
RMG 60-2003

РМГ 60-2003

State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Attested mixtures. General requirements for development

Государственная система обеспечения единства измерений. Смеси аттестованные. Общие требования к разработке

Status: Effective - Introduced for the first time

The recommendations apply to certified mixtures of substances intended for metrological assurance of measurements of the content of components of substances and materials, and contain general requirements for the order of their development.

Рекомендации распространяются на аттестованные смеси веществ, предназначенные для метрологического обеспечения измерений содержания компонентов веществ и материалов, и содержат общие требования к порядку их разработки.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology, 1/30/2004

SKU: RUSS150369

Price: $183.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Regulations » Regulatory documents of supervisory authorities » Normative documents of Committee of Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification »

PromExpert » SECTION II. METROLOGICAL » I Organizational and technical bases of metrological support » 1 Organization and management of metrological support » 1.3 Accreditation infield of ensuring uniformity of measurements »

ISO classifier » 17 METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENTS. PHYSICAL PHENOMENA » 17.020 Metrology and measurements in general »

National standards » 17 METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENTS. PHYSICAL PHENOMENA » 17.020 Metrology and measurements in general »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » T General technical and organizational and methodological standards » T8 State measurement system » T80 Rules, norms, regulations infield of ensuring uniformity of measurements »

The Document References:

GOST 8.010-90: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Procedures of measurements

GOST 8.315-91: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measuring. Reference materials. Basic principles, ways of development, certification, approval, registration and use

RMG 29-99: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Metrology. Basic terms and definitions

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST 16273.0-85: Technical selenium. General requirements for method of spectral analysis

GOST 19347-2014: Copper sulfate. Technical conditions

GOST 20996.0-2014: Selenium technical. General requirements for methods of analysis

GOST 24975.1-2015: Ethylene and propylene. Chromatographic methods of analysis

GOST 25086-2011: Non-ferrous metals and their alloys. General requirements for methods of analysis

GOST 25555.5-2014: Fruit and vegetables processing products. Methods for determination of sulfur dioxide

GOST 31382-2009: Copper. Methods of analysis

GOST 31411-2009: Ammonium perrenat. Specifications

GOST 32221-2013: Copper concentrates. Methods of analysis

GOST 32520-2013: Iron ores, concentrates, agglomerates and pellets. General requirements to the methods of chemical analyses

GOST 32841-2014: Juice products. Determination of ethanol in aromatic compounds using gas chromatography

GOST 32919-2014: Juice products. Determination of trace quantities of methanol

GOST 32936-2014: Cosmetics. Inversion-voltammetry method for determination of mercury

GOST 32937-2014: Cosmetics. Inversion-voltammetry method for determination of lead

GOST 32938-2014: Cosmetics. Inversion-voltammetry method for determination of arsenic

GOST 33332-2015: Fruit and vegetable products. Determination of sorbic and benzoic acids by high performance liquid chromatography

GOST 33437-2015: Juice products. Determination of chlorides by potentiometric titration method

GOST 33654-2015: Brown coals, hard coals and anthracites. General requirements for methods of analysis

GOST 33654-2022: Lignite, rock and anthracite coals. General requirements for methods of analysis

GOST 444-2016: Flotation sulphur pyrite. Specifications

GOST 8.010-2013: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Procedures of measurements. Main principles

GOST 9816.0-2014: Tellurium technical. General requirements for methods of analysis

GOST R 52180-2003: Drinking water. Determination of elements content by stripping voltammetric method

GOST R 52599-2006: Precious metals and their alloys. General requirements for methods of analysis

GOST R 52690-2006: Foods. Voltammetric method of vitamin C mass concentration determination

GOST R 53009-2008: Environmental control and monitoring systems. General guidelines on creation, adoption and ensuring functioning of the chemical weapons destruction

GOST R 53198-2008: Ores and concentrates of non-ferrous metals. General requirements for methods of chemical analysis

GOST R 56157-2014: Soil. Procedures (methods) of analysis of composition and properties of soil samples. General requirements for development

GOST R 56859-2022: Copper and polymetallic ores and products of their processing. Methods of measurement of the mass fraction of gold and silver

GOST R 58466-2019: Ores copper-iron-vanadium and iron-vanadium commodity unenriched. Technical specifications

GOST R 70277-2022: Environmental protection. Surface waters. Control of the quality of water. Methodology for establishing the volume of measurements required to assess wastewater discharge charges

GOST R 8.563-2009: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Procedures of measurements

GOST R 8.613-2005: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Procedures for quantitative chemical analysis of water samples. General requirements for development

GOST R 8.613-2013: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. The procedures (methods) of measurements of structure and properties of water samples. General requirements to development

GOST R 8.896-2015: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Laser analyzers of particle size. Verification procedure

M 15-2010: Recommendation. General requirements for quantitative chemical analysis

M 15-2019: Recommendation. General requirements for analysis methods

M 16-2019: Recommendation. Solutions used in quantitative chemical analysis. Preparation and Control Requirements

M 24-2012: Recommendation. Certification of methods (methods) of measurements of indicators of the composition and properties of objects of metallurgical production, industrial environmental monitoring, environmental monitoring, chemical factors of the industrial en

MI 2427-2016: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Assessment of measurement status in test, measurement and production and analytical control laboratories

MI 2976-2006: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Construction, content and presentation of documents governing the methods of quantitative chemical analysis

MU 08-47/160: Milk and dairy products. Inversion voltammetric method for measuring the mass concentration of mercury

MU 08-47/206: Food products and food raw materials. Voltammetric method for measuring the mass concentration of iodine

MU 08-47/215: Grape, fruit wines and wine materials. Method for measuring mass concentration of citric acid by potentiometric titration

MU 08-47/218: Hair. Method for measuring mass concentration of calcium by amperometric titration

MU 08-47/220: Bioobjects (hair). Inversion voltammetric method for measuring mass concentrations of manganese, antimony and bismuth

MU 08-47/221: Vegetable raw materials, extracts and drinks based on it. Voltammetric method for measuring the mass concentration of selenium forms

MU 08-47/222: Breast milk. Inversion voltammetric method for measuring mass concentrations of elements and vitamins

MU 08-47/224: Grain and products of its processing, feed, animal feed, animal feed and feed additives. Inversion voltammetric method for determining the content of toxic elements (zinc, cadmium, lead, copper)

MU 08-47/228: Flour, bread and bakery products with the addition of vitamin-mineral mixtures. Voltammetric method for measuring the mass concentration of vitamin B2

MU 08-47/229: Sugar. Inversion voltammetric method for measuring the mass concentration of mercury

MU 08-47/247: Grain and products of its processing, silage from green plants, feed, animal feed, animal feed and feed additives. Inversion voltammetric method for determining the content of iron, iodine, cobalt, manganese, arsenic, nickel, mercury and selenium

MU 08-47/303: Feed and feed additives. Voltammetric method for measuring the mass concentration of iodine and its organic and inorganic forms

MUK 4.1.001-13: Methods of measuring the mass concentration of formaldehyde in samples of drinking, natural, treated wastewater and melted snow (snow) by the photometric method

MUK 4.1.002-13: Methods of measuring the mass concentration of 1, 1-dimethylhydrazine in washes from equipment surfaces, building structures, skin and personal protective equipment by photometric method

MUK 4.1.003-13: Measurement of mass concentration of 1, 1-dimethylhydrazine in the blood by spectrophotometric method

MUK 4.1.004-13: Method for measuring the mass concentration of ammonium perchlorate (perchlorate ion) in the urine by the potentiometric method

MUK 4.1.005-13: Methods for measuring the mass concentration of tetramethyl tetrazene in the air of the working area by the photometric method

MUK 4.1.006-13: Methods of measuring the mass concentration of formaldehyde in the air of the working area by the photometric method

MUK 4.1.007-13: Methods of measuring the mass concentration of nitrogen dioxide in the air of the working area by the photometric method

MUK 4.1.008-13: Method for measuring the mass concentration of dimethylamine in samples of drinking, natural, treated wastewater and snowmelt (snow) by the photometric method

MUK 4.1.011-18: Method for measuring the mass concentration of formaldehyde in samples of drinking, natural, treated wastewater and melt (snow) water by the photometric method

MUK 4.1.012-18: The method of measuring the mass concentration of dimethylamine in samples of drinking, natural, treated wastewater and melt (snow) water by Photometric method

MUK 4.1.015-11: Methods of measuring the mass fraction of tetramethyltetrazene in soil samples by the photometric method

MUK 4.1.016-11: Methods of measuring the mass fraction of nitrosodimethylamine in soil samples by the photometric method

MUK 4.1.017-11: Methods of measuring the mass concentration of nitrosodimethylamine in the air of the working area by the photometric method

MUK 4.1.018-11: Methods for measuring the mass concentration of dimethylamine in the air of the working area by the photometric method

MUK 4.1.019-11: Measurement method of the mass fraction of 1, 1-dimethylhydrazine in soil samples by photometric method

MUK 4.1.020-11: Methods of measuring the mass concentration of 1, 1-dimethylhydrazine in the air of the working area by the photometric method

MUK 4.1.034-17: Methods of measuring the mass concentration of ammonium perchlorate in the air of the working area by the photometric method

MUK 4.1.035-17: The method of measuring the mass concentration of ammonium perchlorate in the washes from equipment surfaces, building structures, skin and personal protective equipment by the photometric method

MUK 4.1.036-17: Methods of measuring the mass concentration of epichlorohydrin in the air of the working area by the photometric method

MUK 4.1.3057-13: Measurement of the mass concentration of chloroethanol in blood samples by capillary gas chromatography

MUK 4.3.2502-09: Lead-210. Determination of specific activity in food

MUK 4.3.2504-09: Cesium-137. Determination of specific activity in food

OST 41-08-214-04: Industry standard. Quality management of analytical work. Internal laboratory control of the accuracy (accuracy and precision) of the results of quantitative chemical analysis

OST 41-08-272-04: Quality control of analytical work. Geological control quality methods of analytical work.

PND F 14.1.272-2012: Quantitative chemical analysis of water. Methods of measuring the mass concentration of petroleum products in wastewater using the method of IR spectrophotometry using concentrator meters of the KN series (MR SEP-08-11)

PND F 14.1:2.189-02: Quantitative chemical analysis of water. Methods for measuring the mass concentration of fats in natural and treated wastewater using the method of IR spectrophotometry using KN series concentration meters

PND F 14.1:2:4.168-2000: The procedure for measurement of mass concentration of petroleum products in potable, natural and treated effluent waters by infrared spectroscopy method using concentration meter KH-2

PND F 14.1:2:4.273-2012: Quantitative chemical analysis of water. Methods of measuring the mass concentration of petroleum products and fats (with their joint presence) in drinking, natural and treated wastewater using the method of IR-spectrophotometry using concentrator meters of KN series (MR SEP-07-11)

R 50.2.074-2010: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Requirements for the competence of legal persons and individual entrepreneurs, accredited for the works on certification of measurement procedures, used in analytical control

R 50.2.090-2013: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Quantitative chemical analysis procedures. General requirements for development, certification and application

RD 52.04.791-2014: Mass concentration of ammonia in air samples. Measurement technique photometric method with sodium salicylate

RD 52.04.792-2014: Mass concentration of oxide and nitrogen dioxide in samples of atmospheric air. Photometric measurement method using sulfanilic acid and 1-naphthylamine. Main Geophysical Observatory. A.I.Voyeikova (MGO)

RD 52.04.793-2014: Mass concentration of hydrogen chloride in samples of atmospheric air. Photometric Measurement Technique

RD 52.04.794-2014: Mass concentration of sulfur dioxide in air samples. Measurement technique photometric formaldehyde parasaniline method

RD 52.04.796-2014: Mass concentration of carbon disulfide in air samples. Photometric Measurement Technique

RD 52.04.797-2014: Mass concentration of hydrogen fluoride in samples of atmospheric air. Photometric Measurement Technique Using Xylenol Orange

RD 52.04.798-2014: Mass concentration of chlorine in air samples. Photometric measurement technique for reducing the color of the solution of methyl orange

RD 52.04.799-2014: Mass concentration of phenol in samples of atmospheric air. Photometric measurement technique using 4-aminoantipyrine

RD 52.04.822-2015: Mass concentration of sulfur dioxide in air samples. Photometric measurement method using tetrachloromercine and pararosaniline

RD 52.04.823-2015: Mass concentration of formaldehyde in the samples of atmospheric air. Procedure of measurement by photometric method with acetylacetone

RD 52.04.824-2015: Mass concentration of formaldehyde in the samples of atmospheric air. Procedure of measurement by photometric method with phenylhydrazine

RD 52.04.825-2015: Mass concentration of chlorine in air samples. Photometric measurement method with N, N-dimethyl-n-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride

RD 52.04.894-2020: Mass concentration of hydrogen fluoride and solid soluble fluorides from one sample of atmospheric air. Photometric Measurement Procedure Using Xylene Orange

RD 52.10.728-2010: Basic requirements for the competence of laboratories in monitoring the status and pollution of sea water. State Oceanographic Institute (GOIN)

RD 52.10.777-2012: Internal quality control of information on the state and pollution of the marine environment

RD 52.10.803-2013: Mass fraction of petroleum hydrocarbons in samples of marine bottom sediments. Methods of measurement by infrared spectrometry

RD 52.10.804-2013: Mass fraction of anionic synthetic surfactants in samples of sea bottom sediments. Measurement technique by atomic absorption spectrometry in electrothermal atomization mode

RD 52.15.880-2019: Guidelines for organizing and conducting observations, assessing the state and pollution of the marine environment in areas of exploration and development of offshore oil and gas fields

RD 52.18.103-2019: Quality control of analytical works on determining the content of pollutants in the soil

RD 52.18.623-2011: Mass fraction of herbicides bentiocarb and molinate and the identification of propanil and its metabolite 3, 4-dichloraniline in soil samples. Method of measurement by gas-liquid chromatography

RD 52.18.718-2008: Organization and procedure for the observation of soil pollution by toxicants of industrial origin

RD 52.24.509-2015: Internal quality control of hydrochemical information

RD 52.44.588-2016: Mass concentration of organochlorine pesticides and the sum of polychlorbiphenyl isomers in air and precipitation samples. Method of measurement by gas-liquid chromatography

RD 52.44.589-2016: Mass concentration of priority components of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in atmospheric air samples. Measurement technique by high performance liquid chromatography

RD 52.44.590-2016: Mass concentration of priority components of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in samples of precipitation and surface water. Measurement technique by high performance liquid chromatography

RD 52.44.593-2015: Mass concentration of heavy metals in atmospheric air. Measurement technique by atomic absorption spectrometry with flameless atomization

RD 52.44.594-2016: Mass concentration of heavy metals in precipitation and surface waters. Measurement technique by atomic absorption spectrometry with flameless atomization

RD 52.44.816-2015: Mass concentration of methane and carbon dioxide in the surface layer of atmospheric air. Gas Chromatography Measurement Technique

RD 52.44.916-2021: Organization and conduct of routine observations of the background state of environmental pollution and transboundary transport of pollutants

RDT 06-2011: General requirements for the competence of laboratories (centers) performing measurements for the purpose of monitoring the environment and its pollution

RMG 57-2003: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Samples for monitoring the accuracy of the test results of food products. General provisions

RMG 58-2003: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Evaluation of the quality of the testing laboratory of food products and food raw materials. The methodology of the external accuracy control of test results

RMG 59-2003: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Checking of the availability of reagents out of the guaranty storage period for using in laboratory by method of internal laboratory control of test results accuracy

RMG 59-2019: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Verification of suitability for use in the laboratory of reagents with an expired shelf life by the method of intralaboratory control of measurement accuracy

RMG 61-2003: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Accuracy, trueness and precision measures of the procedures for quantitative chemical analysis. Methods of determination

RMG 61-2010: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Indicators of precision and accuracy of the quantitative chemical analysis techniques. Methods for evaluation

RMG 76-2004: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Internal control of quantitative chemical analysis result's accuracy

RMG 76-2014: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Internal control of quantitative chemical analysis result's accuracy

RMG 94-2009: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Test laboratories performing of the quality control of oil at acceptance operations. Basic requirements

ST RK 2486-2014: Protection of Nature. drinking water, natural, clean technology, waste, treated waste. Determination of mass concentration of cobalt, tin, and lead by stripping voltammetry

ST RK 2487-2014: Protection of Nature. drinking water, natural, clean technology, waste, treated waste. Determination of mass concentration of potassium, selenium and silver by stripping voltammetry

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