation rules for power plants and networks of the Russian federation

RD 34.20.562: Model instructions for the prevention and elimination of accidents at thermal power plants

RD 34.20.591-97: Procedural Guidelines for Preservation of Thermal Mechanical Equipment

RD 34.20.593-89: Procedural Guidelines for Use of Calcium Hydroxide to Preserve Thermal Power and Other Process Equipment at Facilities Administered by Minenergo USSR

RD 34.20.596-97: Procedural Guidelines for Preservation of Thermal-Mechanical Equipment Using Film-Forming Amines. (Amendment to RD 34 -20 -591-97)

RD 34.22.101: Guide to Optimization of Recycled Water Supply System for Electric Power Generating Stations with Cooling Towers

RD 34.22.402-94: Typical instructions for the acceptance and operation of tower towers

RD 34.22.503-89: Procedural Guidelines for Stabilization of Water Treatment in Recycled Cooling System with Cooling Towers Using Oxydiethylenediphenylphosphoric Acid

RD 34.22.506: Procedural Guidelines for Operation of Zero-Discharge Cooling Systems

RD 34.27.501-91: Model Guidelines for Operation of Hydraulic Ash Collection Systems of Thermal Power Stations

RD 34.27.511-98: Guidelines for the prevention of deposits in pipelines and pumps of hydraulic ash removal systems

RD 34.30.502: Procedural Guidelines for Preservation of Steam Turbine Equipment at Thermal Power Stations and Nuclear Power Plants Using Heated Air

RD 34.37.201: Guidelines for the automation of existing water treatment plants of thermal power plants

RD 34.37.301: Procedural Guidelines for Chemical Analysis of Deposits on Inner Surfaces of Heating and Flow Sections of Turbines

RD 34.37.303-88: Procedural Guidelines for the Organization and Scope of Water Chemistry Monitoring at Thermal Power Plants

RD 34.37.305-97(1-16): Collection of methods for chemical analysis of washing solutions for chemical cleaning of heat power equipment

RD 34.37.306-87: Guidelines for monitoring the state of the main equipment of thermal power plants, determining the quality and chemical composition of deposits

RD 34.37.307-87: Procedural Guidelines for Predicting Chemical Composition and Scale-Forming Properties of Electric Power Generating Station Coolant Water

RD 34.37.308-90: Procedural Guidelines for the Determination of pH of Feed Water of Direct-Flow Supercritical-Pressure Boilers in the Range from 8.0 to 10.0 Using Laboratory pH Meters

RD 34.37.309-91: Method for Measurements of Microquantities of Copper Compounds by Kinetic Method

RD 34.37.402-96: Typical instruction on performance chemical cleaning of boilers.

RD 34.37.403-91: Procedural Guidelines for In-Service Chemical Cleaning of Boilers for Supercritical-Pressure Reactors

RD 34.37.404: Procedural Guidelines for Pre-Startup Chemical Cleaning of Thermal Energy Equipment

RD 34.37.406: Procedural Guidelines for Chemical Cleaning of Copper Deposits from Feed Lines and Steam-Water Lines of 300 MW Power Units Prior to Changeover of Them to Neutral-Oxygen Water Chemistry

RD 34.37.407: Procedural Guidelines for Pre-Startup Steam-Oxygen Cleaning and Passivation of Steam-Water Line of Thermal Energy Equipment

RD 34.37.408: Guidelines for Alkali Treatment of Steam and Hot Water Boilers

RD 34.37.409-96: Procedural Guidelines for Post-Repair Steam-Oxygen Cleaning and Passivation of Inner Heating Surfaces of Electrical Equipment

RD 34.37.504-83: Quality Standards for Feed Water and System Water of Piped Heat Distribution Systems

RD 34.37.505: Procedural Guidelines for Silicate Treatment of Feed Water in System Line of Cogeneration Plants

RD 34.37.506-88: Procedural Guidelines for Water Treatment and Water Chemistry in Water Heating Equipment and Piped Heat Distribution Systems

RD 34.37.507-92: Guidelines for the organization of oxygen water regime on supercritical pressure units

RD 34.37.508-91: Procedural Guidelines for Organization Alkaline Water Chemistry of Power Units with Once-Through Boilers Operating with Frequent Starts and Stops

RD 34.37.510: Model Guidelines for Water Chemistry Management for Supercritical-Pressure Reactors

RD 34.37.512-90: Procedural Guidelines for Water Chemistry Management of Supercritical-Pressure Reactors Using Ammonia-Hydrazine Method for Correctional Treatment of Feed Water

RD 34.37.514-91: Procedural Guidelines for Integrated Treatment of Water for Drum Boilers Operating at Pressure of 40-100 kgf/sq. cm (3.9-9.8 MPa)

RD 34.37.515-93: Procedural Guidelines for Treatment and Testing of Return Condensate

RD 34.37.516-91: Procedural Guidelines for Cleaning Turbine Condensate in Units with Once-Through Boilers

RD 34.37.517-90: Procedural Guidelines for Automation of Hydrazine and Ammonia Dispensing in Condensate Feed Line of Power Unit in Thermal Power Stations

RD 34.37.518: Power Station Water Liming Guidelines

RD 34.37.519-90: Procedural Guidelines for Hydrazine Water Chemistry Management in Power Units with Once-Through Boilers

RD 34.37.522-88: Procedural Guidelines for Correct Treatment of Potable Water and Feed Water for Bent-Tube Boilers Operating at Pressure of 3.9-13.8 MPa

RD 34.37.526-94: Methodology instructions for use of ion exchangers for thermal power plants water treatment units.

RD 34.42.401-88: Procedural Guidelines for Startup and Initial Adjustment of Thermal Power Station Process Wastewater Treatment Plants

RD 34.42.501: Model Guidelines for Operation of Thermal Power Station Process Wastewater Treatment Plants

RD 34.43.102-96: Guidelines for Use of Petroleum-Based Turbine Oils

RD 34.43.105-89: Procedural Guidelines for Use of Transformer Oils

RD 34.43.106-90: Standard instructions for acceptance, storage and operation of OMTI fire-resistant turbine oil

RD 34.43.107-95: Procedural Guidelines for the Determination of Content of Water and Air in Transformer Oil

RD 34.43.202-84: Transformer oils. Method for determining the content of solids

RD 34.43.203-94: Petroleum-Based Turbine Oils. Method for the Determination of Thermal Oxidation Stability in the Presence of Water

RD 34.43.204-94: Turbine oil. Method for the quantitative determination of anti-corrosion properties

RD 34.43.208-95: Methods for Quantitative Chemical Analysis. Determination of Content of Additives in Oils Used in Energy Equipment by High Performance Liquid Chromatography

RD 34.43.209-97: Accelerated Method for the Determination of Anti-Oxidative Additive (Ionol) in Fresh and Used Turbine Oils

RD 34.45-51.300-97: Electrical equipment testing scope and standards.

RD 34.46.303-98: Procedural Guidelines for Preparation for and Performance of Chromatographic Analysis of Gases Dissolved in the Oil of Power Transformers

RD 34.49.503-94: Model Guidelines for Content and Application of Primary Means for Fire Suppression at Energy Industry Facilities

RD 34.50.501-96: Model Guidelines for Operation of Electrolytic Units for Obtaining Hydrogen and Oxygen

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