RD 153-34.1-17.462-00
РД 153-34.1-17.462-00
Procedural Guidelines Assessment of Serviceability of Steam Turbine Blades in the Process of Manufacturing, Operation, and Repair
Методические указания о порядке оценки работоспособности рабочих лопаток паровых турбин в процессе изготовления, эксплуатации и ремонта
Status: Not effective
Methodical instructions determine the necessary work, their scope and sequence for assessing the performance of the working blades of steam turbines at the stages of manufacture, operation and repair, methods for diagnosing the condition of the metal, criteria for the performance and maintainability of the blades, the procedure for certifying new materials, manufacturing techniques and repair, diagnostic methods, protective coatings. Guidelines also establish the need for presence in the contracts for the supply, repair and diagnosis of blades requirements for the manufacturer's responsibility for the quality of these works to the owner of the equipment.
Методические указания определяют необходимые работы, их объем и последовательность проведения для оценки работоспособности рабочих лопаток паровых турбин на стадиях изготовления, эксплуатации и ремонта, методы диагностики состояния металла, критерии работоспособности и ремонтопригодности лопаток, порядок аттестации новых материалов, технологий изготовления и ремонта, методов диагностики, защитных покрытий. Методические указания также устанавливают необходимость присутствия в договорах на поставку, ремонт и диагностирование рабочих лопаток требования к ответственности производителя за качество выполнения этих работ перед собственником оборудования.
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Approved: RAO UES of Russia,
SKU: RUSS148264
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The Document References:
GOST 1012-72: Aviation petrol
GOST 10689-75: Soda ash from nepheline raw stock for industrial use. Specifications
GOST 11159-76: Ferric chloride technical
GOST 12503-75: Steel Methods of ultrasonic control. General requirements
GOST 14782-86: Nondestructive testing. Welded joints. Ultrasonic methods
GOST 1497-84: Metals. Methods of tension test
GOST 16504-81: The state system of testing products. Product test and quality inspection. General terms and definitions
GOST 18442-80: Non-destructive testing. Capillary methods. General requirements
GOST 18661-73: Steel. Method for measurement of hardness by shock indentation
GOST 18968-73: Corrosion-resistant and high temperature steel rods and strips for steam turbine blades
GOST 201-76: Trisodium phosphate. Technical conditions
GOST 20415-82: Non-destructive testing. Acoustic methods. General principles
GOST 20911-89: Technical diagnostics. Terms and definitions
GOST 21105-87: Non-destructive testing. Method of magnetic particle testing
GOST 22761-77: Metals and alloys. Brinell hardness test by static action portable hardness meters
GOST 23207-78: Fatigue strength. Terms, definitions and symbols
GOST 2424-83: Grinding wheels
GOST 24278-89: Stationary steam turbine plants for driving electric generators at thermal power stations
GOST 24450-80: Magnetic non-destructive inspection. Terms and definitions
GOST 25.502-79: Methods of mechanical testing of metals
GOST 25.507-85: Strength calculation and testing in machine building. Methods of fatigue testing under service loading. General requirements
GOST 27.002-89: Industrial product dependability. General principles. Terms and definitions
GOST 2789-73: Surface roughness. Parameters and characteristics
GOST 28969-91: Stationary steam low-capacity turbines
GOST 4201-79: Reagents. Sodium bicarbonate. Specifications
GOST 4220-75: Reagents. Potassium bichromate. Specifications
GOST 4233-77: Reagents. Sodium chloride. Specifications
GOST 5639-82: Steel and alloys. Methods for detection and determination of grain size
GOST 701-89: Concentrated nitric acid
GOST 8433-81: Auxiliary substances OП-7 and OП-10. Specifications
GOST 9454-78: Metals. Method for testing the impact strength at the low, room and high temperature
RD 153-34.1-17.421-98: Standard instructions for controlling the metal and extending the life of the main elements of boilers, turbines and pipelines of thermal power plants
RD 34.17.401-95: Instructions for scope and procedure of metal input control of power equipment with pressure of 9 MPa and more, before its commissioning.
RD 34.17.424-87: Guidelines for Investigating Causes of Damage to Metal of the Blade Apparatus and Steam Turbine Disks
RD 34.17.449-97: Method for Eddy Current Inspection of Steam Turbine Blades for Thermal Power Stations Using Flaw Detector "Zoned VD-96
RD 34.20.501-95: Technical operation rules for power plants and networks of the Russian federation
RD 34.30.507-92: Procedural Guidelines for the Prevention of Corrosion Damage to Disk and Blade Apparatus of Steam Turbines in Phase Transition Zone
The Document is Referenced By:
RD 153-34.1-17.424-2001: Procedural Guidelines for Investigation of Causes of Damage to Steam Turbine Rotor Components
STO: Thermal power plants. Methods of assessing the condition of the main equipment
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