National Measurement Standards. Development and Certification of Measurement Techniques
Государственная система обеспечения единства измерений. Разработка и аттестация методик выполнения измерений
Status: Not effective
The recommendation contains the main provisions of the development and certification of measurement procedures (MVI), incl. methods of quantitative chemical analysis (MKHA). It is advisable to use the recommendation when introducing GOST R 8.563-96 “GSI. Measurement Techniques.
Рекомендация содержит основные положения разработки и аттестации методик выполнения измерений (МВИ), в т.ч. методик количественного химического анализа (МКХА). Рекомендацию целесообразно использовать при внедрении ГОСТ Р 8.563-96 «ГСИ. Методики выполнения измерений».
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SKU: RUSS147266
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Construction (Max) »
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Regulatory documents of supervisory authorities »
Normative documents of Committee of Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification »
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I Organizational and technical bases of metrological support »
1 Organization and management of metrological support »
1.1 Basic provisions of metrological support »
ISO classifier »
17.020 Metrology and measurements in general »
The Document References:
GOST 22.2.04-97: Safety in emergencies. Technogenic crashes and catastrophes. Metrological assurance of control of the complicated technical systems state. General statements and rules
GOST 8.010-90: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Procedures of measurements
GOST 8.051-81: State system for ensuring the uniformity measurements. Permissible errors of measurement of linear dimensions to 500 mm
GOST 8.315-91: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measuring. Reference materials. Basic principles, ways of development, certification, approval, registration and use
GOST R 1.0-92: State system for standardization of the Russian Federation. Basic principles
GOST R 8.563-96: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Procedures of measurements
MI 1967-89: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. The choice of methods and measuring instruments in the development of measurement techniques. General provisions
MI 2265-93: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Procedure for admission to the use in the Russian Federation of reference materials of foreign manufacture
PR 50.2.001-94: Rules for the application of the interstate standard GOST 8.010-90 "GSI. Measurement Technique" in the territory of the Russian Federation
PR 50.2.009-94: The testing and approval procedure for the measurement instrumentation
PR 50.2.013-94: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Accreditation Procedure for Metrological Services of Legal Entities
PR 50.2.013-97: GSOEI. The procedure for accreditation of the metrological services of legal entities to the right of certification of measurement procedures and metrological examination of documents
RD 50-98-86: Methodological instructions. Selecting universal means of dimensional measurement up to 500 mm (application as per GOST 8.051-81).
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST 32019-2012: Technical condition monitoring of the unique buildings and constructions. Rules of design and installation of permanent systems (stations) of monitoring
GOST R 54859-2011: Buildings and constructions. Definition of the parameters of the basic tone of free oscillations of buildings
GOST R 56512-2015: Non-destructive testing. Method of magnetic particle testing. Standard technological processes
GOST R 8.595-2002: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Mass of petroleum and petroleum products. General requirements to procedures of measurements
MI 2240-98: National Measurement Standards. Analysis of Measurement, Inspection, and Testing Practicies at Businesses, Organizations, and Associations. Work Execution Technique and Procedures
MI 2500-98: National Measurement Standards. Basic Principles for Metrological Assurance for Small Businesses
MI 2536-99: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Indicators of the quality of electrical energy at metering sites. General requirements for measurement procedures
MI 2537-2000: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Thermal energy of open water heating systems, received by the consumer. Measurement Technique
MI 2640-2001: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Mass (volume) amount of water consumed in circulating hot water supply systems for residential buildings. Measurement techniques. General provisions
MI 2676-2001: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Methods of metrological certification of algorithms and programs for processing data from measurement results when determining the volume and mass of oil and petroleum products. General
MI 3212-2009: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Consumption and quantity of natural gas. Measurement technique for determining the tightness of impulse lines of pines (pneumatic systems for measuring pressure drop and pressure) according to GOST 8.586. (1-5) -2005 measuring systems with restricting devices
MU Dosimetric control of external occupational exposure. General requirements
MU Dosimetric control of occupational internal exposure. General requirements
MU Volumetric activity of radionuclides in the air at workplaces. Requirements for determining the value of the average annual activity
MU 64-02-002-2002: Organization and procedure for the execution of metrological examination of regulatory documents
MUK Control of radioactive nuclide contamination of the surfaces of workrooms, equipment, vehicles and other objects. Guidelines for control methods
OST 45.150-99: Measurement Techniques. Order of development and certification
PR 32.138-99: Rules for Metrology. Procedure for certification of measurement procedures used on railway transport and not subject to state metrological control and supervision
PR 50.2.013-97: GSOEI. The procedure for accreditation of the metrological services of legal entities to the right of certification of measurement procedures and metrological examination of documents
R 50.2.008-2001: National System for Standardization of Measurements. Techniques for Chemical Quantitative Analysis. Scope and Procedure for Execution of Metrological Expert Review
R 52.14.648-2003: Recommendations. Metrological examination of regulatory and technical documentation
RD 153-34.0-11.340-00: Method for Measurements of Pressure in Steam and Hot Water Boilers, Vessels, and Piping of Thermal Power Station Process Equipment Subject to Monitoring and Inspection by Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia Offices
RD 153-34.0-11.341-00: Method for Measurements of Quantity of Thermal Energy Released from Heat Sources in Piped Hot Water Heat Supply Systems
RD 153-34.0-11.342-00: Method for Measurements of Quantity of Thermal Energy Released from Heat Sources in Piped Steam Heat Supply Systems
RD 153-34.0-11.343-00: Method for Measurements of Flow Rate and Quantity of Steam Released from Heat Sources in Piped Steam Heat Supply Systems
RD 153-34.0-11.345-00: Method for Measurements of Temperature of Steam Released from Heat Sources in Piped Steam Heat Supply Systems
RD 153-34.0-11.346-00: Method for Measurements of Flow Rate and Quantity of Heat Transfer Agent in Piping of Piped Hot Water Heat Supply Systems to Heat Source
RD 153-34.0-11.347-00: Method for Measurements of Temperature of Heat Transfer Agent in Piping of Piped Hot Water Heat Supply Systems at Heat Source
RD 153-34.0-11.348-00: Method for Measurements of Flow Rate and Quantity of Heat Transfer Agent in Piping of Piped Hot Water Heat Supply Systems at Heat Source
RD 153-34.0-11.349-00: Method for Measurements of Pressure of Condensate Returned from Heat Source of Piped Steam Heat Supply Systems and Cold Water Used as Feed Water
RD 153-34.0-11.350-00: Method for Measurements of Flow Rate and Quantity of Condensate Returned to Heat Source from Piped Steam Heat Supply Systems
RD 153-34.0-11.351-00: Method for Measurements of Temperature of Condensate Returned from Heat Source of Piped Steam Heat Supply Systems and Cold Water Used as Feed Water
RD 153-34.0-11.352-2001: Method for Measurements of Quantity of Thermal Energy and Heat Transfer Agent Released to Piped Hot Water Heat Supply Systems from Heat Source Using Ultrasonic Heat Meters
RD 153-34.1-11.304-98: Method for Measurements of Pressure of Spent Steam in Steam Turbine Condensers
RD 153-34.1-11.312-2000: Methods for measuring the air temperature behind the heaters of steam boilers at thermal power plants
RD 153-34.1-11.317-2001: Methods for measuring the temperature of feed water in thermal power plants
RD 153-34.1-11.318-2000: Methods for measuring the pressure of fresh steam behind the boiler and in front of the turbine stop valves in thermal power plants
RD 153-34.1-11.319-2001: Methods for measuring the temperature of fresh steam behind the boiler and in front of the turbine stop valves in thermal power plants
RD 34.11.303-97: Procedural Guidelines. Development and Certification of Measurement Methods Used at Electric Power Facilities to Monitor Process Parameters not Subject to Government Metrological Inspection. Organization and Procedure
RD 34.11.332-97: Procedural Guidelines. Development and Certification of Measurement Methods Used at Electric Power Facilities in Areas Subject to Government Metrological Monitoring and Inspection. Organization and Procedure
RD 52.14.600-98: Instructions. The order of implementation and monitoring of the implementation and compliance with regulations
RD 52.14.617-2000: Instructions. The order of the norm control
RD BGEI 32-99: Organization and procedure for metrological certification of methods for performing measurements of topographic-geodetic and cartographic purposes
Recommendations: Aspiration smoke-sensitive alarms VESDA. Part 1. Scope
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