MUK 4.1/4.3.2038-05
МУК 4.1/4.3.2038-05
Sanitary-epidemiologic evaluation of toys
Санитарно-эпидемиологическая оценка игрушек
Status: Effective
Sanitary-epidemiologic evaluation of toys
Предназначены для органов и организаций Федеральной службы по надзору в сфере защиты прав потребителей и благополучия человека, а также других испытательных лабораторий, аккредитованных в порядке, установленном Правительством РФ, осуществляющих деятельность по санитарно-эпидемиологической оценке игрушек.
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Approved: Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation,
SKU: RUSS149805
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) »
008/2011 TR CU. About toy safety »
Regulations and standards (to TR CU 008/2011) »
PromExpert »
V Social Security »
1 Requirements of sanitary and epidemiological regulation »
1.5 Rationing infield of cultural services »
ISO classifier »
97.200 Equipment for recreation »
97.200.50 Toys »
The Document References:
GN Maximum allowable concentrations (MACs) of chemicals in the water of water objects used for drinking and domestic recreation purposes
GN Tentative allowable levels (TALs) of chemical substances in water objects of domestic, culinary and cultural, welfare water usage
GN Maximum allowable concentrations (MACs) of pollutants in the air of residential areas
GN Tentative safe exposure levels (TSELs) of pollutants in the air of residential areas
GN Nutrition hygiene. Package, crockery, equipment and other types of productions, contacting with food. Maximum admissible amounts (MAA) of chemical substances, emitting from materials contacting with food
GOST 17187-81: Noise meters
GOST 22648-77: Plastics. Methods for determination of hygienic characteristics
GOST 25737-91: Plastics. Homopolymeric and copolymer resins of vinyl chloride. Determination of residual vinyl chloride monomer. Gas chromatographic method
GOST 25779-90: Toys. General safety requirements and control methods
GOST 26150-84: Decorative polymer building materials and products on the basic of PVC. Method of sanitary-chemical estimation
GOST 30255-95: Furniture, timber and polymers. Method for determination of formaldehyde and other volatile chemicals in the air of climatic chambers
GOST 3351-74: Drinking water. Methods for determination of odor, taste, color and turbidity
GOST 6709-72: Distilled water. Specifications
GOST R 51210-98: Drinking water. Method for determination of boron content
GOST R 51309-99: Drinking water. Determination of elements content by atomic spectrometry methods
GOST R 51555-99: Toys. General safety requirements and methods of tests. Mechanical and physical properties
GOST R ISO 8124-3-99: Toys. General safety requirements and methods of tests. Emission of toxic for children elements
Instruction 4259-87: Instructions for sanitary and chemical examination of products made of polymeric materials intended for use in domestic and drinking water supply and water management
Methodological guidelines 4395-87: Guidelines for the hygienic assessment of lacquered canning containers
Methodological recommendations 11-1/131-09: Determination of the toxicity of chemical compounds, polymers, materials and products using a luminescent bacterial test
MU 1.1.037-95: Biotesting of production made from polymeric and other materials
MUK Sanitary-chemical investigation of production made from the polystyrene and styrol copolymers
MUK 4.1.1044-01: Chromato-mass-spectrometric determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the air
MUK 4.1.1045-01: High-Performance Liquid Chromatography for the Determination of Formaldehyde and Irreducible Aldehydes (C2-C10) in Air
MUK 4.1.1046-01: Gas chromatographic determination of ortho-, meta-and paraxylenes in air
MUK 4.1.1205-03: Gas chromatographic determination of benzene, trichloroethylene, toluene, tetrachloroethylene, chlorbenzene, ethyl benzene, m-, p-xylenes, o-xylene, styrene, isopropyl benzene, o-chlorinetoluene and naphthalene in water
MUK 4.1.1206-03: Gas chromatographic determination of acrylonitrile, acetonitrile, dimethylformamide, diethylamine and triethylamine, diethylamine and triethylamine in water
MUK 4.1.1209-03: Gas chromatographic determination of E-caprolactam in water
NRB 99: Radiation Safety Standards
RD 52.04.186-89: Part 1. Guidance on the control of air pollution. Pollution of the atmosphere in cities and other settlements. Main Geophysical Observatory. A.I.Voyeikova (MGO)
SanPiN Sanitation and Disease Control Requirements for Residential Occupancies and Spaces
SanPiN Drinking water. Hygienic regulations of the water quality of centralized drinking water supply system. Quality control
SanPiN Production and marketing of games and toys
SanPiN Hygienic requirements for book and journal editions for children and teenagers
SP Allowable levels of Cs-137 and Sr-90 in forest products
SP Handling of mineral raw materials and materials with the higher contents of natural radionuclides
SP Main sanitary regulations to ensure radiation safety
The Document is Referenced By:
FR 1.31.2018.29037: Quantitative chemical analysis of water. Method for measuring mass concentrations of potassium, lithium, sodium and strontium in samples of drinking, natural and waste water by flame emission spectrometry
FR 1.31.2018.29038: Quantitative chemical analysis of water. Method for measuring the mass concentrations of magnesium, calcium, strontium in samples of drinking, natural and waste water by the flame atomic absorption method
FR 1.31.2018.31084: Quantitative chemical analysis of water. Method for measuring mass concentrations of aldehydes in samples of drinking and natural waters by high performance liquid chromatography (2018 edition)
MR 1.2.0134-18: The procedure for the selection of samples (samples) of toys and products intended for children and adolescents, the organization of their testing (research) and evaluation, data reporting in order to ensure state supervision in the field of ensuring the quality and safety of non-food products
PND F 14.1:2:4.57-96: Quantitative chemical analysis of water. Methods of measuring mass concentrations of aromatic hydrocarbons in drinking, natural and waste waters by gas chromatography
PND F 14.1:2:4.71-96: Quantitative chemical analysis of water. Methods for measuring the mass concentrations of volatile organohalogen compounds in drinking, natural and waste water samples by gas chromatography
PND F 14.1:2:4.84-96: Quantitative chemical analysis of water. Method of measurement of mass concentration of formaldehyde in samples of potable, natural and waste waters by photometric method
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