
MI 2881-2004

МИ 2881-2004

Recommendation. GSE. Methods of quantitative chemical analysis. Procedures for testing the acceptability of analysis

Рекомендация. ГСИ. Методики количественного химического анализа. Процедуры проверки приемлемости результатов анализа

Status: Effective - Introduced for the first time

The recommendation applies to methods of quantitative chemical analysis, certified in accordance with GOST R 8.563 with the established values of repeatability and reproducibility indicators, and contains procedures for checking the acceptability of: results of a single analysis (parallel definitions) of working samples obtained under repeatability conditions; results of analysis of working samples obtained in reproducible conditions.

Рекомендация распространяется на методики количественного химического анализа, аттестованные в соответствии с ГОСТ Р 8.563 с установленными значениями показателей повторяемости и воспроизводимости, и содержит процедуры проверки приемлемости: результатов единичного анализа (параллельных определений) рабочих проб, получаемых в условиях повторяемости; результатов анализа рабочих проб, получаемых в условиях воспроизводимости.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: FSUE UNIIM, 6/20/2004

SKU: RUSS154291

Price: $423.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

PromExpert » SECTION II. METROLOGICAL » I Organizational and technical bases of metrological support » 1 Organization and management of metrological support » 1.2 Organization of activities of metrological services »

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » V Testing and control » 3 Activities of testing laboratories » 3.1 Basic requirements for testing laboratories and their activities »

ISO classifier » 17 METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENTS. PHYSICAL PHENOMENA » 17.020 Metrology and measurements in general »

The Document References:

GOST R 8.563-96: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Procedures of measurements

GOST R ISO 5725-1-2002: Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results. Part 1. General principles and definitions

GOST R ISO 5725-6-2002: Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results. Part 6. Use in practice of accuracy values

MI 2335-2003: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Internal quality control of quantitative chemical analysis results

MI 2336-2002: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Indicators of accuracy, accuracy, precision of methods for quantitative chemical analysis. Assessment methods

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PND F 14.1:2.230-06: Measurement of mass concentrations of acrylic acid nitrile and acetaldehyde in natural and waste waters using gas chromatography.

PND F 14.1:2:4.177-02: Quantitative chemical analysis of water. Methods for measuring the mass concentration of phenol in drinking, natural and waste water samples by gas-liquid chromatography

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PND F T 14.1:2:3:4.10-2004: Toxicological methods of analysis. Methods for determining the toxicity of drinking, natural and waste waters, water extracts from the soil, sewage sludge and production and consumption waste by changing the optical density of the chlorella algae culture

R 50.2.090-2013: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Quantitative chemical analysis procedures. General requirements for development, certification and application

RD 52.18.750-2010: Mass concentration of phenols in waters. Measurement technique by high performance liquid chromatography using solid phase extraction. NGO "Typhoon"

RD 52.24.358-2019: Mass concentration of total iron and gross iron in waters. Measurement procedure with the photometric method with 1,10-phenanthroline

RD 52.24.360-2008: Mass concentration of fluoride in water. Measurement technique using potentiometric method with ion-indicating electrode.

RD 52.24.367-2010: Mass concentration of nitrates in waters. Methods for measuring by potentiometric method with ion-selective electrode

RD 52.24.373-2009: Mass concentration of zinc in waters. Measurement technique by the inversion voltamperometric method

RD 52.24.377-2008: The mass concentration of Aluminium, beryllium, vanadium, iron, cadmium, cobalt, manganese, copper, molybdenum, nickel, lead, silver, chromium and zinc in water. Methods of measurement by atomic absorption with a direct electrothermal atomization of samples.

RD 52.24.380-2017: Mass concentration of nitrate nitrogen in waters. Measurement technique by photometric method with Griess reagent after reduction in cadmium reducer

RD 52.24.381-2017: Mass concentration of nitrite nitrogen in water. Measurement procedure by photometric method with Griss reagent

RD 52.24.382-2019: Mass concentration of phosphate phosphorus in water. Photometric Measurement Method

RD 52.24.383-2018: Mass concentration of ammonia nitrogen in water. Measurement procedure by the photometric method in the form of indophenol blue

RD 52.24.387-2019: Mass concentration of total phosphorus and total phosphorus in waters. Measurement procedure by photometric method after oxidation with potassium persulfate

RD 52.24.389-2011: Mass concentration of boron in waters. The method of measurement using photometric method with azomethine-ASH

RD 52.24.390-2009: Mass concentration of xanthates in waters. Measurement Technique by Extraction-Photometric Method

RD 52.24.394-2012: Mass concentration of ammonium nitrogen in waters. Measurement technique by potentiometric method with ion-selective electrodes

RD 52.24.395-2017: Hardness of water. Measurement procedure by the titrimetric method with trilon B

RD 52.24.401-2018: Mass concentration of sulfates in water. Measurement procedure with lead nitrate titrimetric method

RD 52.24.402-2011: Mass concentration of chlorides in waters. Measurement Technique by Mercurimetric Method

RD 52.24.403-2018: Mass concentration of calcium ions in waters. Measurement technique using the trilon B titrimetric method

RD 52.24.405-2018: Mass concentration of sulfates in water. Measurement procedure by turbidimetric method

RD 52.24.406-2018: Mass concentration of sulfates in water. Measurement procedure by titrimetric method with barium chloride

RD 52.24.407-2017: Mass concentration of chlorides in water. Method of measurement by argentometric method

RD 52.24.410-2011: Mass concentration of propazin, atrazin, simazin, prometrin in waters. The method of measurement by gas chromatography

RD 52.24.411-2009: Mass concentration of parathion-methyl, karbofos, dimethoate, fosalona in waters. The method of measurement by gas chromatography

RD 52.24.412-2009: Mass concentration of hexachlorobenzene, alpha-, beta- and gamma-HCCH, dicofol, dihydroheptachlor, 4, 4'-DDT, 4, 4'-DDE, 4, 4'-DDD, trifluralin in waters. The method of measurement by gas chromatography

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RD 52.24.414-2012: Mass concentration of propanil and its metabolite 3, 4-dichloraniline in waters. The method of measurement by gas chromatography

RD 52.24.416-2010: Mass concentration of molybdenum in waters. Measurement technique by the inversion voltamperometric method

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RD 52.24.420-2006: Biochemical oxygen demand in waters. Measurement method using the bottle method

RD 52.24.420-2019: Biochemical oxygen consumption in waters. Measurement procedure by titrimetric and amperometric methods

RD 52.24.421-2012: Chemical oxygen consumption in waters. Measurement method titrimetric method

RD 52.24.423-2022: Mass concentration of methanol in waters. Methods of measurement by photometric method with chromotropic acid

RD 52.24.427-2013: Mass concentration of zinc, copper, iron, manganese and nickel in water. AAS measurement technique with atomization in flame

RD 52.24.428-2009: Mass concentration of total chromium and chromium (VI) in waters, measurement procedure using the inversion voltammetric method

RD 52.24.432-2018: Mass concentration of silicon in waters. Photometric measurement technique in the form of a blue (reduced) form of molybdosilicic acid

RD 52.24.433-2018: Mass concentration of silicon in waters. Measurement technique by photometric method in the form of a yellow form of molybdosilic acid

RD 52.24.435-2008: Mass concentration of copper in water. Methods of measuring the photometric method with 8, 8 '-dihinolildisulfidom

RD 52.24.436-2011: Mass concentration of cadmium in waters. Measurement technique photometric method with kadion

RD 52.24.438-2011: Mass concentration of MCPA and 2, 4-D in waters. Measurement method gas chromatography

RD 52.24.448-2009: Mass concentration of lead in waters. Methods for measuring by photometric method with hexaoxacycloazochrome

RD 52.24.450-2010: Mass concentration of hydrogen sulfide and sulfides in waters. Methods of measurement using photometric method with N, N-dimethyl-n-phenylenediamine

RD 52.24.452-2011: Mass concentration of dithiophosphates in waters. Measurement technique by extraction-photometric method

RD 52.24.459-2012: Mass concentration of eptam, molinata, triallate, thiobencarb in waters. Measurement method gas chromatography

RD 52.24.464-2011: Mass concentration of zinc in waters. Methods of measurement using densitometric method with reactive indicator paper

RD 52.24.465-2011: Mass concentration of copper in waters. Methods of measurement using densitometric method with reactive indicator paper

RD 52.24.466-2011: Mass concentration of total iron in waters. Measurement technique by densitometric method with reactive indicator paper

RD 52.24.468-2019: Mass concentration of suspended solids and solids in water. Gravimetric measurement procedure

RD 52.24.470-2014: Mass concentration of calcium and magnesium in waters. Measurement technique flame atomic absorption method

RD 52.24.472-2012: Mass concentration of hloridazona in waters. Measurement method gas chromatography

RD 52.24.473-2012: Mass concentration of volatile aromatic hydrocarbons in waters. Measurement technique by gas chromatography using equilibrium vapor analysis

RD 52.24.482-2012: Mass concentration of volatile chlorine substituted hydrocarbons in waters. Measurement technique by gas chromatography using equilibrium vapor analysis

RD 52.24.484-2012: Mass concentration of phenmedifam in the waters. Measurement method gas chromatography

RD 52.24.485-2012: Mass concentration of chlorpyrifos in waters. Measurement method gas chromatography

RD 52.24.486-2009: Mass concentration of ammonia and ammonium ions in waters. The method of measurement using the photometric method with Nessler's reagent

RD 52.24.487-2011: Mass concentration of phenol, alkylphenols and monochlorophenols in waters. Measurement method gas chromatography

RD 52.24.493-2020: Mass concentration of hydrocarbons and alkalinity of natural waters. Measurement procedure by titrimetric method

RD 52.24.495-2017: Hydrogen indicator of waters. Measurement procedure by potentiometric method

RD 52.24.504-2010: Mass concentration of fats in the waters. Measurement Technique by IR-Photometric Method

RD 52.24.505-2010: Mass fraction of oil components in bottom sediments. The method of measurement with the identification of their composition and origin of IR-photometric, luminescent and gas chromatographic methods

RD 52.24.506-2009: Mass concentration of acetone in waters. The method of measurement by gas chromatography

RD 52.24.507-2012: Mass concentration of di- and polychlorophenols in waters. Measurement method gas chromatographic method. Hydrochemical Institute (GHI)

RD 52.24.511-2013: Mass fraction of methane in bottom sediments. Measurement technique by gas chromatography using equilibrium vapor analysis

RD 52.24.512-2012: Volumetric concentration of methane in waters. Measurement technique by gas chromatography using equilibrium vapor analysis

RD 52.24.513-2014: Mass fraction of 4-7 nuclear polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in bottom sediments. Measurement technique by the luminescence method using thin-layer chromatography. Hydrochemical Institute (GHI)

RD 52.24.515-2019: Mass concentration of carbon dioxide in water. Measurement procedure by titrimetric and calculation methods

RD 52.24.519-2011: Mass concentration of cyanides and thiocyanates in waters. Methods of measurement by photometric method with barbituric (thiobarbituric) acid

RD 52.24.520-2011: Mass concentration of cyanides in waters. Methods for making measurements by the photometric method with nicotinamide

RD 52.24.521-2009: Mass concentration of iron (II) in waters. Methods for measuring by photometric method with 1, 10-phenanthroline. Hydrochemical Institute (GHI)

RD 52.24.522-2009: Mass concentration of total chromium in the waters. The method of measurement using photometric method with diphenylcarbazide

RD 52.24.523-2009: Mass concentration of nitrates in waters. Methods for measuring by photometric method with sulfanilamide and N- (1-naphthyl) ethylenediamine dihydrochloride after reduction in a cadmium reducer

RD 52.24.524-2009: Mass concentration of carbonates in waters. Titrimetric Measurement Technique

RD 52.24.525-2011: Mass fraction of sulfide sulfur in bottom sediments. The method of measurement using photometric method with N, N-dimethyl-n-phenylenediamine. Hydrochemical Institute (GHI)

RD 52.24.526-2012: Mass concentration of arsenic in waters. Measurement by atomic absorption method

RD 52.24.528-2012: Mass concentration of nitrates in waters. Measurement technique by photometric method with sulfanilamide and N- (1-naphthyl) ethylenediamine dihydrochloride after reduction with hydrazine sulfate

RD 52.24.529-2013: Mass concentration of polychlorophenols in waters. Measurement technique by gas chromatography after derivatization with monochloroacetic acid anhydride. Hydrochemical Institute (GHI)

RD 52.24.530-2016: Mass concentration of ammonia nitrogen in water. Procedure of measurement by photometric method in the form of derivatives of indophenol with salicylate

RD 52.24.531-2016: Chemical oxygen consumption in water. Procedure of measurements by titration method with sample mineralization in a thermal reactor

RD 52.24.532-2016: Mass concentration of total nitrogen in water. Measurement procedure by spectrophotometric method with sample digestion in thermal reactor

RD 52.24.533-2017: Mass concentration of fluorides in water. Photometric measurement method with lanthanum-alizarin complexone in the presence of acetone

RD 52.24.534-2019: Mass fraction of iron, manganese, copper, nickel and zinc in bottom sediments. Atomic absorption measurement method using microwave sample processing

RD 52.24.535-2019: Mass fraction of cadmium, cobalt, lead and chromium in bottom sediments. Atomic absorption measurement method using microwave sample processing

RD 52.24.536-2019: Mass concentration of iron, cadmium, cobalt, manganese, copper, nickel, lead, chromium and zinc in suspended solids of water. Atomic absorption measurement method using microwave sample processing

RD 52.24.539-2022: Mass concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water. Measurement technique by high performance liquid chromatography with spectrofluorimetric detection

RD 52.44.588-2016: Mass concentration of organochlorine pesticides and the sum of polychlorbiphenyl isomers in air and precipitation samples. Method of measurement by gas-liquid chromatography

RD 52.44.589-2016: Mass concentration of priority components of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in atmospheric air samples. Measurement technique by high performance liquid chromatography

RD 52.44.590-2016: Mass concentration of priority components of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in samples of precipitation and surface water. Measurement technique by high performance liquid chromatography

RD 52.44.591-2015: Mass concentration of mercury in atmospheric air. Measurement procedure by cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry'

RD 52.44.593-2015: Mass concentration of heavy metals in atmospheric air. Measurement technique by atomic absorption spectrometry with flameless atomization

RD 52.44.594-2016: Mass concentration of heavy metals in precipitation and surface waters. Measurement technique by atomic absorption spectrometry with flameless atomization

RD 52.44.816-2015: Mass concentration of methane and carbon dioxide in the surface layer of atmospheric air. Gas Chromatography Measurement Technique

RMG 76-2004: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Internal control of quantitative chemical analysis result's accuracy

RMG 76-2014: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Internal control of quantitative chemical analysis result's accuracy

ST RK GOST R 52991-2010: Water. Methods for determination of total and dissolved organic carbon

TSN 23-350-2004: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for energy consumption and heat protection. Vologodskaya Oblast

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