
Code 200-FZ

Кодекс 200-ФЗ

Forest Code of the Russian Federation

Лесной кодекс Российской Федерации

Status: Effective. According to the Federal Law of December 4, 2006 No. 201-ФЗ, the Code enters into force on January 1, 2007 and applies to relations arising after the day the enacted Federal Law enters into force.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Government of the Russian Federation, 12/4/2006

SKU: RUSS152991

Price: imgalt

The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Regulatory documents » Examination, state supervision »

PromExpert » SECTION V. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. NATURE USE » I Environmental-legal and economic-legal mechanisms for environmental protection » 1 Management infield of environmental protection and environmental management » 1.1 Fundamentals of Environmental Management »


ISO classifier » 13 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, HUMAN PROTECTION AGAINST ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT. SECURITY » 13.020 Environmental protection » 13.020.01 Environment and environmental protection in general »

ISO classifier » 65 AGRICULTURE » 65.020 Agriculture and forestry » 65.020.01 Agricultural production and forestry in general »

ISO classifier » 65 AGRICULTURE » 65.020 Agriculture and forestry » 65.020.40 Gardening and forestry »

The Document References:

Code 136-FZ: Land Code of the Russian Federation

Code 14-FZ: Civil Code of the Russian Federation (part two) (Articles 454 - 1109) (as amended on March 9, 2021)

Code 195-FZ: Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses

Decision 54: On approval of the Unified Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Unified Customs Tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union (as amended on December 23, 2020)

Federal Law 122-FZ: Government Registration of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions Involving Real Estate

Federal Law 129-FZ: On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs

Federal Law 149-FZ: About information, information technology and information protection

Federal Law 209-FZ: Geodesy and Cartography

Federal Law 218-FZ: About state registration of real estate

Federal Law 221-FZ: About cadastral activities

Federal Law 294-FZ: On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the implementation of state control (supervision) and municipal control

Federal Law 33-FZ: About Specially Protected Natural Areas

Federal Law 340-FZ: On Amending the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation

Federal Law 39-FZ: Investment Activity in the Russian Federation in the Form of Capital Investments

Federal Law 431-FZ: On geodesy, cartography and spatial data and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation

Federal Law 600-FZ: On Amendments to the Forest Code of the Russian Federation

Federal Law 68-FZ: Protection of the Public and Territories from Natural and Manmade Emergencies

Federal Law 69-FZ: Fire Safety

Federal Law 77-FZ: About the required copy of documents

Federal Law 7-FZ: Environmental Protection

Federal Law 82-FZ: On the minimum wage

OK 034-2007: (All-Russia Classifier of Products by Economic Activities OKPD. Vol. 1. Classes 01-23 (Amended N 1-5)

The Document is Referenced By:

Code 136-FZ: Land Code of the Russian Federation

Code 145-FZ: Budget Code of the Russian Federation

Decree 1409: On approval of the methodology for calculating the target indicators of annual reduction of forest fires on forest lands for the subjects of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030

Decree 800: Rules for land reclamation and conservation

Directive 1083-r: On approval of the maximum (maximum and (or) minimum) parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 21 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation objects of capital construction, with the exception of linear objects

Directive 730-r: On the list of machines (including self-propelled machines, other types of machinery) and (or) equipment intended for felling forest plantations, as well as for transportation of timber from the forest

Disposition 724-r: The list of documents and (or) information requested and received within the framework of interdepartmental information exchange by state control (supervision) bodies, municipal control bodies when organizing and conducting inspections from other state bodies, local governments or organizations subordinate to state bodies or local governments, which have these documents and (or) information

Federal Law 108-FZ: On the preparation and holding in the Russian Federation of the FIFA 2018 World Cup, the FIFA 2017 Confederations Cup, the UEFA 2020 European Football Championship and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation

Federal Law 131-FZ: On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation

Federal Law 148-FZ: On aquaculture (fish farming) and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation

Federal Law 201-FZ: On the entry into force of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation

Federal Law 218-FZ: About state registration of real estate

Federal Law 221-FZ: About cadastral activities

Federal Law 310-FZ: On the organization and holding of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and the XI Paralympic Winter Games of 2014 in Sochi, the development of Sochi as a mountain-climatic resort and the amendment of certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation

Federal Law 340-FZ: On Amending the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation

Federal Law 384-FZ: On the federal budget for 2015 and for the planning period of 2016 and 2017

Federal Law 44-FZ: About the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to ensure state and municipal needs

Federal Law 473-FZ: On territories of advanced social and economic development in the Russian Federation

Federal Law 600-FZ: On Amendments to the Forest Code of the Russian Federation

Federal Law 69-FZ: Fire Safety

Federal Law 73-FZ: On objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation

Federal Law 7-FZ: Environmental Protection

GOST R 22.11.06-2014: Safety in emergencies. Life safety of population in radioactive nuclide contaminated areas. Safe use of forests and forest lands of other categories. General requirements

GOST R 55005-2012: Renewable power engineering. Geothermal power plants. Safety requirements under operation

GOST R 57446-2017: Best available techniques. Disturbed lands reclamation. Restoration of biological diversity

GOST R 57447-2017: Best available techniques. Reclamation of lands contaminated with oil and oil products. Basis principles

GOST R 57938-2017: Forestry. Terms and definitions

GOST R 57955-2017: Buildings and facilities for oil and gas producing industries. Design standards

GOST R 58003-2017: Forest management and forest use. Certification requirements

GOST R 58004-2017: Reforestation. Specificаtions

GOST R 58148-2018: Opencast diamond development in cryolithozone. Design requirements

GOST R 58329-2018: Rules for the operation of main condensate pipelines and product pipelines

GOST R 58367-2019: Arrangement of oil fields on land. Technological design

GOST R 58737-2019: Places of rest on water bodies. General Provisions

GOST R 58818-2020: Automobile roads with low traffic intensity. Design, construction and calculation

GOST R 70321.5-2022: Artificial intelligence technologies for processing remote sensing data. Artificial intelligence algorithms for determining the characteristics of tree and shrub vegetation on space images obtained from optical-electronic surveillance satellites. Standard test methodology

Instruction 1989-r: Development strategy of the forestry complex of the Russian Federation

Instruction 312-r: On approval of the Strategy for the development of the forestry complex of the Russian Federation until 2030

Letter 04-16-42/3630: On the provision of a position on the formation of the forest area in order to place a linear facility

Letter 16-29/24978: About sending information

Letter 21-50/6425-OG: On clarifying the status of a regulatory legal act

Letter AB-03-54/12668: On the provision of parts of forest plots for the use of forests for geological exploration of mineral resources, development of mineral deposits, placement of linear objects and structures, which are their integral part

Letter AB-03-54/12668: On the provision of parts of forest plots for the use of forests for geological exploration of mineral resources, development of mineral deposits, placement of linear objects and structures, which are their integral part

Letter AV-03-54/1800: On clarification of changes made to Article 70.1 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation

Letter IS-06-54/6021: About clarification

Letter IS-55-54/6687: On the creation of forestry units on lands of settlements occupied by urban forests

Letter VS-04-54/2235: Clarifications on the order of execution of electronic accompanying documents for transportation of timber

Letter VS-04-54/26639: Clarification of Article 50.4-1 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation

Letter VS-04-54/836: About how to fill out the EDS

MGSN 1.01-97: Part 1: Interim Urban Development Code of the City of Moscow

MRR Collection of basic prices for the development of measures for environmental protection, carried out with the involvement of the budget of the city of Moscow

MRR 6.1-16: Environmental Protection Measures

ODM 218.2.017-2011: Guidelines Design, construction and operation of roads with low traffic

ODM 218.2.045-2014: Recommendations for the Design of Forest Snow Retaining Plantations along Highways

ODM 218.3.052-2015: Guidelines for the preparation of the territory for the construction and reconstruction of general purpose roads of federal significance

OK 037-2022: All-Russian classifier of environmental protection and natural resources management activities

Order 1014: On approval of the Rules of forest regeneration, forest regeneration project composition, procedure of forest regeneration project development and amendments thereto

Order 1044: Attribution of the forests on the territory of the Gatchina forestry unit of the Leningrad region to the protective forests, exploitable forests and establishment of their borders and introduction of amendments into the decree of the Federal Forestry Agency dated 20.02.2009 N 48

Order 1057: Attribution of forests in the territory of the Bogorodskoye district forestry unit of the Nizhniy Novgorod region to the protective forests and operational forests and determination of their borders and invalidation of the appendix 1 to the decree of the Federal Forestry Agency dated 26.04.2010 N 151

Order 1148: On the attribution of forests on the territory of Bogorodsky district, Kstovsky district, Lyskovsky interdistrict, Sergachsky interdistrict forestries of Nizhny Novgorod region to protective forests and establishment of their borders and on introduction of amendments to Annex 4 to the order of the Federal Forestry Agency of 23.04.2019 N 555, Annex 3 to the order of the Federal Forestry Agency of 28.06.2019 N 841, Annex 1 to the order of the Federal Forestry Agency of 01.12.2020 N 1102

Order 122: Forest management instruction

Order 191: Unified forms of transportation documents for cargo transportation by rail

Order 191: Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources to provide the public service of issuing permits (administrative licenses) for the circulation of wild animals belonging to species listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation

Order 191: Administrative regulations for the execution by the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources of the state function to carry out federal state environmental oversight

Order 214: Features of the use, protection, protection, reproduction of forests located in forest park green belts

Order 223: Rules for the use of scaffolding for construction, reconstruction, operation of linear objects

Order 303: On approval of the forest declaration form, the procedure for filling and submitting it, requirements for the format of the forest declaration in electronic form

Order 319: On approval of the Procedure for preparing and concluding a lease agreement for a forest plot owned by state or municipal property, and the Form for an approximate lease agreement for a forest plot

Order 319: On approval of the Procedure for preparing and concluding a lease agreement for a forest plot owned by state or municipal property, and the Form for an approximate lease agreement for a forest plot

Order 325: Methodical instructions for power supply, selection and testing of electrical devices, cables and relay protection devices in local networks of coal mines (mines) with a voltage of 3300 V

Order 325: Rules for the harvesting and collection of non-timber forest resources

Order 367: On approval of the List of forest growing zones of the Russian Federation and the List of forest regions of the Russian Federation

Order 468: On approval of the list of information included in the report on the protection of forests from pollution and other negative impacts, the form and procedure for submitting a report on the protection of forests from pollution and other negative impacts, as well as requirements for the format of the report on the protection of forests from pollution and other negative impacts in electronic form

Order 470: Rules for the implementation of measures to prevent the spread of harmful organisms

Order 504: On approval of lists of legal acts and their individual parts (provisions) containing mandatory requirements, compliance with which is assessed when the Federal Forestry Agency conducts state control (supervision) measures

Order 510: Rules for the use of forests for the cultivation of forest fruit, berry, ornamental plants, medicinal plants

Order 510: On the approval of the composition and structure of documented information on the state of the environment and its pollution, the procedure for its acquisition, accounting, storage and use, as well as the procedure for the creation and maintenance of the Unified State Data Fund on the State of the Environment and Its Pollution

Order 511: On approval of federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Safety rules for hazardous production facilities of underground gas storage facilities"

Order 511: Rules for harvesting food forest resources and collecting medicinal plants

Order 516: Forest management instruction

Order 516: On approval of the Methodology for determining the amount of harm that can be caused to the life, health of individuals, property of individuals and legal entities as a result of an accident at a hydraulic structure (with the exception of navigable and port hydraulic structures)

Order 528: On approval of federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Rules for the safe conduct of gas hazardous, hot and repair work"

Order 528: On recognizing as invalid the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of November 23, 2016 N 359 "On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport, the provision of state services for issuing permits from the competent authority for the transport of dangerous goods, for assigning hazardous substances and products to numbers UN, on the use of the shipping name and classification code of dangerous substances and articles, as well as on the use of containers for the carriage of dangerous goods by road, containing the conditions for the carriage of dangerous goods "

Order 528: Rules for the use of forests for the processing of wood and other forest resources

Order 528/143: Methodology for determining the amount of harm that may be caused to life, health of individuals, property of individuals and legal entities as a result of an accident at the SGTS

Order 547: Establishing the boundaries of the protection zone of the Pechora-Ilych State Nature Biosphere Reserve and approval of the Regulations on this protection zone

Order 548: Rules for the use of forests for the implementation of research activities, educational activities

Order 555: Concerning the establishment of borders of lesnichestvos in Nizhny Novgorod region, ascribing forests to protective and exploitable forests and establishing their boundaries, invalidating certain provisions of the Federal Forestry Agency orders dated 09.10.2008 N 289, dated 26.04.2010 N 151 and amending the Federal Forestry Agency order dated 26.04.2010 N 151

Order 555: On introduction of changes to the information on the approved types of measuring instruments

Order 565: On approval of the forms, content and procedure for reporting on the implementation by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of the transferred powers of the Russian Federation in the field of forest relations

Order 572: On approval of the procedure for operation of special software specified in Part 6 of Article 19 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, and the order of access to it

Order 589: On the approval of the form, composition of information, requirements for the preparation of an electronic report on wood that goes to the object of the wood processing infrastructure, wood that is processed, wood processing products

Order 608: On approval of the norms of provision of the subject of the Russian Federation with machinery and equipment necessary for forest patrolling

Order 614: On approval of the Procedure for familiarization with the documents of the application for the grant of a patent for an invention, utility model, industrial design and the issuance of copies of such documents, the application form for familiarization with the documents of the application for the grant of a patent for an invention, utility model, industrial design and the issuance of copies of such documents (as amended on October 20, 2016) (invalidated from 08/23/2021 on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated 06/03/2021 N 306)

Order 614: On the approval of the Methodology for calculating the indicator "The ratio of the area of ​​reforestation and afforestation to the area of ​​felled and dead forest plantations" of the federal project "Conservation of forests" of the national project "Ecology" and the recognition as invalid of the orders of the Federal Forestry Agency of March 28, 2019 N 471 and of January 25 2021 N 20

Order 62: Rules for the use of forests for recreational activities

Order 654: On introduction of changes to the information on the approved types of measuring instruments

Order 654: On approval of the Statute of the State Nature Reserve "Utrish

Order 686: On Approval of the Procedure for State Forest Inventory

Order 692: On the approval of the standard form and composition of the forest plan of the subject of the Russian Federation, the procedure for its preparation and amendment

Order 693: On approval of model leases for forest plots

Order 741: On approval of the Regulation on the Kytalyk National Park

Order 742: On approval of the Rules of forest use for fisheries

Order 751: Amendments to the Order of the Federal Forestry Agency No. 257 dated 23.07.2014 "On Attributing Forests in the Tyumen Region to Protected Forests, Operational Forests and Establishing their Boundaries" and Allocation of Specially Protected Forest Landscapes in the Uvat Forestry of the Tyumen Region and Establishing their Boundaries

Order 755: On certification of experts involved by the Federal Forestry Agency (a territorial body of the Federal Forestry Agency) to conduct monitoring activities

Order 770: On attributing forests on the territory of the Gorodets inter-district forestry area of Nizhny Novgorod region to protective forests and establishing their boundaries and on introducing amendments to Annex 9 to the order of the Federal Forestry Agency of 26.04.2010 N 151 and Annex 2 to the order of the Federal Forestry Agency of 23.04.2019 N 555

Order 814: On attributing forests on the territory of the Arzamas inter-district forestry area of Nizhny Novgorod region to protective forests and establishing their boundaries and on amending Annex 2 to the order of the Federal Forestry Agency dated 23.04.2019 N 555

Order 825: On Amendments to the Order of Forest Protection, approved by Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation on December 15, 2021 N 955, and the recognition as invalid of the orders of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation on January 21, 2014 N 21 and April 12, 2016. N 234

Order 84: On standard-setting activities at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation

Order 843: On amendments to the appendices to the order of the Federal Forestry Agency of February 22, 2022 N 76

Order 874: On Approval of the Regulations on the Samursky National Park

Order 901/926: On approval of the model regulations on the interdepartmental commission to review applications for the use of land for the use, protection, conservation and reproduction of forests located on agricultural land

Order 924: Attribution of the forests on the territory of the Aikinsky lesnichestvo of the Komi Republic to the exploitable forests and determination of their borders and introduction of amendments into the annex 26 to the Decree of the Federal Forestry Agency No.109 of 31.03.2009.

Order 955: On approval of types of measuring instruments

Order 955: On approval of the Order and Norms of forest protection

Order 958: On approval of the Methodological recommendations in the form of a model Administrative Regulations for the provision of public authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, exercising the delegated powers of the Russian Federation in the field of forest relations, the state service to receive forest declarations and reports on forest use from citizens and legal entities engaged in the use of forests

Order 962: Attribution of forests in the territory of the Ukhta forestry unit of the Komi Republic to the protective forests and exploitable forests and determination of their borders and introduction of changes into Attachment 31 to the Decree of the Federal Forestry Agency No. 109 dd. 31.03.2009.

Order 981: On Approval of the Procedure of Preparation and Adoption of the Document on Approval of the Limit of Hunting Resources Production, on Introduction of Amendments to it and Requirements for its Content and Composition (as amended on March 9, 2021)

Order 981: Approval of the Statute of the Caucasus State Natural Biosphere Reserve

Order 985: On the attribution of forests on the territory of Zelenodolsky and Prigorodny forestries of the Republic of Tatarstan to protective forests and the establishment of their boundaries and on making changes to Appendix 25 to the order of the Federal Forestry Agency from 16.06.2010 N 232 and Appendix 3 to the order of the Federal Forestry Agency from 20.06.2019 N 786

Order 99: On the approval of the Methods for calculating the indicators of the federal project "Preservation of forests" of the national project "Ecology" "Stock of seeds of forest plants for reforestation and afforestation" and "Area of ​​reforestation and afforestation"

Order MKJe-OD/20-50: Collection 9.15 "State historical and cultural expertise. MPR-9.15-20"

Order P/0315: On approval of the procedure for state monitoring of land, except for agricultural land

Order P/0336: On approval of the Methodological instructions on the state cadastral valuation

Ordinance 2894-r: On approval of the list of information to be entered in the state forest registry by state authorities, local authorities authorized in accordance with Articles 81-84 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation to make appropriate decisions, review documents and the list of documents to be placed in the state forest registry by state authorities, local authorities authorized in accordance with Articles 81-84 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation to make appropriate

PNST 756-2022: Environmental protection. Recommendations on formation of environmental safety and environmental protection requirements

PNST 774-2022: Security in emergency situations. Safe City. Forecasting of forest fires. General requirements.

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.8. Acceptance Test Standards (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 4.1. Switchgears up to 1 kV AC and up to 1.5 kV DC (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.1 General (Seventh Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.2 Electricity supply and electrical networks (Seventh edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.7 Grounding and Electrical Safety Precautions (Seven Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.9 Insulation of electrical installations (Seventh edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 7.6 Electric Welding Machines (Seven Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 7.10. Electrolysis Plants and Plating Plants (Seventh Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.1. General part (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.2. Electricity supply and electrical networks (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.3. Selection of conductors by heating, economic current density and by corona conditions (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.4. Selection of electrical devices and conductors for short circuit conditions (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.5. Electricity metering (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.6. Electrical Measurements (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.7. Grounding and Electrical Safety Precautions (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 2.1. Electrical Wiring (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 2.2. Busducts up to 35 kV (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 2.3. Cable lines with voltage up to 220 kV (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 2.4. Overhead power lines with voltage up to 1 kV (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 2.5. Overhead power lines with voltage above 1 kV (Beginning) (with Amendments and additions) (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 3.1. Protection of electrical networks with voltage up to 1 kV (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 3.2. Relay Protection (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 3.3. Automation and telemechanics (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 3.4. Secondary Circuits (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 4.2. Switchgears and substations with voltages above 1 kV (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 4.3. Converter substations and installations (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 4.4. Battery Units (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 5.1. Electrical machine rooms (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 5.2. Generators and Synchronous Compensators (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 5.3. Electric motors and their switching devices (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 5.4. Crane Electrical Equipment (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 5.5. Elevator Electrical Equipment (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 5.6. Condensing Units (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 6.1. General part (Seventh edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 7.1. Electrical equipment of residential, public, administrative and domestic buildings (Seventh edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 6.2. Interior lighting (seventh edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 6.3. Outdoor lighting (Seventh edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 6.4. Advertising Lighting (Seventh Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 6.5. Lighting fixtures, installation devices (Seventh edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 7.2. Electrical installations of entertainment enterprises, clubs and sports facilities (Seventh edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 7.3. Electrical Installations in Hazardous Areas (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 7.4. Electrical Installations in Fire Hazardous Zones (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 7.5. Electrothermal Plants (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 7.6. Electric welding machines (sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 7.7. Peat electrical installations (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 2.5. Overhead power lines with voltages above 1 kV (End) (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Applications

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 6.6. Lighting devices and wiring devices (Seventh edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 6.1. General part (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 6.2. Interior lighting (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 6.3. Outdoor Lighting (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 6.4. Advertising Lighting (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 6.5. Lighting fixtures, installation devices (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 7.1. Electrical Equipment for Residential and Public Buildings (Sixth Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 7.2. Electrical equipment for entertainment enterprises, clubs and sports facilities (Sixth edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 2.4. Overhead power lines with voltage up to 1 kV (Seventh edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 2.5. Overhead power lines with voltage above 1 kV (Seventh edition) (with Amendment)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 4.1. Switchgears up to 1 kV AC and up to 1.5 kV DC (Seventh Edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 4.2. Switchgears and substations with voltages above 1 kV (Seventh edition)

PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.8. Acceptance test standards (Seventh edition)

RD 153-34.3-20.662-98: Model Guidelines for Maintenance of and Repair of Overhead Electric Power Transmission Lines at Voltage of 0.38-20 kV with Uninsulated Conductors

RD 39-133-94: Instructions for protecting the environment during onshore oil and gas well construction

Regulation 279: On information support for urban development

Regulation 377: On approval of the Rules for the development and approval of the plan for extinguishing forest fires and its form

Resolution 1071: On approval of republican norms of town-planning design of the Republic of Tatarstan

Resolution 1089-PP: The procedure for the preparation, coordination and approval of the territory delineation projects prepared in the form of a separate document in the city of Moscow

Resolution 1098: On federal state forest control (supervision)

Resolution 1099: On federal state supervision in the field of transportation, storage of wood, production of wood processing products and accounting for transactions with them

Resolution 1112: On the approval of the Rules for conducting an administrative survey of forests

Resolution 1348: On Amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2021 N 2490

Resolution 1509: On Peculiarities of Use, Protection, Protection, Reproduction of Forests Located on Agricultural Land

Resolution 1525: Rules of timber accounting

Resolution 160: Rules for establishing protective zones for electric grid facilities and special conditions for the use of land plots located within the boundaries of such zones

Resolution 166: Preparation and approval of the forest inventory plan

Resolution 1696: On the accompanying document for the transportation of timber (ceased to be in force from 01.01.2022 on the basis of Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.12.2021 N 2214)

Resolution 1748: On approval of the Rules of entering information and placing documents in the state forest registry by public authorities, local authorities authorized in accordance with Articles 81-84 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation to make appropriate decisions, review documents, and requirements for the format of such documents in electronic form

Resolution 190: On priority investment projects in the field of forest development and on changing and revoking some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation

Resolution 1944: On the procedure of interdepartmental information interaction in the maintenance of the state forestry register

Resolution 2017: On approval of requirements for the location and characteristics of timber yards

Resolution 2128: On the procedure for determining the characteristics of timber and timber accounting

Resolution 2214: About approval of the form of electronic accompanying document for transportation of timber and its products, composition of data, included to the electronic accompanying document for transportation of timber and its products, also about requirements to the format and filling order of the electronic accompanying document for transportation of timber and its products and about annulment of the Government decree of the Russian Federation dated October 16, 2020 N 1696

Resolution 2490: On approval of the exhaustive list of documents, information, materials and approvals provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and required for implementation of the measures provided for by parts 3-7 of article 5_2 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation when implementing a project to build a capital construction facility, and the repeal of certain acts and certain provisions of certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation

Resolution 2524: On certain powers of the Federal Forestry Agency in the field of forest relations

Resolution 353: Rules for the provision of wire broadcasting communication services

Resolution 353: On the peculiarities of permissive activities in the Russian Federation in 2022

Resolution 417: Fire safety rules in forests

Resolution 426: Regulation on Federal State Environmental Supervision

Resolution 566: Rules of carrying out works on reforestation or afforestation by persons using forests in accordance with Articles 43-46 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation and by persons who have applied with a petition or an application to change the designated use of a forest area.

Resolution 571: On the accompanying document for the transportation of timber (ceased to be in force from 01.01.2021 on the basis of Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 28.07.2020 N 1132)

Resolution 607: Sanitary safety rules in forests

Resolution 897: On approval of the Rules of the implementation of reforestation or afforestation in the case stipulated by part 4 of Article 63_1 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, to repeal the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2019 N 566 and amend the list of normative legal acts and groups of normative legal acts of the Russian Federation Government, normative legal acts, certain provisions of normative legal acts and groups of normative legal acts of federal executive bodies, legal acts

SO 153-34.20.186-2003: Recommendations for technological design of overhead power lines of 35 kV and above

SP 151.13330.2012: Engineering site investigations for nuclear power plants construction

SP 243.1326000.2015: Design and construction of low-volume roads

SP 284.1325800.2016: Instructions for design, construction and redesign of field oil and gas pipelines

SP 288.1325800.2016: Forest roads. Rules of design and construction

SP 312.1325800.2017: Internal roads of rural settlements. Service regulation

SP 313.1325800.2017: Roads in eternal permafrost regions. Rules of design and construction

SP 318.1325800.2017: Forest roads. Service regulation

SP 393.1325800.2018: Pipelines trunk and field for oil and gas. Organization of construction production

SP 42.13330.2011: Urban development. Urban and rural planning and development

SP 42.13330.2016: Urban development. Urban and rural planning and development

SP 431.1325800.2019: Industrial automobile roads. Rules for design and construction in the Arctic zone

SP 47.13330.2016: Engineering survey for construction. Basic principles

SP 475.1325800.2020: Parks. The rules of urban planning and landscaping

SP 53.13330.2019: Planning and development of the territory of citizens conducting gardening. Buildings and constructions

SP 81.13330.2017: The reclamation systems and construction

SP 86.13330.2014: Main (Trunk) pipelines

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