
RD 153-34.0-04.202-98

РД 153-34.0-04.202-98

Procedural Guidelines. Certification of Departments of Energy Facilities Performing Quantitative Chemical Analysis. Organization and Procedure

Методические указания. Аттестация подразделений энергетических предприятий, выполняющих количественный химический анализ. Организация и порядок проведения

Status: Effective

Methodical instructions determine the order of sectoral (departmental) certification of power companies that perform quantitative chemical analyzes (KHA), the results of which are used in operation for maintaining and monitoring technological regimes, monitoring the status of power equipment, calculating technical and economic indicators during power equipment start-up and repair. Requirements of the Guidelines apply to services, laboratories, groups and other units that carry out the KHA (hereinafter divisions) and are part of the AO-energo, TPP, hydropower plants, electrical and thermal networks, repair and commissioning organizations.

Методические указания определяют порядок отраслевой (ведомственной) аттестации подразделений энергопредприятий, выполняющих количественные химические анализы (КХА), результаты которых используются при эксплуатации для ведения и контроля технологических режимов, контроля состояния энергооборудования, расчета технико-экономических показателей, при проведении пусконаладочных и ремонтных работ энергопредприятий. Требования Методических указаний распространяются на службы, лаборатории, группы и другие подразделения, выполняющие КХА (далее подразделения) и входящие в состав АО-энерго, ТЭС, ГЭС, предприятий электрических и тепловых сетей, ремонтных и наладочных организаций.

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Approved: RAO UES of Russia, 3/16/1998

SKU: RUSS148618

Price: $423.00


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The Document References:

GOST 10020-88: Oxidized pit coals and anthracite of the kuznetsk basin and the gorlovsky basin. Classification

GOST 10062-75: Natural combustible gases. Method for determination of specific heat of combustion

GOST 10121-76: Selectively purified transformer oil

GOST 10433-75: Fuel oil for gas-turbine plants. Specifications

GOST 10538-87: Solid fuel. Methods for determination of chemical composition of ash

GOST 10585-75: Black oil fuel

GOST 10742-71: Brown coals, hard coals, anthracite, combustible shales and coal briquettes. Methods of sampling and preparation of samples for laboratory tests

GOST 10900-84: Ion-exchange resins. Methods of determination of granulometric composition

GOST 11014-81: Brown coals, hard coals, anthracite and combustible shales. Shortened method of moisture determination

GOST 11022-90: Solid mineral fuels. Methods for the determination of ash

GOST 11303-75: Peat and products of its processing. Method of preparation of analysis sample

GOST 11305-83: Turf. Methods for determination of moisture

GOST 11306-83: Turf and products of its processing. Methods for the determination of ash content

GOST 11362-76: Petroleum products. Determination of base, acid and acidity by potentiometric titration

GOST 11762-87: Brown coals, hard coals, anthracites, combustible shales, turf and briquettes. Accuracy of weighting

GOST 11804-76: Combustible turf for pulverized burning. Technical requirements

GOST 12068-66: Mineral oils. Method for determination of demulsification time

GOST 13455-91: Solid mineral fuel. Methods for the determination of carbon dioxide content of the carbonates

GOST 13674-78: Peat. Acceptance rules

GOST 1431-85: Petroleum products and additives. Method for the determination of sulfur by fusing in a crucible

GOST 1437-75: Dark petroleum products accelerated method for determination of sulfur

GOST 1461-75: Petroleum and petroleum products. Method of ash test

GOST 147-2013: Solid mineral fuel. Determination of gross calorific value and calculation of net calorific value

GOST 147-74: Brown coals, hard coals, anthracite, combustible shales, turf and briquettes. Method for determination of specific heat of combustion

GOST 14920-79: Dry gas. Method for determination of component composition

GOST 1547-84: Oils and greases. Methods for determination of water presence

GOST 16094-78: Brown coals, hard coals, anthracite and combustible shales. Method of sampling for operation tests

GOST 17216-71: Industrial purity

GOST 17310-86: Gases. Picknometric method for determination of density

GOST 17323-71: Engine fuel. Determination of mercaptan and hydrogen sulphide sulphur content by pontentiometric titration

GOST 18136-72: Oils. Method for determination of oxidation stability in a universal apparatus

GOST 18164-72: Drinking water. Method for determination of total solids content

GOST 1817-64: Brown coals, hard coals, anthracites, combustible shales and briquettes. Method for the preparation of common samples

GOST 18190-72: Drinking water. Methods for determination of chlorine residual content

GOST 18293-72: Drinking water. Methods for determination of lead, zinc and silver content

GOST 18309-72: Drinking water. Method for determination of polyphosphate content

GOST 18826-73: Drinking water. Methods for determination of nitrates content

GOST 18917-82: Natural gas fuel. Methods of sampling

GOST 18963-73: Drinking water. Methods of sanitary-bacteriological analysis

GOST 18995.1-73: Liquid chemical products. Methods for determination of density

GOST 19121-73: Petroleum Products Determination of sulphur content by lamp method

GOST 1916-75: Brown coals, hard coals, anthracites, coal briquettes and combustible shales. Methods for the determination of mineral impurities (rock) and smalls

GOST 19199-73: Lubricating oils. Method for determination of anticorrosive properties

GOST 19296-73: Petroleum oils. Test for soda reaction from petroleum oils. Photoelectric colorimeter method

GOST 19339-88: Brown coals, hard coals and anthracite of the North-East regions for pulverized burning. Specifications

GOST 19932-74: Petroleum products. Method of Conradson coking capacity test

GOST 20060-83: Combustible natural gases. Methods for determining water vapor content and dew point of moisture

GOST 20284-74: Petroleum products. Method for determination of colour on colorimeter ЦНТ

GOST 20287-74: Petroleum products. Methods for determining the temperature of solidification

GOST 20287-91: Petroleum products Method of test for flow point and pour point

GOST 2057-82: Brown coals, hard coals, anthracites and combustible shales and turf. Method for the determination of ash fusibility

GOST 2059-75: Brown coals, hard coals, anthracites and combustible shales. Accelerated method for the determination of total sulphur content

GOST 2070-82: Light petroleum products. Methods for determination of iodine numbers and content of unsaturated hydrocarbons

GOST 21261-91: Oil products. Method for the determination of gross calorific value and calculation of net calorific value

GOST 22387.2-83: Natural combustible gases. Methods for determination of hydrogen sulphide and sulphur mercaptan

GOST 22387.3-77: Natural gases. Method of determining oxygen content

GOST 22387.4-77: Gas for households and public utilities. Method of determining of tar and dust content

GOST 22667-82: Combustible natural gases. Methods to calculate calorific value, specific gravity and Wobbe index

GOST 23781-87: Natural combustible gases. Chromatographic method for determination of component composition

GOST 2408.1-75: Brown coals, hard coals, anthracite, combustible shales and peat. Method for determining the content of carbon and hydrogen

GOST 2408.1-88: Solid fuel. Methods for the determination of carbon and hydrogen

GOST 2477-65: Petroleum and petroleum products. Method for determination of water content

GOST 2517-85: Crude oil and petroleum products. Methods of sampling

GOST 25784-83: Petroleum fuel of gas turbines fuels. Determination content of sodium, potassium and calcium

GOST 27193-86: Combustible natural gases. Method for Determination of Caloric Value With Water Calorimeter

GOST 27313-89: Solid mineral fuel. Symbols of analytical results and formulae for calculation of analyses to different bases

GOST 27314-91: Solid mineral fuel. Determination of moisture

GOST 27379-87: Solid mineral fuel. Methods for determination of sampling and sample preparation errors

GOST 27384-87: Water. Rates of measurement error of characteristics of composition and properties

GOST 27589-91: Coke. Method for determination of moisture in an analytical sample

GOST 2874-82: Drinking water. Hygienic requirements and quality control

GOST 2917-76: Oils and additives. Method of test for corrosion influence on metals

GOST 29328-92: Stationary gas turbines for turbo generators. General technical requirements

GOST 3022-80: Technical hydrogen. Specification

GOST 3351-74: Drinking water. Methods for determination of odor, taste, color and turbidity

GOST 33-82: Petroleum products. Method for determination of kinematic viscosity and calculation of dynamic viscosity

GOST 3877-88: Petroleum products. Determination of sulfur by calorimetric bomb method

GOST 3900-85: Petroleum and petroleum products. Method for determination of density

GOST 4011-72: Driking water. Methods for determination of total iron

GOST 4151-72: Drinking water. Method for determination of total hardness

GOST 4152-81: Drinking water. Method for determination of arsenic mass concentration

GOST 4245-72: Drinking water. Method for determination of chloride content

GOST 4333-87: Petroleum products. Methods for determination of flash and ignition points in open crucible

GOST 4386-89: Drinking water. Methods for determination of fluorides mass concentration

GOST 4388-72: Drinking water. Methods for determination of copper mass contentration

GOST 4810-89: Coals of moscow basin for pulverized burning. Specifications

GOST 5396-77: Turf. Methods of sampling

GOST 5439-76: Natural and synthetic combustion gases. Method for determination of volume fraction of components using a set of gas analysers (SGA)

GOST 5542-87: Natural fuel gases for industrial and domestic use

GOST 5985-79: Petroleum products. Method for determination of acidity and acid number

GOST 6258-85: Petroleum products method for determination of assumed viscosity

GOST 6307-75: Petroleum products. Method of test for water-soluble acids and alkalies

GOST 6356-75: Petroleum products. Method of test for flash point boy closed cup

GOST 6370-83: Petroleum, petroleum products and additives Methods for determination of mechanical admixtures

GOST 6382-91: Mineral solid fuel. Determination of volatile matter

GOST 6433.5-84: Liqyid dielectrics. Sampling

GOST 6581-75: Liquid electrical insulating materials. Electric test methods

GOST 667-73: Battery sulphuric acid. Specifications

GOST 7241-88: Pechora Basin coals for pulverized burning. Specifications

GOST 7492-89: Sakhalin coals for pulverized burning. Specifications

GOST 7645-89: The Ural coals for pulverised burning. Specifications

GOST 7754-89: Combustible shales of Baltic Basin. Specifications

GOST 7822-75: Petroleum oils. Method of dissolved water determination

GOST 8.556-91: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Methods for determination of waters samples composition and properties. General requirements for development

GOST 8011-74: The Caucasus coals for pulverized burning. Specifications

GOST 8154-88: Karaganda Basin coals for pulverized burning. Specifications

GOST 8167-87: Kuznetsk basin coals and Gorlovsky basin anthracite for pulverized burning. Specifications

GOST 8184-70: The Donetsk basin coals and anthracites pulverized burning. Technical requirements

GOST 8298-89: Coals of Middle Asia for pulverized burning. Specifications

GOST 8606-72: Solid fuel. Method of sulphur determination

GOST 8658-68: Coals of Bashkiria for pulverized burning in stationary boiler plants. Technical requirements

GOST 8719-90: Brown coals, hard coals and anthracite. Method for determination of hygroscopic moisture

GOST 9516-92: Coal. Determination of moisture in the analysis sample. Direct gravimetric method

GOST 9744-87: Coals of the Far East for pulverized burning. Specifications

GOST 981-75: Mineral oils. Method for determination of oxidation stability

GOST 982-80: Transformer oils

GOST 9972-74: Petroleum turbine oils with additives

GOST R 8.563-96: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Procedures of measurements

MI 2335-2003: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Internal quality control of quantitative chemical analysis results

MI 2336-2002: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Indicators of accuracy, accuracy, precision of methods for quantitative chemical analysis. Assessment methods

OST 34-70-656-84: Nature preservation. Hydrosphere. Water consumption and water disposal in heat and power engineering. Main Terms and definitions.

OST 34-70-657-84: Nature preservation. Hydrosphere. Thermal treatment of influent and sewage water at thermal power stations. Terms and definitions.

OST 34-70-685-84: Nature preservation. Hydrosphere. Power stations sewage. Classification.

OST 34-70-689-84: Nature preservation. Hydrosphere. Thermal treatment of influent and sewage water at thermal power stations. Classification.

OST 34-70-953.13-90: Water of industrial thermal electric power stations. Method for determination of suspended substances.

OST 34-70-953.16-90: Water of industrial thermal electric power stations. Method for determination of chlorides.

OST 34-70-953.1-88: Water of industrial thermal electric power stations. Method for sampling.

OST 34-70-953.18-90: Water of industrial thermal electric power stations. Methods for determination of petroleum products.

OST 34-70-953.19-91: Water of industrial thermal electric power stations. Method for determination of EDTA and its salts.

OST 34-70-953.21-91: Water of industrial thermal electric power stations. Method for determination of free carbonic acid.

OST 34-70-953.22-92: Water of industrial thermal electric power stations. Method for determination of nitrates.

OST 34-70-953.26-92: Water of industrial thermal electric power stations. Method for determination of magnesium.

OST 34-70-953.6-88: Water of industrial thermal electric power stations. Method for determination of silicic acid. Methods for determination of quality indicators.

RD 34.01.103-94: Rules for the development, revision, approval and application of industry-specific guidance documents on the operation and repair of equipment in the power industry

RD 34.02.304-95: Guidelines for calculating emissions of nitrogen oxides from flue gases of boilers of thermal power plants

RD 34.02.309-88: Procedural Guidelines for the Determination of Content of Sulfur Dioxide in Boiler Exhaust Gases (Accelerated Method)

RD 34.02.401: Method for Development of Standards for Water Consumption and Water Disposal at Thermal Energy Facilities

RD 34.02.404.1-88: Water waste thermal power plants. Arsenic method

RD 34.02.404.3-92: Water waste thermal power plants. Method for the determination of sulfates

RD 34.02.404.4-92: Water waste thermal power plants. Method for the determination of chlorides

RD 34.09.107: Procedural Guidelines for Inventory of Coal and Oil Shales at Electric Power Generating Stations

RD 34.09.109: Procedural Guidelines for Inventory of Liquid Fuel at Electric Power Generating Stations

RD 34.09.114-92: Guidelines for quality control of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels for the calculation of specific fuel consumption in thermal power plants

RD 34.11.320: Measurement method for measuring the quality of gaseous fuels supplied to thermal power plants

RD 34.11.323-89: Method for Measurements of pH of Water and Steam of Thermal Power Station Generators Using Automatic pH Meter

RD 34.20.501-95: Technical operation rules for power plants and networks of the Russian federation

RD 34.20.591-97: Procedural Guidelines for Preservation of Thermal Mechanical Equipment

RD 34.27.501-91: Model Guidelines for Operation of Hydraulic Ash Collection Systems of Thermal Power Stations

RD 34.27.509-91: Standard operating instructions for ash dumps of thermal power plants

RD 34.37.301: Procedural Guidelines for Chemical Analysis of Deposits on Inner Surfaces of Heating and Flow Sections of Turbines

RD 34.37.303-88: Procedural Guidelines for the Organization and Scope of Water Chemistry Monitoring at Thermal Power Plants

RD 34.37.305-97(1-16): Collection of methods for chemical analysis of washing solutions for chemical cleaning of heat power equipment

RD 34.37.306-87: Guidelines for monitoring the state of the main equipment of thermal power plants, determining the quality and chemical composition of deposits

RD 34.37.307-87: Procedural Guidelines for Predicting Chemical Composition and Scale-Forming Properties of Electric Power Generating Station Coolant Water

RD 34.37.308-90: Procedural Guidelines for the Determination of pH of Feed Water of Direct-Flow Supercritical-Pressure Boilers in the Range from 8.0 to 10.0 Using Laboratory pH Meters

RD 34.37.309-91: Method for Measurements of Microquantities of Copper Compounds by Kinetic Method

RD 34.37.523.10-88: Industrial water of thermal power plants. Methods for determination of water oxidability

RD 34.37.523.11-90: Process Waters Thermal Power Stations. Methods for the Determination of Aluminum: In the Book. Process Waters of Thermal Power Stations. Methods for the Determination of Aluminum and Ammoniacal Nitrogen

RD 34.37.523.12-90: Process Waters Thermal Power Stations. Methods for the Determination of Ammoniacal Nitrogen: In the Book. Process Waters of Thermal Power Stations. Methods for the Determination of Aluminum, and Ammoniacal Nitrogen

RD 34.37.523.7-88: Process Waters of Thermal Power Stations. Methods for the Determination of Quality Indicators. Methods for the Determination of Alkalinity. Methods for the Determination of Hardness. Methods for the Determination of Phosphates. Methods for the Determ

RD 34.37.523.8-88: Industrial water of thermal power plants. Methods for determination of hardness

RD 34.37.523.9-88: Industrial water of thermal power plants. Methods for determination of phosphates

RD 34.37.528-94: Method for Measurements of Sodium Content in Process Waters of Thermal Power Stations by the Potentiometric Method Using Laboratory Ionometers

RD 34.42.401-88: Procedural Guidelines for Startup and Initial Adjustment of Thermal Power Station Process Wastewater Treatment Plants

RD 34.42.501: Model Guidelines for Operation of Thermal Power Station Process Wastewater Treatment Plants

RD 34.43.102-96: Guidelines for Use of Petroleum-Based Turbine Oils

RD 34.43.105-89: Procedural Guidelines for Use of Transformer Oils

RD 34.43.106-90: Standard instructions for acceptance, storage and operation of OMTI fire-resistant turbine oil

RD 34.43.107-95: Procedural Guidelines for the Determination of Content of Water and Air in Transformer Oil

RD 34.43.202-84: Transformer oils. Method for determining the content of solids

RD 34.43.203-94: Petroleum-Based Turbine Oils. Method for the Determination of Thermal Oxidation Stability in the Presence of Water

RD 34.43.204-94: Turbine oil. Method for the quantitative determination of anti-corrosion properties

RD 34.43.206-94: Methods for Quantitative Chemical Analysis. Determination of Content of Furane Derivatives in Electrical Insulating Oils by Liquid Chromatography

RD 34.43.208-95: Methods for Quantitative Chemical Analysis. Determination of Content of Additives in Oils Used in Energy Equipment by High Performance Liquid Chromatography

RD 34.44.202-93: Petroleum fuel for gas turbines. Determination of vanadium by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (flameless method)

RD 34.44.208-94: Petroleum Fuel. Fuel Oil. Determination of Ash Composition

RD 34.45-51.300-97: Electrical equipment testing scope and standards.

RD 34.46.303-98: Procedural Guidelines for Preparation for and Performance of Chromatographic Analysis of Gases Dissolved in the Oil of Power Transformers

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Rules 2001: Rules for operation of technical means of television and radio broadcasting. Part 2. Broadcasting

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