
R 50.2.077-2014

Р 50.2.077-2014

State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Pattern evaluations of a measuring instrument for pattern approval. Software validation for protection assurance

Государственная система обеспечения единства измерений. Испытания средств измерений в целях утверждения типа. Проверка защиты программного обеспечения

Status: Effective - Supersedes. with the right to early application (IUS 12-2014)

Recommendations establish the sequence of actions during the testing of measuring instruments (hereinafter - SI) for the purpose of type approval in terms of checking the software protection (hereinafter referred to as software) of the SI from unauthorized adjustment and intervention, and detail it in accordance with international requirements of OIML D 31 [1] and WELMEC guidelines 7.2 [2] the procedures established in the procedures [3] and [4] approved by the order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation dated November 30, 2009 No. 1081, as regards the protection of the software of the SI. Recommendations can also be used to check the level of protection of software for SI that are not within the scope of state regulation in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

Рекомендации устанавливают последовательность действий при проведении испытаний средств измерений (далее - СИ) в целях утверждения типа в части проверки защиты программного обеспечения (далее - ПО) СИ от несанкционированных настройки и вмешательства и детализируют с учетом международных требований OIML D 31 [1]и руководства WELMEC 7.2 [2] процедуры, установленные в порядках [3] и [4], утвержденных приказом Министерства промышленности и торговли Российской Федерации от 30 ноября 2009 г. № 1081, в части, касающейся защиты ПО СИ. Рекомендации также могут быть использованы для проверки уровня защиты ПО СИ, не входящих в сферу государственного регулирования в области обеспечения единства измерений.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, 3/4/2014

SKU: RUSS150421

Price: $247.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

ISO classifier » 17 METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENTS. PHYSICAL PHENOMENA » 17.020 Metrology and measurements in general »

National standards » 17 METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENTS. PHYSICAL PHENOMENA » 17.020 Metrology and measurements in general »

As a Replacement Of:

R 50.2.077-2011: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Pattern evaluation of a measuring instrument for pattern approval. Software validation for protection assurance

The Document References:

GOST R 1.0-2012: Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions

GOST R 8.654-2009: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Requirements for software of measuring instruments. Main principles

GOST R 8.839-2013: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. General requirements for software controlled measuring instruments

R 50.2.077-2011: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Pattern evaluation of a measuring instrument for pattern approval. Software validation for protection assurance

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST R 56942-2016: Automated measuring system of accountancy and control of thermal energy. General specifications

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GOST R 8.838-2013: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Ethanol Content Analysers. Verification procedure

GOST R 8.891-2015: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Measuring and indicating biochemistry test system. Technical and metrological requirements. Basic principles

GOST R 8.911-2016: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Ozone generators. Verification procedure

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GOST R 8.923-2016: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Gas generators vapor ethanol in the air. Verification procedure

GOST R 8.924-2016: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Ozone analyzers. Verification procedure

GOST R 8.964-2019: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Digital Oscilloscopes. Verification Method

MI 2999-2018: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Systems automated information-measuring commercial accounting of electric energy. Recommendations for writing a type description

MI 3000-2018: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Systems automated information-measuring commercial accounting of electric energy. Method of verification

MI 3290-2010: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Recommendation on the preparation, execution and review of test materials of measuring instruments for type approval

MI 3566-2016: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Typical test methods and conformity assessment (certification) of measuring instruments software

MP 201-045-2019: System automated information measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) UNEG software 220 kV

MP 201-047-2019: System automated information-measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) UNEG software 220 kV

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MP 201-049-2019: System automated information-measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) UNEG software 220 kV

MP 2414-0074-2019: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Analyzers thermogravimetric CKIC 5E-МАС series. Verification method

MP 26.51.43/17/19: Automated information-measuring system for commercial metering of electricity of LLC "AUCHAN". Verification method

MP 31-2019: The automated information and measurement system for commercial metering of electrical energy (AIIS KUE) of PJSC "Transneft" in the part of JSC "Transneft - Diascan" on the Scientific and Production Base. Verification method

MP 32-2019: Automated information and measuring system for commercial accounting of electric energy (AIIS KUE) of JSC Energy Sales Company (LLC Teplo-Wimm, LLC Vegetables of the South from 35 kV Substation Dalnaya). Verification Method

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MP JePR-216-2019: Automated information and measuring system for commercial metering of electricity (AIIS KUE) of JSC "NESK" for GTE "Gelendzhik" second stage. Verification method

MP JePR-217-2019: Automated information and measuring system for commercial metering of electricity (AIIS KUE) Construction Innovations LLC, second stage. Verification method

MP JePR-222-2019: Automated information and measuring system for commercial electricity metering (AIIS KUE) of NPP LLC at the facility of LISCo Broiler LLC (GTD No. 5). Verification method

MP JePR-223-2019: Automated information and measuring system for commercial metering of electricity (AIIS KUE) of Stolitsa LLC. Verification method

MP JePR-224-2019: Automated information and measuring system for commercial metering of electricity (AIIS KUE) of CJSC "Nizhnevartovskaya GRES". Verification method

MP JePR-226-2020: Automated information and measuring system for commercial metering of electricity (AIIS KUE) RUSENERGOSBYT SIBERIA LLC. Verification method

MP JePR-227-2020: System automated information and measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) UNEG PP 220kV Amga

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