Automation systems. Handbook of materials. Part 1. Basic materials
Системы автоматизации. Справочник материалов. Часть 1. Основные материалы
Status: Effective
The information material (IM) is intended for use in the development of working documentation for process automation systems and engineering equipment (SA) in accordance with the instructions of GOST 21.408, in the installation of the SA based on the requirements of SNiP 3.05.07, as well as for material supply organizations performing the work (hereinafter - when creating the CA).
Информационный материал (ИМ) предназначен для применения при разработке рабочей документации систем автоматизации технологических процессов и инженерного оборудования (СА) в соответствии с указаниями ГОСТ 21.408, при производстве работ по монтажу СА на основе требований СНиП 3.05.07, а также для осуществления материально-технического снабжения организаций, выполняющих указанные работы (далее - при создании СА).
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25.040 Industrial automated systems »
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The Document References:
GOST 10007-80: Polytetrafluoroethylene. Specifications
GOST 1003-73: Liquid naphthenic driers. Specifications
GOST 10052-75: Metal covered electrodes, for manual arc welding of high-alloyed steels with special properties. Types
GOST 10144-89: Enamels XB-124Specifications
GOST 10214-78: Petroleum solvent. Specifications
GOST 10277-90: Putties. Specifications
GOST 103-76: Hot-rolled steel strip. Dimensions
GOST 10446-80: Wire. Tensile test method
GOST 10484-78: Reagents. Hydrofluoric acid. Specifications
GOST 10493-81: Rigid and compensating
GOST 10494-80: Studs for flanged connections with lens-shaped seals for pn - 10-100 MPa (100-1000 kgf/sq sm). Technical requirements
GOST 10495-80: Hexagon nuts for flange joints for pn above 10 to 100 MPa (above 100 to 1000 kgf/cm2)
GOST 1050-88: Carbon structural quality steel gauged bars with special surface finish. General specifications
GOST 1051-73: Calibrated quality steel
GOST 10704-91: Electrically welded steel line-weld lubes. Range
GOST 10705-80: Electrically welded steel tubes. Specifications
GOST 11447-80: Locking studs for Py 10-100 MPa (100-1000 kgf/cm2). Technical requirements
GOST 11474-76: Bent-steel sections. Specifications
GOST 12.1.004-91: Fire safety. General requirements
GOST 12.1.005-88: General sanitary requirements for working zone air
GOST 12.1.007-76: Noxious substances. Classification and general safety requirements
GOST 12.1.010-76: Explosion safety. General requirements
GOST 12.1.011-78: Explosive mixtures. Classification and test methods
GOST 12.1.044-89: Fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials. Nomenclature of indices and methods of their determination
GOST 12.3.002-75: Occupational safety standards system. Manufacturing processes. General safety requirements
GOST 12.3.005-75: Painting works
GOST 12.4.005-85: Occupational safety standards system. Personal protective means for respiratory system. Method for determination of breathing resistance
GOST 12.4.009-83: Fire-fighting equipment for protection of units. Basic types. Location and maintenance
GOST 12.4.011-89: Occupational safety standards system. Means of protection. General requirements and classification
GOST 12.4.021-75: Ventilation systems. General requirements
GOST 12.4.068-79: Occupational safety standards system. Dermatologic personal safety means. Classification and general requirements
GOST 12.4.103-83: Occupational safety standards system. Special protective clothes, personal means of hand and legs protections. Classification
GOST 12707-77: Wash primers. Specifications
GOST 12815-80: Flanges for valves, fittings and pipelines for Pnom from 0,1 to 20 MPa (from 1 to 200 kgf/sq sm). Types. Connecting dimensions and dimensions of sealing surfaces
GOST 12816-80: Flanges for valves, fittings and pipelines for Pnom from 0,1 to 20 MPa (from 1 to 200 kgf/sq sm). General technical requirements
GOST 12821-80: Steel butt-welded flanges for Pnom from 0,1 to 20,0 MPa (from 1 to 200 kgf/cm2). Design and dimensions
GOST 12920-67: Brass wire for cold upsetting. Specifications
GOST 12997-84: SSI Products. General specifications
GOST 1347-77: Varnish БТ-783. Specifications
GOST 13954-74: Flared pipe ends for tube connections on external cone. Construction and dimensions
GOST 13956-74: Sleeves for tube connections on external cone. Construction and dimensions
GOST 13957-74: Captive nuts for tube connections on external cone. Construction and dimensions
GOST 13958-74: Nuts for fastening tube connections on external cone. Construction and dimensions
GOST 13959-74: Unions for tube connections on external cone. Construction and dimensions
GOST 13960-74: Flange unions for tube connections on external cone. Construction and dimensions
GOST 13962-74: Union elbows for tube connections on external cone. Construction and dimensions
GOST 13969-74: Screwed unions for tube connections on external cone. Construction and dimensions
GOST 13970-74: Screwed elbows for tube connections on external cone. Construction and dimensions
GOST 13974-74: Seat stoppers for screwed fittings for tube connections on external cone. Construction and dimensions
GOST 13976-74: Caps for tube connections on external cone. Construction and dimensions
GOST 1414-75: Construction steel with enhanced and high machinability
GOST 14613-83: Fibreboard. Specifications
GOST 14637-89: Thick sheet rolled stock of normal quality carbon steel
GOST 14959-79: Spring carbon and alloy steel bars. Specifications
GOST 15150-69: Machines, instruments and other industrial products. Modifications for different climatic regions. Categories, operating, storage and transportation conditions as to environment climatic aspects influence
GOST 15527-70: Copper zinc pressure treated alloys (brasses). Types
GOST 1571-82: Turpentine oil
GOST 15763-91: Pipeline thread connections for Py up to 63 MPa (up to 630 kgf/cm2)
GOST 15803-76: Threaded pipeline connections. Counter nuts. Construction
GOST 16038-80: Arc welding. Welded joints in pipelines of copper and copper-nickel alloy. Main types, design elements and dimensions
GOST 16040-70: Semi spherical solderable sleeves for tube connections on internal cone. Construction and dimensions
GOST 16041-70: Spherical solderable sleeves for tube connections on internal cone. Construction and dimensions
GOST 16042-70: Semi spherical welded sleeves for tube connections on internal cone. Construction and dimensions
GOST 16043-70: Spherical welded sleeves for tube connections on internal cone. Construction and dimensions
GOST 16044-70: Solderable fittings for tube connections on internal cone. Construction and dimensions
GOST 16045-70: Welded fittings for tube connections on internal cone. Construction and dimensions
GOST 16046-70: Captive nuts of semispherical sleeves for tube connections on internal cone. Construction and dimensions
GOST 16047-70: Captive nuts of spherical sleeves for tube connections on internal cone. Construction and dimensions
GOST 16048-70: Thrust rings for tube connections on internal cone. Construction and dimensions
GOST 16050-70: Long unions for tube connections on internal cone. Construction and dimensions
GOST 16053-70: Union elbows for tube connections on internal cone. Construction and dimensions
GOST 16056-70: Flange union elbows hermetable for tube connections on internal cone. Construction and dimensions
GOST 16058-70: Union tees for tube connections on internal cone. Construction and dimensions
GOST 16069-70: Washers for tube connections on internal cone. Construction and dimensions
GOST 16078-70: Tube connections on internal cone. Technical requirements
GOST 1628-78: Bronze rods. Specifications
GOST 16337-77: High-pressure polyethylene. Specifications
GOST 16338-85: Low-pressure polyethylene. Specifications
GOST 16523-89: Rolled sheets from carbon quality and ordinary steel for general purposes
GOST 16523-97: Rolled sheets from quality and ordinary carbon steel for general purposes. Specifications
GOST Regulations for establishing permissible emissions of noxious pollutants from industrial enterprises
GOST 1759.0-87: Bolts, screws, studs and nuts. Specifications.
GOST 18175-78: Tin-free pressure-worked bronzes. Grades
GOST 18187-72: Solvents of РЭ type for electrocoating. Specifications
GOST 18188-72: Solvents of grades 645, 646, 647, 648 for paint materials. Specifications
GOST 18335-83: Enamel НЦ-184. Specifications
GOST 18475-82: Cold-worked aluminum and aluminum alloy pipes
GOST 18599-83: Polyethylene pressure pipes
GOST 19034-82: Tubes of polyvinylchloride plastic. Specifications
GOST 190-78: Drying oil
GOST 19277-73: Seamless steel tubes for oil and fuel lines. Specifications
GOST 19281-89: Rolled steel with increased strength. General specifications
GOST 19282-73: Low-alloyed plate strip universal steel. Specifications
GOST 1928-79: Coal solvent. Specifications
GOST 19433-88: Dangerous goods. Classification and marking
GOST 19531-74: Sealing devices of screw joints with round cross-section rubber rings. Fluoroplastic washers. Construction and dimensions
GOST 19532-74: Sealing devices of screw joints with round cross-section rubber rings. Nuts. Construction and dimensions
GOST 19771-74: Roll-formed steel equal leg angles. Dimensions
GOST 19772-74: Roll-formed steel unequal leg angles. Dimensions
GOST 19807-91: Wrought titanium and titanium alloys. Grades
GOST 19903-74: Hot-rolled steel sheets. Dimensions
GOST 19904-90: Cold-rolled steel sheets. Dimensions
GOST 20072-74: Heat-resistant steel
GOST 20188-74: Hermeticable unions for tube connections on external cone. Construction and dimensions
GOST 20189-74: Hermeticable flange union elbows for tube connections on external cone. Construction and dimensions
GOST 20193-74: Washers for fastening type connection on external cone. Construction and dimensions
GOST 20194-74: Screwed unions for metal packer for tube connections on external cone. Construction and dimensions
GOST 20195-74: Screwed unions for rubber packer for tube connections on external cone. Construction and dimensions
GOST 20198-74: Screwed reduce-type union elbows for rubber packer for tube connections on external cone. Construction and dimensions
GOST 20200-74: Screwed reduce-type union tees for rubber packer for tube connections on external cone. Construction and dimensions
GOST 21.408-93: System of design documents for construction. Rules of industrial process automation working documentation execution
GOST 21488-76: Extruded bars of aluminium and aluminium alloys
GOST 21631-76: Sheets of aluminium and aluminium alloys. Specifications
GOST 21822-87: Petroleum fragile bitumens. Specifications
GOST 21856-78: Threaded pipeline connections. Passage unions. Construction
GOST 21857-78: Threaded pipeline connections. Reduce unions. Construction
GOST 21858-78: Threaded pipeline connections. End unions. Construction
GOST 21862-78: Threaded pipeline connections. Union passage tees. Construction
GOST 21863-78: Threaded pipeline connections. Reduce tees. Construction
GOST 21872-78: Threaded pipeline connections. Partition unions. Construction
GOST 21873-78: Threaded pipeline connections. Stoppers. Construction
GOST 22525-77: Threaded pipeline connections. Pipe nipple ends for union nuts. Construction
GOST 22526-77: Threaded pipeline connections. Screwed pipe nipple ends and sockets for them. Construction
GOST 22790-89: Assembly units and pipelines components, designed for рnom over 10 to 100 MPa (from 100 to 1000 kgf/cm2)
GOST 22792-83: Assembly units and pipeline parts. Unions for Pnom 9,81-98,1 MPa (100-1000 kgf/sm sq). Construction and dimensions
GOST 22794-83: Assembly units and pipeline parts. Flanged elbow bends for Pnom 9,81-98,1 MPa (100-1000 kgf/sm sq). Construction and dimensions
GOST 22801-83: Assembly units and pipeline parts. Flanged reducing and open branches for Pnom 9,81-98,1 MPa (100-1000 kgf/sm sq). Construction and dimensions
GOST 22807-83: Assembly units and pipeline parts. Flanged lens metering diaphragms for Pnom 9,81-63 MPa (100-630 kgf/sm sq). Construction and dimensions
GOST 22808-83: Assembly units and pipelines parts. Flanged lens arms for Pnom 9,81-63 MPa (100-630 kgf/sm sq). Construction and dimensions
GOST 22809-83: Assembly units and pipeline parts. Flanged lenses with two arms for Pnom 9,81-40 MPa (100-400 kgf/sm sq). Construction and dimensions
GOST 22810-83: Assembly units and pipeline parts. Pocket angles for resistance thermometers and thermocouple thermometers for Pnom 9,81-98,1 MPa (100-1000 kgf/sm sq). Construction and dimensions
GOST 22811-83: Assembly units and pipeline parts. Arms for resistance thermometers and thermocouple thermometers for Pnom 9,81-98,1 MPa (100-1000 kgf/sm sq). Construction and dimensions
GOST 22812-83: Assembly units and pipeline parts. Pockets for resistance thermometers and thermocouple thermometers for Pnom 9,81-98,1 MPa (100-1000 kgf/sm sq). Construction and dimensions
GOST 22815-83: Assembly units and pipeline parts. Flanged plugs for Pnom 9,81-98,1 MPa (100-1000 kgf/sm sq). Construction and dimensions
GOST 22826-83: Assembly units and pipeline parts. Fillets for Pnom 9,81-98,1 MPa (100-1000 kgf/sm sq). Construction and dimensions
GOST 22897-86: Seamless cold-deformed pipes from alloys based on titanium. Specifications
GOST 23343-78: Primer ГФ-0119. Specifications
GOST 23353-78: Threaded pipeline connections. Cartive nut. Construction
GOST 23354-78: Threaded pipeline connections. Cut ring. Construction
GOST 23355-78: Threaded pipeline connections. Ball nipple. Construction
GOST 23358-87: Threaded pipe-line connections. Joint washers. Design
GOST 23363-2001: Texturized synthetic threads. Method for determination of crispiness indices
GOST 23364-78: Synthetic textured threads and tow. Methods for the determination of the breaking strength and breaking elongation
GOST 24072-80: Passage tube connections with cut ring. Construction
GOST 24073-80: Reduce tube connections with cut ring. Construction
GOST 24074-80: End tube connections with cut ring. Construction
GOST 24079-80: Tee passage tube connections with cut ring. Construction
GOST 24080-80: Tee reduce tube connections with cut ring. Construction
GOST 24086-80: Tee passage tube connections with cut ring the end for connection sleeve. Construction
GOST 24090-80: Tube connections with cut ring partition unions. Construction
GOST 24091-80: Dead tube connections with cut ring. Construction
GOST 24092-80: Threaded tube connections. Passage unions for welding. Construction
GOST 24094-80: Threaded tube connections. Union passage tees with the end for cutting ring. Construction
GOST 24485-80: Passage tube connections with ball nipple. Construction
GOST 24486-80: Reducing tube connections with ball nipple. Construction
GOST 24487-80: Welding passage tube connections with ball nipple. Construction
GOST 24488-80: End tube connections with ball nipple. Construction
GOST 24492-80: Tee passage connections with ball nipple. Construction
GOST 24493-80: Tee reducing tube connections with ball nipple. Construction
GOST 24502-80: Partition tube connections with ball nipple. Construction
GOST 24503-80: Dead tube connections with ball nipple. Construction
GOST 24504-80: Tube connections. End unions for cutting ring. Construction
GOST 25129-82: Primer GF-031. Specifications
GOST 25154-82: Terminal contact blocks with flat terminals. Design, main parameters and dimensions
GOST 25164-82: Connections of SSI instruments and devices with external hydraulic and gas lines. Types, basic parameters and dimensions. Technical requirements
GOST 25164-96: Connections of instruments and devices with external hydraulic and gas lines. Types, basic parameters and dimensions. Technical requirements
GOST 25681-83: Threaded pipeline connections. Rotary nipples. Design
GOST 25718-83: Primers AK-069 and AK-070. Specifications
GOST 2590-88: Round steel bars. Dimensions
GOST 2768-84: Acetone technical. Specifications
GOST 3062-80: One lay rope type ЛК-О construction 1x7 (1+6). Dimensions
GOST 312-79: Varnish БТ-5100. Specifications
GOST 3134-78: White spirit
GOST 3241-91: Steel ropes
GOST 3262-75: Water-supply and gas-supply steel pipes Technical conditions
GOST 356-80: Valves and details for piping. Pressures conditional, test and operational. Lines.
GOST 3778-77: Lead. Specifications
GOST 380-88: Common quality carbon steel. Grades
GOST 40-80: Guanide F. Specifications
GOST 4404-78: Graphite for manufacture of slate-pencils. Technical requirements
GOST 443-76: Benzene-solvent for rubber industry. Technical requirements
GOST 4543-71: Structural alloyed steel
GOST 4784-74: Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys. Grades
GOST 481-80: Compressed asbestos fibre sheets and gaskets from it. Specifications
GOST 482-77: Zink oxide oil paste. Specifications
GOST 494-90: Pipes of brass
GOST 495-92: Copper sheets and ribbons. Specifications
GOST 5208-81: Technical normal butyl alcohol. Specifications
GOST 535-88: Common quality carbon bar and shaped sections. General specifications
GOST 550-75: Seamless steel tubes for petroleum processing and petrochemical industry. Specifications
GOST 5631-79: Lacquer BT-577 and paint BT-177. Specifications
GOST 5632-72: High-alloy steels and corrosion-proof, heat-resisting and heat treated alloys. Grades
GOST 5949-75: Gauged corrosion-resistant, heat-resistant and high-temperature steel shape
GOST 5960-72: Flexible PVC for insulation and protective jackets of wires and cables. Specifications
GOST 6009-74: Hot-rolled steel strip. Specifications
GOST 617-90: Copper tubes. Specifications
GOST 6465-76: Enamels PF-115. Specifications
GOST 6992-68: Lacquers and paints. Method for determination of weather-resistance of coatings
GOST 7313-75: Enamels ХВ-785 and lacquer XB-784. Specifications
GOST 7372-79: Steel wire for ropes
GOST 7417-75: Calibrated round steel
GOST 7798-70: Hexagon bolts, product grade B. construction and dimensions
GOST 7827-74: Solvents of grades P-4, P-4A, P-5, P-5A, P-12 for paint materials. Specifications
GOST 7931-76: Natural drying oil
GOST 8240-89: Steel hot-rolled channels
GOST 8278-83: Roll-formed steel equal channels. Dimensions
GOST 8313-88: Technical ethylcellosolve. Specifications
GOST 8509-86: Rolled angular equilateral steel
GOST 8510-86: Hot-rolled steel unequal-leg angles. Dimensions
GOST 8733-74: Cold-formed and heat-formed seamless steel pipes. Technical requirements
GOST 8734-75: Seamless steel tubes cold deformed. Range
GOST 9.105-80: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Paints coatings. Classification and basic parameters of painting methods
GOST 9.401-91: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Paint coatings. General requirements and methods of accelerated tests on resistance to the action of climatic factors.
GOST 9.407-84: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Paint coatings. Method of appearance rating.
GOST 9045-80: Low carbon cold-rolled quality steel sheets for cold stamping. Specifications
GOST 9109-81: Primers ФЛ-03k and ФЛ-03Ж. Specifications
GOST 9347-74: Board for gaskets and gaskets cut of it. Specifications
GOST 9399-81: Threaded steel flanges for Pn 20-100 MPa (200-1000 kgf/sq sm). Specifications.
GOST 9400-81: Threaded connecting ends for valves, fittings and pipes with tens - shaped seals for pn20-100 mpa (200-1000 kgf/cm2) dimensions
GOST 9410-78: Petroleum xylol. Specifications
GOST 9467-75: Metal covered electrodes for manual arc welding of structural and heat-resistant steels. Types
GOST 9567-75: Precision steel tubes. Range
GOST 9833-73: Rubber toroidal sealing rings for hydraulic and pneumatic equipment. Construction and dimensions
GOST 9941-81: Seamless cold- and warm-deformed tubes made from corrosion-resistant steel
GOST 9949-76: Coal xylene. Specifications
GOST 9980.5-86: Paint materials. Transportation and storage
IM 14-51-00: Guidelines and explanations on topical issues of creating automation systems. Release 4. New standard drawings of the Montazhavtomatika association
IM 4-12-95: Automation systems. Handbook of materials. Part 1. Basic materials
OPV 88: General Explosion Safety Requirements for Explosion-Hazardous Chemical, Petrochemical, and Petroleum Refining Processes
OST 26-01-1434-87: Welding of steel technological pipelines on nominal pressure over 10 to 100 MPa (over 100 to 1000 kgf/cm2). Technical requirements.
OST 26-07-2081-2002: Pipeline accessories. The closures of stop gates of the valve type, pressure relief valves and gate valves with a seal of PTFE-4 and composite materials. Technical requirements
OST 36-13-76: Boards and control panels of automation systems of technological process. General technical requirements
OST 36-13-90: Shields and consoles of automation systems for technological processes. General technical conditions
RM 4-150-92: Process automation systems. Integrated norms of consumption of materials and products
RM 4-206-95: Automation systems. Specification of equipment, products and materials. Directions for implementation. Allowance to GOST 21.110-95
RM 4-264-92: Automation systems. Recommendations for the design of steel structures for wiring and installation of automation equipment
RM 4-59-95: Automation systems. Composition, design and completion of working documentation
RM 4-6-92: Process automation systems. Design of electrical and pipe wiring. Part 3. Guidelines for the implementation of the documentation. Allowance for RTM 36.22.7-92
SNiP 3.05.07-85: Automated systems
TU 14-3-1128-2000: Seamless hot-deformed steel pipes for gas pipelines of gas-lift systems and gas field equipment. Technical conditions
TU 6-19-215-83: Pipes for electrical wiring. Smooth unplasticized polyvinyl chloride. Technical conditions
The Document is Referenced By:
IM 4-12-95: Automation systems. Handbook of materials. Part 1. Basic materials
RM 4-206-95: Automation systems. Specification of equipment, products and materials. Directions for implementation. Allowance to GOST 21.110-95
SDA 34-2008: Requirements for testing laboratories of the energy safety subsystem
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